Edited by V. A. Rodionov. Ulan-Ude: BSU Publishing House, 2013, 248 p. In recent years, the interest of politicians, political scientists, historians, economists, businessmen, tourists and the public in events taking place in East Asia, including bilateral and trilateral relations in the Russia-Mongolia-China triangle, has been noticeably growing. In this complex of issues, a special place is occupied by Russian-Mongolian relations, which have centuries-old traditions, including a rich, ambiguous experience of "special" Soviet-Mongolian relations in the XX century. A new stage of bilateral relations began in the early 1990s, when the socialist system collapsed, the USSR collapsed, and a peaceful democratic revolution took place in Mongolia. The complex, multi-level system of comprehensive, deep political, trade, economic, industrial, cultural, scientific and humanitarian ties and cooperation that had been developing for almost 70 years (1921-1990) was disrupted. This system was built on the basis of a common ideology, close coordination of the foreign and domestic policies of large and small countries that were part of the socialist bloc headed by the USSR, and subordination of the national interests of these countries to the general principles of socialist internationalism, which in practice meant subordination to the national and state interests of the USSR in the In relation to Mongolia, in particular, this was expressed in "special" relations of the "big brother-younger brother" type, in which the USSR was Mongolia's patron, ally, protector, reliable support, model of social structure, and main donor. As a result, by the end of the 1980s. Underdeveloped Mongolia found itself in a strong political and economic dependence on the USSR. At the new stage, relations between the Russian Federation and Mongolia began to be built on the basis of abandoning the previous ideology, the "big brother-younger brother" model of relations, the military-political alliance, the pr ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
28.11.2024 (109 days ago)
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