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Moscow: Publishing house "East Lit-ra", 2001. 600 p. * The elegant and resonant language of Ferdowsi, Khayyam, Hafiz, Sadeq Khedayat and Imam Khomeini is referred to in literature as the" French language of the East", the second language of Islam. In Russi

A significant contribution to the development of Oriental studies was made not only by scientists from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also by orientalists from research centers of the former Soviet republics. One of these centers was the Luhansk Pedagogica

Viktor Mikhailovich Gilensen passed away on November 8, 2001. With his death, we lost a gifted researcher, an experienced teacher, a well-educated interlocutor, a person who infected with his energy, alien to indifference, ready to share the troubles and j

A deep systemic crisis in Russia is associated with a specific migration situation that arose as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Millions of Russians in a number of countries of the "near abroad" actually found themselves in the position of f

The disclosure, although incomplete, of the archives of the highest Soviet state and party organs made it possible to study historical events, the coverage of which for many years was based on concepts that were far from reality. Among these events, in our

The advent of the third millennium represents an important milestone in the historical development of the Arab countries and organically coincides with the formation of elements of a new structure of international relations. In the transition period of its

В 1895 г. по Памирскому разграничению в состав Бухарского ханства вошли памирские княжества Шугнан и Рошан, большинство населения которых исповедовало один из толков шиизма - исмаилизм. И до этого времени исмаилиты встречались в пределах Российской империи
Точикистон Онлайн · 16 hours ago 0 18

Понятие и явление границы плодотворно исследуется многими естественными и гуманитарными науками: физикой, химией, математикой, биологией, историей, психологией, культурологией, этнологией, географией. В общем смысле граница рассматривается как область (лин
Точикистон Онлайн · 17 hours ago 0 16

Нет ни одного государства, образовавшегося на развалинах СССР, которое не заявило бы о своем стремлении создать современное открытое общество и соответствующее ему демократическое светское государство западного типа. Тем не менее практически в каждом из ни
Точикистон Онлайн · 18 hours ago 0 14

On August 15-16, 2001, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, hosted the international symposium "Dialogue of Civilizations: Interaction of Nomadic and Other Cultures of Central Asia", organized by the UNESCO International Institute for the Study of Nomadic
Точикистон Онлайн · 19 hours ago 0 11
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Точикистон Онлайн
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