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In No. 10 last year, our journal published an article by Candidate of Historical Sciences N. Anisimtsev "Japan. Is the Referendum Law a step towards revising the Constitution?", in which the author analyzes in detail the main provisions of the law and the
Точикистон Онлайн · 115 дней(я) назад 0 78

In the East, fashion was formed quite differently than in Europe. In China, Korea, and Japan, people's tastes have been defined by Buddhist precepts for centuries. This school is characterized by simplicity, asymmetry, incompleteness as the most striking m
Точикистон Онлайн · 115 дней(я) назад 0 95

The Japanese diaspora in Canada, according to the Statistics Committee of Canada, has about 100 thousand people (more than 62 thousand of them are Japanese of mixed ancestry1), who mainly live in the metropolitan areas of Vancouver and Toronto and in their
Точикистон Онлайн · 115 дней(я) назад 0 119

Scientific, technical and economic achievements of Japan are usually associated with the names of several dozen major corporations (Toyota, Hitachi, Sony, Toshiba, Canon, etc.). Meanwhile, small and medium-sized businesses make a significant contribution t
Точикистон Онлайн · 115 дней(я) назад 0 92

The history of foreign policy relations between Russia and Japan over the past century has been marked by a number of military conflicts, but the history of cultural contacts indicates a deepening search for mutual understanding between the Russian and Jap
Точикистон Онлайн · 115 дней(я) назад 0 108

Japan is the second most powerful economic power in the world, and therefore it is quite understandable that our entrepreneurs are interested in establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with the business community of this country. It should be noted th
Точикистон Онлайн · 115 дней(я) назад 0 76

После распада СССР экономические интересы России и Узбекистана разошлись. Можно только удивляться тому, как быстро порвались наработанные за десятилетия связи между отраслями и предприятиями, в том числе кооперационные. Все свои инвестиционные планы Узбеки
Точикистон Онлайн · 117 дней(я) назад 0 88

Д. ФАЙЗУЛЛАЕВ, Кандидат экономических наук На протяжении практически всего периода существования в качестве самостоятельного государства Узбекистан стремится к реформированию собственной экономической системы с целью перехода к рынку. Для решения этой зада
Точикистон Онлайн · 117 дней(я) назад 0 95

Over the past two decades, Central Asia has been perceived as a "belt of instability". The events that took place in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in the spring of 2005 may have marked the beginning of a crucial stage in the formation of a new political and, i
Точикистон Онлайн · 117 дней(я) назад 0 97

D. FAYZULLAYEV, Candidate of Economic Sciences Throughout almost the entire period of its existence as an independent state, Uzbekistan has been striving to reform its own economic system in order to transition to the market. Significant financial resource
Точикистон Онлайн · 117 дней(я) назад 0 112
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