On April 3-5, 2003, the State Museum of Oriental Studies hosted the international scientific conference " Central Asia. Sources, History, Culture", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Tajikistan, Deputy Executive editor of the journal "Epigraphy of the East", executive editor of the series "Eastern Historical source Studies and special historical disciplines", member of the editorial board of " Central Asiatic Journal "(Wiesbaden), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. and Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Tajikistan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, foreign member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy), corresponding member. German Archaeological Institute, corresponding member. Italian Institute of Asia and Africa, member of the editorial board and editorial boards of the journal "Bulletin of Ancient History", " Orient (Oriens)", Bulletin of the Institute of Asia (USA), Archaeological Encyclopedia (Italy), "Encyclopedia Iranica", winner of the prize of the French Academy of Inscriptions and Fine Literature named after R. Hirschman for achievements in the field of Iranian studies Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor B. A. Litvinsky.
The conference was attended by scientists from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the N. N. Miklukho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Museum of Oriental Studies (hereinafter - GMV), the State Hermitage Museum, the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography A. Donisha of the Republic of Tajikistan, French National Center for Scientific Research, as well as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Russian Federation S. G. Safarov, representative of the Sughd Region Administration of the Republic of Tajikistan, Vice-rector of B. G. Gafurov Khujand State University N. Zahidov.
The conference was opened and a solemn meeting was held by the Doctor of Art History, Head of the Department. Department of Material Culture and Ancient Art of the State Museum of Oriental Studies T. K. Mkrtychev*.
V. A. Nabatchikov, General Director of the State Museum of Fine Arts, congratulated the anniversaries at the solemn meeting. He noted that they have done so much in their lifetime, and their works are known not only in our country, but also abroad.
Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences R. B. Rybakov expressed his admiration for the life of this beautiful couple. Their fate in science is closely intertwined with the history of the country and after the collapse of the USSR-with the history of Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan, although in other countries of Central and Central Asia and in Europe, these names find an extremely positive response. - this is a story written into the biography of the country. They have been married for 62 years. 62 years ago, it was 1941. R. B. Rybakov noted that looking at the venerable B. A. Litvinsky, can we imagine that he commanded a platoon of submachine gunners and was demobilized due to a serious wound near Berlin. When we look at little E. A. Davidovich, can we imagine how she worked during the war in a military hospital? Behind the big, honest
* See for more information: Central Asia. Sources, history, and culture. Abstracts of the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky. Moscow, April 3-5, 2003. Moscow, 2003.
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life. Ye. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky, remembering the past, live for today and tomorrow, so young people are drawn to them.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Russian Federation S. G. Safarov read out the welcome address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. S. Rakhmonov, in which it is stated that the outstanding archaeological sites - Ajina-Tepe, Takhti-Sangin and many others related to the scientific research of B. S. Rakhmonov. A. Litvinsky, forever inscribed in the best pages of Central Asian archaeology. Many exhibits presented in the Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan were found in archaeological excavations led by B. A. Litvinsky. E. Sh. Rakhmonov highly appreciated B. A. Litvinsky's contribution to the publication of two editions of the first volume of the History of the Tajik People, of which he was the editor. Such books, based on a huge amount of archaeological materials, written sources and scientific works, will serve for many years. S. G. Safarov noted that the history of Tajikistan, historical science is unthinkable without the names of B. A. Litvinsky and E. A. Davidovich. Their contribution to the development of history, archeology and numismatics is a vivid example of continuing the traditions of asceticism of Russian scientists who opened new scientific horizons in Tajikistan, created scientific schools, and raised science to the world level in our republic.
Representative of the Sughd region Administration of the Republic of Tajikistan, Vice-rector of B. G. Gafurov Khujand State University N. Zahidov noted that continuing the tradition of B. G. Gafurov, B. A. Litvinsky and E. A. Davidovich brought up many scientists: historians and archaeologists who are currently working in the scientific field. The works of E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky make a significant contribution to the process of deepening the national identity of the Tajik people. As a token of gratitude, N. Zakhidov presented E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky with a book by Kh. Kholdzhuraev and O. Karimov " dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor B. A. Litvinsky. An outstanding archaeologist and connoisseur of Central Asia" (Khujand, 2003), as well as two carpets made by folk craftsmen: one with a portrait of B. A. Litvinsky, the second depicts E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky together.
