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The four-volume collection of historical songs, published in 1960-1973 in the academic series "Monuments of Russian Folklore", ends with songs about the Crimean War. The collection of Russian historical songs, published in 1987 in the Large series "Librari
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 72

In the 6th issue of Russkaya Rech for 1998, V. G. Dolgushev's article "And the boys are bloody in the eyes..." is published - about the famous Pushkin line from the tragedy "Boris Godunov". The author writes that many people take these words of Pushkin lit
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 71

Tula (1146). City, center of the Tula region. The name is given from the Tulitsa River (Tulka), on which it was founded. There are several assumptions about the origin of this name, which do not take into account the fact that the name originally referred
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 74

Many articles have been written about the history of the word Moscow. But the plot. which we intend to offer readers, as far as we know, has not been touched upon: about the history of the meaning of the word Moscow and its accents. Translated from the Dut
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 65

Diplomacy is an area of activity where the human personality plays an important role. The responsibility for negotiations, signing agreements, conventions, treaties - all this falls on the shoulders of diplomatic representatives. In the modern diplomatic l
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 63

Serebryakov. In the morning, look for Batyushkov in the library. I think we have one. Elena Andreyevna, eh? Serebryakov. Look for Batyushkov in the morning. I remember he was with us. A. P. Chekhov. "Uncle Vanya" My destiny gave birth to a crocodile You're
Reactions: confused (1)
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 76

About the semantic meanings of an image-symbol At its core, the image of a crocodile is an image-symbol, multi-layered, multifunctional, "bristling" with different meanings, which you need to find out. First, we will write out a number of values attached t
Reactions: inspired (1)
Точикистон Онлайн · 54 days ago 0 61

Ветров Виталий. Воспоминания военного ветеринара, 1974-1976  I. Преамбула (подготовил Синельников Александр Николаевич). Рассказ Ветрова Виталия Петровича, председателя "Межрегиональной общественной организации "Совет ветеранов ветеринарно-санитарной слу
Точикистон Онлайн · 53 days ago 0 56

Всякое высказывание можно расчленить на отдельные отрезки, объединенные интонационной, смысловой и синтаксической цельностью. Эти отрезки выделяются усилением последнего ударения и паузой. Так, группа подлежащего - это один отрезок высказывания, группа ска
Точикистон Онлайн · 52 days ago 0 61

IV. Современные средства массовой информации отличаются стремлением к индивидуальному ("фирменному") стилю, экспрессивностью, нередко граничащей с карнавальностью, и раскрепощенностью, переходящей порой во вседозволенность. Общественное сознание при этом ч
Точикистон Онлайн · 52 days ago 0 48
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