UDC 392.91
A. K. Bustanov 1, S. N. Korusenko 2
1 University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
University of Amsterdam, Europese Studies Amsterdam 1012 VB, Spuistraat 134, the Netherlands
E-mail: alf_b@list.ru
2 Omsk Branch of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS
28 Andrianova St., Omsk, 644077, Russia
E-mail: tomil@omsu.ru
The subject of this study is the verification of original Arabic-language sources (genealogies) by comparing them with the materials of censuses among the Siberian Tatars of the XVIII-XIX centuries and modern genealogies. Using the example of one of the well-known families of Siberian Muslims, the Imyaminovs, with the involvement of a complex of sources, the article traces the history of the Bukharians, who developed Siberia from the XVI century and in the XVIII century became a special ethnic group, and in the XX century became part of the Siberian Tatars.
Key words: genealogies of Siberian Tatars, genealogy of Sayyids and Khojas, Siberian Bukharans.
Modern Tatars of Western Siberia are descendants of local Turkic-speaking groups, Tatars who migrated to the region from the Volga region and the Urals in the second half of the XIX century, as well as Bukharians from Central Asia, who began to actively settle the region during the reign of Kuchum in the last quarter of the XVI century. Initially, Bukharians were granted privileges in the field of trade and taxation. In the second half of the 18th century, Catherine II's decrees gave them the right to self-government, which led to the consolidation of the Bukharians as a special ethnic group. As a result of M. M. Speransky's reforms at the beginning of the 19th century, Bukharians lost almost all their privileges and found themselves equated to different classes depending on the type of activity (mostly settled foreigners, some part-to the merchant class). However, the management of affairs at the volost level in Tarsky Uyezd was preserved (the Bukhara volost was disbanded only in ...
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