"Music is a source of joy for wise people, it is able to evoke good thoughts in the people, it penetrates deeply into their consciousness and easily changes mores and customs" Xun Tzu (c. 313-c. 238 BC) "Music ennobles morals" Aristotle Music is one of the wonders created by chance by man, but it has become one of the greatest in nature. It is in everything and in everyone. In the whisper of the wind, in the chime of the rain, in the singing of birds and a human voice, in the violin and the drum. Musical culture is a special world that reflects both the history and the character of each individual nation. States arise and disappear, empires perish, seas dry up, and music lives on. Chinese culture is one of the oldest on our planet. Its diversity and contrasts attract the attention of the whole world. Although there were decadence, fragmentation, and brutal wars, Chinese culture has come down to us, preserving many ancient traditions. This is especially evident in the musical tradition. Chinese music is peculiar to the European ear, but this does not detract from its beauty. It was as if the sounds of nature and a human voice were intertwined in it. It is amazing how diverse the set of musical instruments made of wood, bamboo, leather, etc. is. The first mention of musical instruments in China dates back to the Shang (XVI-XI centuries BC) and Zhou (XI-VIII centuries BC) eras. According to documentary sources, there was already a well-developed musical tradition at that time. Among the Chinese national musical instruments, the most famous are: erhu, pipa, bamboo flute, bells (bianzhong), ancient Chinese harp (guqin), cymbals, gu zheng, domra, drums, etc. I want to introduce you to one of the most unique Chinese musical instruments - gu zheng. Gu zheng is a stringed plucked instrument about 160 cm long, 30 cm wide and 10 cm high. Its upper part is slightly concave. On it, approximately in the middle, pegs are installed, through which the strings are stretched. Inside, ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
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