Abridged At the end of this last March at the National Institute for strategic research the round-table discussion was held on the "European and Euroatlantic integration of Ukraine: problems of military technical cooperation". The representatives of all interested organizations, as well as representatives of the Administration of President, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, National Council for Security and Defense, ministries of industrial policy, defense, foreign affairs, economy and Eurointegration, overseas experts and diplomats, and journalists were invited. The speakers included H. Perepelytsia, Deputy Director, Head of the Department of Military Policy of the National Institute for Strategic Research; V. Badrak, Director of the Center of Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies; O. Yizhak, senior researcher of the Dnipropetrovsk Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Research; L. Poliakov, Director of military programs of the O. Razumkov Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Research; James Green, Director of the NATO communication office in Ukraine; V. Hrechaninov, President of Atlantic Council of Ukraine; Lee Gable, Section Head, Department of Cooperation at the Embassy of the U. S. A. in Ukraine; M. Mitrakhovich, Deputy Chief of Armaments of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine; S. Vydaiko, Head of the Research Information and Analytical Center "Kvant-Inform"; A. Pavlenko, Chief Expert, Department of Military Policy of the National Institute for Strategic Research; V. Kozub, Director of the Department of Economy, Defense and Security of the Ministry of Economy and Eurointegration of Ukraine. Opening the meeting, the chairman, the First Deputy Director of the National Institute for Strategic Research O. Vlasiuk said: "Everybody knows that Ukraine has considerable achievements in military production. However, today we want to consider our military and technical cooperation as one of the basic and even key trends of integration into NATO and the Eu ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
12.12.2021 (1171 дней(я) назад)
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