Corresponding member V. A. Ranov read out the address of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan U. M. Mirsaidov, who highly appreciated the scientific works of B. A. Litvinsky (about 500 works) included in the golden fund of science of the country. V. A. Ranov also read out the greeting of the Director of the A. Donish Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Republic of Tajikistan akad. R. M. Masova, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Congratulating the anniversaries, R. M. Masov noted, in particular, that nature has generously endowed E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky with many talents and, above all, a truly fantastic dedication to their chosen path and inexhaustible hard work.
R. M. Masov highly appreciated B. A. Litvinsky's encyclopedic knowledge and E. A. Davidovich's clear, analytical mind. In the early stages of the development of Tajik archaeology, E. A. Davidovich played no less a role than her husband and boss, not only by her participation in field work in the early 1950s, but also by her always informative speeches at the archeology sector and academic councils of the Institute. B. A. Litvinsky managed to create the archeology sector literally from scratch. In Tajikistan, in the 1950s and 1970s, the scientist created his own scientific school, the traditions of which have been successfully developed by his students for 30 years after the scientist moved to Moscow. The Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan presents at least 70-80% of the exhibits from the excavations carried out under the direction of B. A. Litvinsky. The creation of the museum was preceded by the first international exhibitions organized by him.
B. A. Litvinsky's discovery of Buddhist monuments on the territory of Southern Tajikistan was unexpected and sensational, and opened up a completely new area for the spread of Buddhism in Central Asia, and his numerous publications received worldwide recognition. The two volumes devoted to the ancient monument - the Greek-Bactrian Takhti - Sangin temple, which was studied by B. A. Litvinsky together with I. R. Pichikyan, showed the best possible strengths of the hero's work. They are a true encyclopedia of this period, and there is no doubt that these volumes, as well as the eagerly anticipated next two, will be a reference book for more than one generation of Tajik scientists.
Head of the Center for Comparative Study of Ancient Civilizations of the IVI RAS acad. G. M. Bongard-Levin noted that the authority of E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky is very high.
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so what is the answer to the question: "Who is currently the largest humanitarian in Russia?" he would have named this pair.
Head of the Department of Archeology, Moscow State University Academy of Sciences. V. L. Yanin emphasized that not only the anniversary of two loving hearts is celebrated, but also the anniversary of the Union of Archeology and Numismatics. At the beginning of the 19th century, archaeology and numismatics were auxiliary disciplines. But in 1826, the work of H. D. Frachn (Ch. M. Frachn. Recensio Numorum Muhammedanorum Academiae Imp. Scient. Petropo: itanae. Petropavlovsk), and in 1836 his book "On the coins of the Ulus of Dzhuchiev". It was a discovery of incredible power that attracted new researchers. P. S. Savelyev, V. V. Grigoryev, and A. K. Markov appear. They showed that the flow of kufic dirhams reflects the entire monetary system of trade and cultural ties between Eastern and Northern Europe. In the 1930s and 1940s, M. E. Masson and E. A. Pakhomov became famous. To these names, you can add another name - E. A. Davidovich.
E. A. Davidovich's contribution to historical science was highly appreciated by T. A. Denisova, Head of the Department of Historical Source Studies of the Department of Written Monuments of the Peoples of the East of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She stressed that Ye. A. Davidovich is a leading Russian expert in the field of oriental historical source studies. She is the author of nine fundamental monographs and more than 200 articles that cover a wide range of problems in the history, economy, archeology and source studies of medieval Central Asia, primarily in the field of numismatics, textual studies, and metrology. Among them - " The history of coinage in Central Asia of the XVII-XVIII centuries. (Gold coins of the Janids)" (Dushanbe, 1964), " Monetary economy of Central Asia in the XIII century "(Moscow, 1972), "History of money circulation in medieval Central Asia (copper coins of the XV-first quarter of the XVI century in Transoxiana)" (Moscow, 1983), " Corpus of gold and silver coins of the Sheibanids XVI century" (Moscow, 1992). E. A. Davidovich's works are distinguished by boldness in setting problems, depth and complexity of research, fundamental conclusions, accuracy and capacity of formulations. E. A. Davidovich managed to make a revolution in the use of numismatic material, which she turned into a full-fledged historical source for solving a number of important scientific problems. She applied the results of the source analysis of Muslim coins and hoards to the study of money circulation in Central Asia in the VIII-XVIII centuries. This most important topic of economic history remained practically a "blank spot" in both domestic and foreign Oriental studies.
