Anatoly Zakharovich Yegorin-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the International Center "Russian-Arab Dialogue" of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of the national school for the study of the history of Libya. He has written about 450 scientific publications and 40 books. In the works of A. Z. Egorin devoted to the Middle East and North Africa region, you can find answers to many questions of today, see the historical perspective of current events. New work by A. Z. Egorin " The Arab East in the struggle for renewal (Libya, Egypt, Syria). Chronicle of Events, 2012-2013" (Moscow, IV RAS, 2014. 350 p.) introduces the reader to the most notable events in the region over the past two years. This collection is one of the few documentary sources in Russian devoted to the recent history of the Middle East and North Africa, which gives the reader the opportunity to follow - in "real time" - the development of the political, economic, and military situation in the region and outlines the main directions of the formation of states after the "Arab Spring" of 2011. The material in the book is organized in such a way as to draw the reader's attention both to the chronology of events (dated news reports from various news agencies) and to their historical and political significance (analytical articles). Despite the fact that the author's position on what is happening is obvious, it does not seem that the reader is being "pushed" to certain conclusions. Rather, the presented facts speak for themselves, arming the readership with information for reflection and inviting them to draw their own conclusions. Balanced structuring and objective presentation of the material contribute to the formation of the most complete picture of the situation in the region for those who are interested in this topic. It is worth noting that a similar construction is typical for the previous work of A. Z. Egorin - " The Overthrow of Muammar Gad ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн · 507 days ago 0 472
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
22.10.2023 (507 days ago)
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