Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1981. 374 p.
Although the book by G. P. Kuropyatnik, a senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, is devoted to a relatively small period in the history of Russian-American relations, it is extremely important for understanding the whole complex of relations between the two countries. In fact, it is probably appropriate to start studying the processes that determined the future course of relations between Russia and the United States, and in some aspects still affect us today. It is very important that the author actually made the first attempt to comprehensively cover the period under consideration, which was previously described only fragmentally.
As in the previous works of G. According to P. Kuropyatnik, in the peer-reviewed work, economic analysis is impeccable, the reported facts are carefully checked. Naturally, the study focuses on trade and economic relations between Russia and the United States, which were regulated by the 1832 treatise on trade and navigation. "On the American initiative," the author emphasizes," the core idea of the treatise was the principle of the most favored nation " (p.59). During the study period, the idyllic picture of trade and economic relations between Russia and the United States, characteristic of the previous decades, is being intruded by competition on world markets. This is understandable - post-reform Russia straightened its shoulders and the United States, which eliminated the consequences of the civil war, became more active. At the same time, the author concludes, "both the development of trade and business ties and the growing rivalry between Russia and the United States in these areas were determined by the real economic interests of both states. Concrete facts from history show that with mutual consideration of the partner's interests and a sound approach to the problems that arose, stable and productive trade and economic ...
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