T. A. Denisova also pointed out that E. A. Davidovich has developed a unique technique for extracting hidden information from coins. This made it possible to rise to a completely different level of studying the monetary circulation of Central Asia and other Muslim countries. The so - called "silver crisis" that engulfed the countries of the Muslim East in the XI-XIII centuries was covered in a completely new way. E. A. Davidovich is the organizer and permanent chairman of the organizing committee of the All-Union, now All-Russian, and in fact international conference on historical source studies "Barthold Readings". The Conference was established in 1974 in the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "Barthold Readings" is a unique professional school for general specialists. She is the founder and executive editor of the leading modern scientific series "Eastern Historical Source Studies and Special Historical Disciplines". In conclusion, T. A. Denisova noted that the works of Ye. Davidovich is a testament to the continuity of the richest traditions of Russian Oriental studies, laid down by H. D. Fren, V. V. Barthold and other great scientists of the past.
On behalf of the French colleagues, the celebrants were welcomed by B. Lyonnais (National Center for Scientific Research).
The celebrants received numerous greetings and congratulations from their friends and colleagues.
Zav. The Department of Oriental Art of the State Hermitage G. L. Semenov read out a greeting to the anniversaries from the director of the State Hermitage M. B. Piotrovsky. Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. M. Alpatov read out congratulations from the staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Zav. L. T. Yablonsky, Director of the Scythian-Sarmatian Archeology Department of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, read out the welcome address of the corresponding member of the Director of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian Academy of Sciences R. M. Munchaeva.
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On behalf of the publishing house "Vostochnaya Literatura", with which E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky have been cooperating for a long time, Y. B. Gesherik congratulated the anniversaries.
Welcoming addresses and telegrams were read out from the Chairman of the Sughd region K. R. Kasimov, the staff of the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and from St. Petersburg scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Russian Academy of Sciences I. M. Steblin-Kamensky, V. A. Livshits and I. N. Medvedskaya.
E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky were welcomed by their colleagues and students: Deputy Director General for Science of the GMV T. H. Metaks, scientists of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences-D. V. Vasiliev, A.M. Petrov, V. P. Androsov, V. S. Soloviev (State University, Yelets).
The conference participants ' reports were devoted to various aspects of problems that are more or less related to the scientific interests of E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky.
The report of V. A. Ranov (Dushanbe) and A. G. Amosova (Veliky Novgorod) "Some results of excavations of the Karatau I site" was devoted to the first Lower Paleolithic monument in Tajikistan. The site was excavated for eight seasons under the direction of V. A. Ranov by the Stone Age research team of the South Tajik Archaeological Expedition (headed by B. A. Litvinsky). It noted that the site belongs to the category of monuments of the Loess Paleolithic. Initially, it was dated according to thermoluminescent analysis at 200 thousand years. Since 1995, a dating method based on the correlation of the stratigraphy of the loess-soil formation with the stages of the known isotope-oxygen climate scale has been used. According to this method, the age of the site is determined by the interval between 427 and 528 thousand years. If we stick to the old account (the new stratigraphic position of the site has not yet been unambiguously accepted), then the age of Karatau I is determined between 568 and 611 thousand years. In general, the complex of parking Karatau I V. A. Ranov and A. G. Amosov is considered to be one of the most difficult to describe toothed-amorphous (close to Tejac) industries, even though there are not so many toothed tools at this site, and it is defined as Acheulean without chops with pebble technology.
E. E. Kuzmina (Russian Institute of Culture) made a presentation on "The current state of the problem of Indo-Iranians". She noted that the end of the 1970s was the time when most domestic and foreign researchers came to the conclusion that the ancestral homeland of Indo-Iranians was located on the territory of the steppes of Eurasia and Central Asia. At the same time, the migrationist hypothesis, which was supported by B. A. Litvinsky, was recognized. The author of the report noted that currently there are several hypotheses of the origin of Indo-Iranians (Vyach. Vs. Ivanova and T. V. Gamkrelidze, Colin Renfrew, James Mallory). E. E. Kuzmina, as well as the well-known researcher V. Rau, believes that burials and sites of shepherds from the northern steppes may be discovered in India and Iran, which will confirm the spread of the complexes of Northern Bactria, in which the presence of a new ethnic group is recorded in the change of the funeral rite, the spread of the cult of the horse, chariot or horsemanship, the appearance of new types of weapons and vessels of only cult significance, while the main ceramic complex is borrowed from the aboriginal population. These conclusions are supported by anthropological data and so far few DNA studies.
