This Supplement is devoted to the study of observables in inelastic scattering and the density dependence of the effective interaction used in this analysis. Thus, special combinations of observables for inelastic scattering are presented. To describe them …
The present Part “Г” is a logical continuation of the previous Part “В” of Lecture Course II. The references and formulas are given under the same numbers as indicated in the introduction to Part “В” (see above). The material presented in Part Г is also ai …
эффективных нуклон-нуклонных потенциалах, включающих важнейшие спин-орбитальные компоненты.
The paper presАвтор указанного курса лекций представляет здесь в качестве дополнительного материала публикацию с его участием. Эта публикация, по мнению автора, пре …
eprint arXiv:1701.03582Cornell University Library, U.S.A.Publication Date: 01/2017
A review is given of the present knowledge of different parametrization of experimental results in inelastic scattering process with polarized proton beams. Spin observables …
This paper has proposed unique ideas to hit lots of fundamental targets raised by quantum physics. Establishing the mechanism of initiation of fundamental forces, the author had to revise the basis of interaction of elementary particles. An attempt was mad …
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