The prehistory of the peoples called by the ancient authors "Bat viet" ("Bai yue" - i.e. " many (yue)") is the history of the culture created by the now extinct peoples in the territory that later became part of modern China. Archaeological excavations in …
Candidate of Biological Sciences
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Kalmykia, the main Buddhist temple of Kalmykia, Buddhism, reincarnation, Tuva, Shajin L …
Doctor of Philological Sciences
D. A. MUBARAKOVA (Uzbekistan)
Post-graduate student of the Uzbek State Institute of Oriental Studies
Gamal al-Ghitani (p. 9.5.1945) is one of the largest and most widely read Egyptian prose writers, a promi …
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