Маронит, мелькит или яковит? К вопросу о конфессиональной принадлежности Абд ал-Масиха ибн На'има ал-Химси, арабо-христианского переводчика Плотина
Alexander Treiger Maronite, Melkite, or Jacobite? Investigating the Confessional Affiliation of 'Abd al-Masih ibn Na'ima al-Himsi, the Arab Christian Translator of Plotinus Alexander Treiger-Associate Professor in the Department of Classics and Program in Religious Studies at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada). atreiger@dal.ca The present study attempts to determine the confessional backgroundof the ninth-century Arab Christian translator of Plotinus, Abd al-Masih ibn Na'ima al-Himsi. Three scenarios are examined: that he was a Maronite, a Melkite, or a Jacobite. Given that we have, unfortunately, no primary sources that contextualize al-Himsi within his Christian environment, any answer to this question must remain tentative. Nonetheless, it appears likely that al-Himsi was a Chalcedonian (either a Maronite/monothelete or a Melkite/dyothelete) and not a Jacobite, and that he had some connection to Syrian or Palestinian Origenism. It is as part of this probable Origenist background that he became exposed to Greek Neoplatonism and gained access to a Greek manuscript of Plotinus. If he was a Melkite, it seems likely that he received his philosophical and theological education and was trained as a translator in one of the monasteries of Palestine - such as the monastery of Mar Saba, which was a cutting-edge multilingual translation centre at the time, or the monastery of Mar Khariton. If he was a Maronite, he must have had ties to the likely Origenist milieu of the monastery of Mar Maron in western Syria. Keywords: Middle Eastern Christianity, Melkites, Maronites, Jacobites, Origenism, Plotinus, Neoplatonism, Palestinian monasteries, Graeco-Arabic translation movement, al-Kindi, Muslim philosophy. стр. 140В СОВРЕМЕННЫХ исследованиях, посвященных так называемому "греко-арабскому переводческому движению" VIII - X вв., христиане-переводчики, как правило, рассматриваются исключительно как "посредники", неукоснительно следовавшие требованиям "заказчиков"- ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/Маронит-мелькит-или-яковит-К-вопросу-о-конфессиональной-принадлежности-Абд-ал-Масиха-ибн-На-има-ал-Химси-арабо-христианского-переводчика-Плотина
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Маронит, мелькит или яковит? К вопросу о конфессиональной принадлежности Абд ал-Масиха ибн На'има ал-Химси, арабо-христианского переводчика Плотина

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