Language policy at school on the threshold of the XXI century
The Pushkinskoe Slovo city experimental platform of the Moscow Committee of Education, created for the purpose of scientific and practical development of prospects for humanitarian education in the XXI century, has prepared the "Concept of language Policy in schools on the threshold of the XXI century" for wide public discussion by teachers and philologists, which is offered to our readers. The significance of the twentieth century as a whole will be objectively assessed by mankind only in the next millennium. But its role in the field of culture, especially language and speech, in Russia at the turn of the century was clearly shown: the global decline of language culture in all strata of society. The progressive public has been sounding the alarm about this for several decades, trying to fight the growing aggression of the modern "Newspeak", imposed on the younger generation by all the power of the mass media and the muddy market element. It is well known that every historical epoch has its own ideal of human dignity and beauty of speech. And each epoch makes its precious contribution to the" living as life", constantly updated language, which is crystallized in it for centuries, preserving this great gift of God as the most precious possession of the people, the nation. It is no accident that the awakening of national consciousness among the peoples that make up the former USSR and inhabit Russia began precisely with the resuscitation of half-stifled national languages. As a result, a great language war has emerged, naturally reinforced by the battle of religions that make up the roots of national cultures. National intelligentsia and actively acting- page 39 today, responsible politicians shake off the dust from the centuries-old charters of history, proving the greatness and originality of the national language - after all, without a language, there is no nation, and this is clear to everyone. What is the language policy of the Russian state in relation to the R ... Читать далее

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Language policy at school on the threshold of the XXI century

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