Tula (1146). City, center of the Tula region. The name is given from the Tulitsa River (Tulka), on which it was founded. There are several assumptions about the origin of this name, which do not take into account the fact that the name originally referred to the river, and not to the village. From this comes the Baltic version given by V. A. Nikonov: from the Lithuanian tula "settlement in a new place, colonies" (Nikonov. Short toponymic dictionary). In addition, the Upa River flows nearby, whose name is probably of Baltic origin. M. Fasmer assumed that the toponym was formed from the dialect Tula "shelter, refuge", which Dahl considered Saratov. This meaning of the appellative Fasmer associated with the fact that the surrounding lands in the XVI century were called Tula Ukraine, i.e. the outskirts where you can hide, find a secret refuge (Fasmer. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian language, vol. IV). To explain the place name, go through the hydronym Tulitsa, Tulka (originally, probably, Tula. compare the rivers Penza-Penzyatka, Orel-Orlik, Mstera-Msterka, etc.). Near Tulitsa, the rivers Mokraya Tulitsa, Sinya Tulitsa, and Bolshaya Tulitsa were known. Repeating a hydronym is a sure sign that it is some kind of hydrographic term. There are reasons to associate it with the already mentioned dialect tula - "hidden, inaccessible place", from where to tulit, pritulit "to become, become invisible". Perhaps the Tulitsa River (from Tula) is "a river hidden by thickets, bushes", invisible, invisible in thickets. E. M. Murzaev attributed the appeal of Tula "hidden, inaccessible place" to geographical terms and believed that it underlies the name of the city (Murzaev. Dictionary of popular geographical terms). At the same time, one cannot exclude Baltic or Finno-Ugric languages. * Continued. For the beginning, see Russian speech. 1994. NN 4-6; 1995. NN 1-6; 1996. NN 1-6; 1997. NN 1-6; 1998. NN 1-6; 1999. NN 1-6; 2000. NN 1-2. page 85 find the name of the Tulitsa River (it ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Tajikistan
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