Browse Blog posts By Day: 06.06.2024

Yakshagana - "yaksh song", which is native to Karnataka, is a performance that combines singing, dialogue and dance. There is a legend that in ancient times it was performed by fabulous treasure keepers - yakshas. These warlike creatures were great musicia
Точикистон Онлайн · 104 days ago 0 92

The publication of A. S. Zaitsev "Remembering Vietnam" (RFK-Image Publishing House, Moscow, 2010) successfully complements the series of publications that appeared last year dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations bet
Точикистон Онлайн · 104 days ago 0 101

In the coming century of globalization, the rapidly changing Muslim world will play an important role, and the processes of its evolution, called by many researchers the "Islamic Renaissance", will largely determine not only the interaction between the Wes
Точикистон Онлайн · 104 days ago 0 102

Книга старшего научного сотрудника Музея антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН, кандидата исторических наук И. Ю. Котина "Побеги баньяна: миграция населения из Индии и формирование "узлов" Южно-Азиатской диаспоры" (СПб: Петербургск
Точикистон Онлайн · 104 days ago 0 86

Among the host of characters in the Hindu pantheon, Ganesha is a very popular, mysterious and at the same time one of the most revered gods. It has an original appearance: the human body is crowned with an elephant's head with a trunk. Such an" anatomical
Точикистон Онлайн · 104 days ago 0 95

The people of Kerala still offer sacrifices at the altar of Goddess Bhagavati. They revere her as the Divine Mother. The goddess is characterized by a wayward nature and often sends diseases and misfortunes to her children. Sacrifices are necessary to prop
Точикистон Онлайн · 105 days ago 0 89

События на международной арене на рубеже XX-XXI вв. сменяют друг друга так молниеносно и непредсказуемо, что порой весьма трудно разобраться во всех перипетиях и нюансах происходящего, а уж тем более объективно оценить или очертить перспективы их развития.
Точикистон Онлайн · 105 days ago 0 71

The vast majority world's countries unitary States; federal account just over ten percent of them. This includes the Indian Union. The end of the 20th century was marked by dramatic events related to serious internal conflicts in a number of federal states
Точикистон Онлайн · 105 days ago 0 97

После защиты диссертации в моей жизни почти никаких изменений не произошло. Разве что за научную степень кандидата филологических наук немного увеличили зарплату, но должность младшего научного сотрудника, известного в простонародном сленге как мэнээс, каз
Точикистон Онлайн · 105 days ago 0 84

For half a century of independent development, India has established itself as a state capable of influencing the course of world events. Its achievements and huge potential give reason to believe that it will turn into a great power in the foreseeable fut
Точикистон Онлайн · 105 days ago 0 98
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