The report of M. N. Pogrebova and D. S. Rayevsky (both from the Institute of Animal Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences) "Animal style as a component of the multiethnic culture of the Eurasian steppes in the Scythian era" was devoted to the culture of the tribes that lived in the Scythian era in the steppes of Eurasia and in the regions adjacent to them - the very tribes that included the " ancient nomads Roofs of the world", which became the object of research in the work of B. A. Litvinsky. "Ancient Nomads of the Whole World" (1972) is one of his most famous monographs. The speakers considered one of the aspects of studying the art of the so-called Eurasian animal style of the Scythian era. They characterize the art of animal style as a universal sign complex (UZK). In the Eurasian steppes, the animal style as such NARROW, in their opinion, originated in the field of visual art, and acted as a kind of lingua franca in the multi-ethnic environment of a vast steppe territory. M. N. Pogrebova and D. S. Rayevsky believe that the animal style, as it spread, was enriched with various cultural elements accepted by the multi-ethnic environment in the same way just as at the first stage it was assimilated the original repertoire of this style created by the Scythians.
L. T. Yablonsky (Institute of Archeology) in his report "An archaeological and anthropological hypothesis to the problem of the formation of Saka-type cultures" noted that few specialists from the Russian Academy of Sciences have ever studied Saka - type cultures.-
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It is found in the Hadron sub-base of Early Saka-type cultures. In his opinion, the hypothesis of direct overgrowth of Late-Andronovian cultures into early-Saka remains reliably reasoned when reviewing the archeology and paleoanthropology of the Asian steppes at a high taxonomic level, but when considering local materials at lower taxonomic levels, it needs some correction and further development at a new stage of accumulation of factual data.
A. S. Balakhvantsev (MSU) in his report "On the question of the chronology of interpretation of some structures of the Old Nisa", contrary to the point of view of the famous researcher of the Old Nisa V. N. Pilipko, stated in two monographs, came to completely different conclusions regarding the chronology and interpretation of the Old Nisa complex. He considered two issues: the dating of a clay sculpture from a Building with a Square Hall (ZKZ) and the interpretation of the "metope" with the image of the Seleucid anchor. According to A. S. Balakhvantsev, V. N. Pilipko's hypothesis about the perception of the Seleucid anchor as a symbol of tsarist power by the Parthians as early as the second century BC is not sufficiently substantiated. In his opinion, Old Nisa was originally a dynastic cult center of the Seleucids.
S. B. Bolelov (GMV) in the report " Ancient Khorezmian ceramic complex. Based on the materials of Kalaly-Gyr 2 (on the question of connections of Khorezm in the last third of the first millennium BC)," noted that the dating and detailed periodization of the Kalaly-Gyr 2 ceramic complex cannot be based on stratigraphic data. This is explained not only by the specifics of the monument, but also by the peculiarity of Khorezm as a whole, where there are no ancient settlements with multi-meter thick layers of cultural layers. For this reason, the speaker dates the complex based on a typological analysis of dishes. In accordance with the chronology, he distinguishes two groups of vessels. The first and most numerous group includes forms that are closely related to the ceramics of the previous period by morphological features - humas, tagors, truncated-conical cups, bowls and bowls. S. B. Bolelov dates these ceramics no earlier than the middle and end of the IV century BC. probably as a result of direct contacts with the Hellenistic world not earlier than the middle of the third century BC. These are cylindrical-conical cups and pot-shaped vessels-lekans, craters.
N. D. Dvurechenskaya (Moscow) in her report "Terracotta plastic of Bactria of the III-I centuries BC (According to stratigraphy)" noted that the plastic of this period was previously practically not analyzed through the prism of stratigraphic data and in the context of accompanying archaeological complexes. The study of the stratigraphy of the complexes from which terracotta products originate allowed her to identify for the first time clearly dated materials from the Greco-Bactrian and post-Greek periods based on archaeological data. These include 15 items originating from Dalverzintepe, Khalchayan, Saksanohur, Old Termez and Kampyrtep, as well as 61 items from Ai Khanum. To study this material, N. V. Dvurechenskaya compiled a database that made it possible to conduct statistical analysis and identify a number of patterns. This gave her the opportunity to identify two directions in the penetration and formation of terracotta plastics as a phenomenon that characterizes the material culture of Central Asia in certain chronological periods. The first direction, actually Greek, associated with the campaign of Alexander the Great, was significantly influenced by the Near-Asian terracotta plastics. The second direction was formed without the mediation of the Greeks, i.e. through Media, Hyrkania.
