by Marina POPOVA, journalist In the middle of 2010 Academician Alexander Leontyev (Russia) and Academician Boris Paton (Ukraine) became prize winners of the International Award in power engineering "Global Energy". It was established in November 2002 by the fund of the same name and supported by leading national companies Gazprom, Surgutneftegaz and the Federal Grid Company Unified Energy System. It became the first personal award in world fundamental and applied science, which is given for outstanding achievements in power engineering. The prize list was opened in 2003 by Russian physicist Academician Gennady Mesyats, the well-known American scientist, engineer and professor of the Illinois University Nick Holonyak and his countryman Ian Smith, a senior researcher at the Titan Pulse Sciences Division. In the course of intervening seven years, 22 scientists from 9 countries (Great Britain, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Russia, USA, France, Ukraine and Japan) were awarded this prize totaling in money terms 30 mln rubles (winners divide it into equal стр. 52 parts). This year the Award Committee of 34 well-known scientists from our country and from abroad studied 64 works, almost one and a half times more than in the past. According to experts, the problem of power resources becomes increasingly important from decade to decade. As for forecasts, by 2050 their world deficit will reach 30 percent, therefore rational use and new technologies of extraction power sources have become a matter of priority for economic development of different countries. The research work of the scientists awarded prizes this year makes a practical contribution to perfection of these processes. Thus, Boris Paton has obtained recognition "for solution of scientific and technological problems in the pipeline transport of energy carriers and power-plant engineering" and Alexander Leontyev "for achievements in intensification of thermal exchange processes in electri ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://elibrary.com.ua/m/articles/view/POWER-ENGINEERING-PHYSICS-ECONOMICS
Точикистон Онлайн · 1120 days ago 0 1638
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
01.09.2021 (1120 days ago)
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