Anatoliy Kasyanenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Uzbekistan, to the Republic Tadjikistan and Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan (combining jobs) * * * Year by year Central Asia is riveting ever more attention as a part of the post-Soviet space from the point of view of development of political, security, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations. The states here have similar civilizations and make up a political and geographical entity. The formation of independent states put this question on the agenda. The international recognition needs normal interrelations among the said countries. Complicated making of regions replacing the FSU is determined not only by the restructuring of all relations among the former soviet republics but also by the development of their cooperation with other countries beyond the post-Soviet space. Casting a glance at the international life we understand that determination of a region is not a mechanical undertaking. It is based on objective prerequisites and shows itself in a system of counterbalances among the states with similar priorities in domestic and foreign policy. Even the presence of conflict fields in international relations may be a signs of belonging of the states to the system-defined regional integrity because the similarity of interests, if there are alternative ways of securing them, can logically cause a proper competition (e. g. rivalry in the matters of transit, transportation routes, water use etc.) стр. 67 The control of terrorism and extremism is a determinant of the situation in Central Asia which attracts attention of all regional countries, including Afghanistan. The main source of tension and instability in the region is the terrorist activity of neo-Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, other extremist groups. After the counterterrorist operation in Afghanistan resulting in the overthrow of Taliban, the military-political and secu ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/CENTRAL-ASIA-REGION-OF-PROSPECTS
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
12.12.2021 (1171 дней(я) назад)
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