S. Ya. Berzina's report "Glass medallion from Samarkand" is dedicated to a long-standing find from Samarkand - a cast glass medallion of oval shape with a relief image of a full-face bust of a man. The medallion was found during excavations in 1947 in the medieval Afrasiab layer, presumably synchronous with Tali-Barzu 5 (Terenozhkin, 1950). Later it was attributed as a product of Sogdian glassmakers of the VIII-IX centuries. [Pugachenkova and Rempel, 1965]. S. Ya. Berzina believes that the medallion should be defined as a glass cameo designed for mounting on a flat surface. Typologically, it refers to the glass falera, soldiers ' award medallions, which were attached to the ceremonial armor. According to the speaker, the Samarkand cameo falera differs from traditional Roman models in the way of attachment. The character on the phalanx also does not evoke associations with images of the Roman world. S. Ya. Berzina finds direct analogs to this character in portraits of Parthian kings.
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The report of I. A. Arzhantseva (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and O. N. Inevatkina (GMV) "Afrasiab murals: new discoveries that are a quarter of a century old" was devoted to the murals discovered in 1965 on the ancient settlement of Samarkand-Afrasiab in one of the buildings of the palace complex. This discovery was published by V. A. Shashkin and L. I. Albaum (L. I. Albaum. Painting by Afrasiab. Tashkent, 1975). In 1978, during the restoration work, drawings of paintings of the western and northern walls were made. In the process of creating sketches, many new details were discovered that were not included in the publication of L. I. Albaum. In particular, several new figures were discovered, as well as an animal figure and small details. The study of previously unnoticed small details allowed us to give a reasonable interpretation of some figures and scenes of painting, and also placed the murals in a reliable archaeological context of early medieval Eurasia. A complete set of drawings is currently being prepared.
B. Lione (Paris, France) presented a report "Comparative study of ceramics of Central Asia and the North Caucasus in the era of Sogdian merchants". Some evidence for the existence of trade between Central Asia and Byzantium during the Sogdian merchants ' era and their travels to the North-West Caucasus, she noted, are toponyms, written sources and archaeological material. But until now, some similarities between the ceramics of Sogd and the Caucasus remained out of the field of view of researchers. According to the speaker, unlike well-known objects of trade (silk, silverware and other luxury items), these ceramics are unusually simple, because they are kitchen utensils.
O. V. Obelchenko's report (Moscow) "Restoration of Parthian rhytoes" was devoted to the history of the discovery of rhytoes from the ancient settlement of Staraya Nisa. Excavations at Staraya Nisa were carried out by a team of the South Turkmenistan Archaeological Complex Expedition (UTAKE) under the leadership of E. A. Davidovich. O. V. Obelchenko, a student and laboratory assistant of the Department of Archeology of the History Department of the Central Asian State University, participated in this expedition. Later, while heading the Department of restoration of works of applied art of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Restoration (VNIIR) of the USSR Ministry of Culture, he discovered that the ritons needed serious restoration. He and his colleagues developed a method for the re-preservation of rhytons, which was recognized by specialists.
T. K. Mkrtychev (GMV) and J. Y. Ilyasov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) devoted their report to a group of terracotta plaques depicting various characters, and clarified questions concerning their origin and place in the historical and cultural context of Central Asia. They believe that the terracotta plaques they are considering played the role of individual icons in early medieval Tokharistan. The analysis of the iconography of the images indicates, in their opinion, an attempt to create a pictorial version of the Tokharistan pantheon in the Hephthalite period. They also do not exclude that the appearance of Sughd terracotta plaques in the form of a "pediment" was a consequence of the spread of placards-icons from Tokharistan to Sughd as part of the emerging process of the formation of the Hephthalite culture.
G. A. Brykina (Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in her report "Medieval cities of Ferghana" mentioned that Ferghana has been a densely populated region with a highly developed urban culture since ancient times. This is evidenced by both numerous archaeological sites and written sources. The problems of the history of the Central Asian city have attracted the attention of scientists for more than 100 years. Since the time of V. A. Zhukovsky and V. V. Barthold, the point of view has been established that a feudal city is characterized by a three-part structure. According to these scholars, the city consisted of Citatel, Shahristan and Rabad. The citadel and Shahristan are typical of a pre-feudal city. The work of the following decades and the accumulated new materials made it possible to judge that there was no single path in the development of cities. Thus, the three-part division of a city has no absolute connection with the socio-economic structure of society. And the appearance of Rabad is the result of the territorial growth of the city. The specific historical environment in which cities develop is reflected in their topography.
