Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 222 p.
The creation and activity of soldiers ' committees in the period of preparation for and victory in the Great October Revolution was one of the main problems of winning back the democratic majority of the army to the proletariat, which, in turn, was, according to V. I. Lenin, one of the main conditions for the victory of Bolshevism1 . The revolutionary processes in the army cannot be considered investigated until the role of soldiers ' committees in this process is thoroughly elucidated. It was key to the preparation and implementation of the revolution in the army, just as the role of the Soviets was key to the preparation of the revolution in the country as a whole. The committees and Soviets were organs of the same type, forming a single system through which the Bolshevik Party exercised ideological and organizational influence on the masses in the preparation of October. Soldiers ' committees were, as it were, a continuation of the Soviet system in the army (of course, while preserving specific features). Committees and Soviets met at united congresses, decided together on behalf of the people the fundamental questions of the revolution, and after its victory, the soldiers ' committees became organs of Soviet power in the troops.
All this underlines the importance of the problem that the monograph of the Candidate of Historical Sciences L. M. Gavrilov (Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) is devoted to. Until recently, there were no special studies on this topic. An important step in its study was taken in general works on the revolution 2, which further emphasized the need for special works on the history of soldiers ' committees. Their research was initiated by V. I. Miller 3 . His monograph, based on a rich documentary material, contains many new facts about the history of the creation and activities of the committees, but the author, unfortunately, limited himself to its initial period.
L. M ...
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