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TRENDS, PATTERNS, AND PROSPECTS M. L. BOGDANOV Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Middle East Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Russia Keywords:, Egypt, Soviet / Russian-Egyptian relations T
Точикистон Онлайн · 135 дней(я) назад 0 203

V. A. KOROCHKINA Saint Petersburg State University "Arab spring" Keywords:. Palestinian Authority, Middle East, Israel, "Palestinian spring" The authorities of the Palestinian National Authority (PA) have twice announced the beginning of the "Palestinian s
Точикистон Онлайн · 138 дней(я) назад 0 191

A. Y. BORZOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia Africa Keywords:, Brazil, IBSA, BRICS, foreign economic relations, South-South Brazil, which became the sixth largest economy in the world in 2011.1, has been rapidly
Точикистон Онлайн · 140 дней(я) назад 0 208

NOTES OF THE TRADE ATTACHE Saudi market Keywords:, business expansion, oil revenues, economic boom, investment cooperation The notes of the former trade Attache of Russia in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) P. G. Gulkin significantly complement the previo
Точикистон Онлайн · 144 дней(я) назад 0 243

ARTICLE 2* L. L. FITUNI Doctor of Economics Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences Key words: International monetary relations, capital flows, IMF quotas, BRICS, low-income countries, external debt, global governance the past few years, the World
Точикистон Онлайн · 146 дней(я) назад 0 179

A. S. SHAKHOV Candidate of Historical Sciences Scientific Research Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) Tunis Keywords:, cinema, Nouri Bouzid, Nasser Hemir, Sarah Abidi, Mouiz Kamoun Tunis, the pearl of the Mediterranean, holds a special place in the film pr
Точикистон Онлайн · 146 дней(я) назад 0 221

The biography of Vasily Grigoryevich Solodovnikov, a diplomat and well - known scientist, reflects all the vicissitudes of our turbulent century: the revolution, wars, five-year plans, Stalin's repressions, the victory over fascism, the confrontation betwe
Точикистон Онлайн · 146 дней(я) назад 0 171

A. P. KOVALCHUK Candidate of Economic Sciences Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences Key words: official development assistance, Africa, global financial and economic crisis, global economic development model The ongoing global financial and eco
Точикистон Онлайн · 147 дней(я) назад 0 182

V. R. FILIPPOV Doctor of Historical Sciences Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences Key words: Niger, coup, Tuareg, conflict, military regime The motley conglomerate of peoples, languages, cultures, confessions, and ways of life support in the te
Точикистон Онлайн · 148 дней(я) назад 0 195

A. B. PODTSEROB Candidate of Historical Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia and the Arab world, cultural and scientific ties, Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society Keywords:, Roszarubezhcenter The transformation
Точикистон Онлайн · 149 дней(я) назад 0 213
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