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В книге А.А. Брагиной "Мир животных в мире слов" (М., 1995) на стр. 185 сказано: "С жаворонком сравнивают веселую, до зари просыпающуюся девочку, девушку, молодую женщину - жаворонок; весела, как вешний жавороночек". Просыпающаяся до зари - конечно, оттого
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 57

Comrade Stalin, you are a great scientist, You know a lot about linguistics... Not least thanks to this song by Yuz Aleshkovsky, the fact of Stalin's "involvement" in the science of language is widely known. And the stereotype of thinking begins to work: i
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 79

In July 1900, Mikhail Nesterovich Speransky (later an academician, a famous Slavist, who was repressed in the 1930s) recorded spiritual poems in the Rylsky district of the Kursk province (1). The blind man Grigory Artamonov sang him twelve traditional work
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 69

Until recently, in our foreign passports, surnames were written according to the norms of the French language. Now we have started to receive new foreign passports, where the French spelling of surnames has been changed to English. Many people are interest
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 59

Где молчат хроники и исторические памятники, там начинает говорить одно слово, там, где безмолвствуют саги, начинают повесть собственные имена. М.Я. Морошкин. Славянский именослов, или Собрание славянских личных имен в алфавитном порядке. СПб., 1867 Особый
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 84

Особенности символизации в прозе Пришвина В исследованиях последних лет наметилась устойчивая тенденция рассматривать творчество М.М. Пришвина в непосредственной связи с мифологической школой и традициями символизма. Это вполне справедливо, поскольку стано
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 62

There are two homonymous word forms (omo-forms)in the Russian language: 1) nothing-the gender of the negative pronoun nothing (There is nothing left in the house. "What should I do?" "Nothing." "What did you eat today?" - "Nothing") and 2) nothing (nitsche
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 46

The language as a cultural monument needs careful and loving attitude. A. I. Solzhenitsyn, who actively promotes lexical expansion, is deeply aware of this. The writer believes that many Russian words were undeservedly discarded "due to the haste of our ce
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 73

Over the past decade, interest in Russia's historical past has significantly increased. Many publications of ancient Russian monuments appeared-the primary sources of knowledge of material and spiritual life, culture of medieval Russia. Without a dictionar
Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 64

In recent years, this term can be found on the pages of the press, heard on radio and television. Its meaning is " the mass extermination of Jews during the Second World War "(Krysin L. P. Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words, Moscow, 1998), "the death
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Точикистон Онлайн · 55 days ago 0 76
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