E. I. ZELENEV Doctor of Historical Sciences National Research University Higher School of Economics-Saint Petersburg Keywords: Islam, Islamic education, phenomenon, madrasah, jihad, Boko Haram The system of Islamic (religious) education can be considered a phenomenon of global culture, which has the property of self-sufficiency and self-development. The concept of "phenomenon" in this case is used in a sense similar to the interpretation of the German philosopher Edmund G. A. Husserl (1859-1938) in his phenomenological theory. He identifies the main feature of the phenomenon - the unity of contents, i.e. its integrity and isolation in the world of experimental knowledge.1 Many researchers have contributed to the understanding of the theory and practice of Islamic education.2 Over the past half-century, Islamic education has experienced two periods of accelerated development. The first period was the 1970s-1980s, when large funds received from oil production in a number of Islamic countries were directed to Islamic education. The second period is the decade after 2001, especially under the influence of the turbulent events in the Islamic world of the last 4-5 years. Today, the model of Islamic education is rapidly evolving in the direction of a separate segment of world culture, which is not controlled by systematic leveling on a global scale. Our research sets out the fundamental principles of the concept of Islamic education of the South African scholar, Professor of the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) Youssef Wahid and some other theorists of Islamic education, and also shows the connection of the phenomenon of Islamic education with modern political processes. THE PHENOMENON OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE THEORY OF "DETACHED THINKING" Considering Islamic education a priori from the point of view of phenomenology, we note its influence on the processes of studying by Muslims the experience of their own Self and the experience of knowing the a ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
08.12.2023 (184 дней(я) назад)
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