A separate session was devoted to written sources and numismatics.
I. L. Kyzlasov (Institute of Archeology) presented two new Yenisei rock inscriptions of Tamgaly (Kazakhstan) in his report "On the possible influence of Buddhist writing on runic writing".-
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stan) and Kalmak-Tash (Kyrgyzstan). They served as prayer markers and read: (e)r (a)ti on(u)n "His name is era - Onyun" and (e)g (a)t(i)m b(i) lga "My name is era - Bilge". The first inscription follows the formula used by Manichaean preachers in the Altai Mountains. Both inscriptions reveal the spread of Sayan - Altai Manichaeism to the west in the IX-X centuries. A special feature of rock texts is writing from left to right. In this, the speaker sees the influence of the Brahmi script and the influence of Buddhist literature and writing, an activity that is generally characteristic of Eastern Manichaeism.
T. A. Denisova (IV RAS) in her report "On some methods of studying Malay Arabographic chronicles" reported that she learned many of the subtleties of studying narrative sources thanks to the help and mentoring of Ye. T. A. Denisova reviewed the Arabic historical works that make up a significant part of Malay Muslim historiography (the Chronicles "Hikayat Raja Pasey" (XIV-XV centuries), "Sejarah Melayu" (XVI-XVII centuries), the historical chronicles of the state of Johor (XVII-XIX centuries) - valuable sources on the history of medieval Malay Muslim communities. states. She noted that the Muslim historiography of Johor is represented by chronicles of three directions (Malay, Bugian, Minangabau). They mostly cover the same period (from the legendary founding of Singapore to the mid-19th century), but there are obvious differences in the factual set of information. The same events can be described from different points of view. Comparison of monuments of all three directions and comparative textual analysis allow us to solve a number of important source research problems: to identify cases of hidden citation, to determine common sources and protographs, to judge the reliability of the reported information.
D. V. Mikulsky (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) devoted his report "Motives of ethnography and ethnological culture of the Tajiks in A. G. Volos' novel "Khurramabad" to the analysis of one of the unique works of modern Russian literature, A. G. Volos 'novel" Khurramabad", which, in his opinion, is a very successful attempt to convey the experience of adaptation of Russian and Russian-speaking peoples. the transition of the population to new, unusual living conditions in the most remote Central Asian republic, and then also a forced exodus from it and an attempt to settle down in their historical homeland. According to D. V. Mikulsky, the most important feature of Tajik ethnography, such as clannishness, remains beyond the author's attention.
V. D. Mikulsky's report sparked discussion and an exchange of views.
The report of E. Y. Goncharov and L. L. Galkin (both from Moscow) "The Pool hoard from Khorezm (XIV century)" was devoted to the treasure found in the 1980s on the Kunya-Urgench ancient settlement in an ejection from a modern grave pit. A total of 314 coins were found. This is the first known large treasure pool of the Golden Horde period. Analysis of the composition of the hoard allowed us to draw some conclusions, in particular, that the hoard is the first documentary evidence that in Khorezm of the Tokhtamysh era there was an annual change of copper coins. Pools of previous issues were in circulation in a small number. Large sums of copper coins were accumulated in the hands of the population, foreign coins, Timurid and Iranian fels, pools of other state entities on the territory of the Jochi Ulus were treated on a par with other copper coins. To date, an agreement has been reached on the transfer of the treasure to the GVM.
P. G. Gaidukov (Institute of Archeology) and L. L. Molchanov (Institute of General History) in their report "Finds of Kufic coins in the Ilmen Lake district" reported that several dozen whole and fragmented Kufic coins were found in the summer and autumn of 2001 - 2002. Some of the coins were transferred to the Novgorod Archaeological Expedition, while the other part is kept by private individuals in Veliky Novgorod and is also available for study. P. G. Gaidukov and A. A. Molchanov identified 11 coins - nine whole and two fragmented ones (Abbasid and Sasanian dirhams). The kufic coins described by them allow us to clarify the chronology of the settlement of the Ilmen Lake district by the Slavs, and to mark the places of coin finds that have not survived to this day and are still unknown to archaeologists early medieval settlements.
The anniversaries-E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky - took an active part in the discussion of the conference reports, sometimes acting as co-rapporteurs.
At the end of the conference, the participants thanked E. A. Davidovich and B. A. Litvinsky for their great contribution to the Russian historical science and wished them further creative success.
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