"New Realism" and the language of modern Russian literature
The statement about the deep and historically formed literary-centricity of the Russian public consciousness today hardly needs proof. Since the time of Metropolitan Hilarion, " Tales of Bygone Years "and" Words about Igor's Regiment " and until very recently, it is the art of the artistic word, fine literature that has been at the center of not only culture, but also statehood. Literature for many centuries has been the defining principle, the ubiquitous life-giving solution that binds and organizes people's life and consciousness. The writer always played a special role in the life of Russia, occupied a special position, which Pushkin drew attention to in the words of his hero Charsky: "Our poets do not enjoy the patronage of gentlemen; our poets are gentlemen themselves... Our poets do not go on foot from house to house, asking for help" (Egyptian nights // Pushkin A. S. Sobr. soch. v 10 tt. M., 1981. Vol. 5. p. 241). This does not mean that the high status of a writer has always remained unchanged in our country. Of course, there were times and even epochs when its prestige declined, and yet literature, up to the late Soviet period, occupied a central position in the hierarchy of spiritual values. The implementation of the principle of literary centrism would hardly be possible without the special role of the Russian language in this process. Our language has undergone a number of significant changes over the past ten or fifteen years- page 20 similar changes. It is most important for us to pay attention to the processes that took place in the language of works of fiction. The language of fiction is largely a reflection of live colloquial speech: it is difficult to create a work that enjoys the reader's interest without referring to the means and material of the very speech that is common among the people at this stage of life. Nevertheless, what happened in the sphere of literary language has its own specifics. In the early 90 - ies of the XX century, along wit ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
30.07.2024 (51 days ago)
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"New Realism" and the language of modern Russian literature

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