Libmonster ID: TJ-743

In the context of increasing globalization and the erasure of cultural differences in the modern world, the preservation of historical and cultural landscapes and the inclusion of historical and cultural monuments in the recreational sphere of life are important tasks of our time.

The IV International Congress on the Archaeology of Eurasia, held in Agsu (Azerbaijan) on October 1-5, 2012, was organized by the Fint-1 Congress of Eurasian Arceology Committee headed by S. Guneri. (Turkey) and the cultural and educational association "Miras" of Azerbaijan under the leadership of F. Khalilli. The scientific forum was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, regional authorities of Agsu and Shamakhi districts.

Opening the congress, First Deputy Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan V. Aliyev welcomed the participants and residents of Agsu. He noted that President Ilham Aliyev and the authorities of the Agsu region show interest and support archaeological research, while local businessmen invest in archaeological excavations. Currently, excavations are being carried out on 40 monuments in different regions of Azerbaijan. Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences M. Rahimova welcomed the participants of the congress and thanked I. Aliyev for supporting scientific research in archeology. She highly appreciated the results of the excavations in Agsu, especially the discovery of Dutch gold coins, which enriched the exposition of the National Museum of Azerbaijan. In recent years, several books have been published and a website on archaeology has been created.

The head of Agsu district A. Seyidaliyev noted that scientists from the USA, Germany, France, Russia and other countries work in Azerbaijan. He stressed the importance of the ongoing

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congress for science and culture of the country. Director of the Museum of Turkic and Islamic Art S. Shokhin spoke about the creation of an archaeological center in Agsu. Dean of Dokuz Yeili University M. Bayram Bayraktar (Izmir, Turkey) said that about 300 archaeological excavations are currently underway in Turkey, most of which are carried out by international expeditions. IKEA organizer, Director of the Center for the Study of the Caucasus and Central Asia S. Guneri (Izmir, Turkey) spoke about the previous congresses and stressed the importance of scientific contacts between scientists working in Eurasia.

Representative of the Italian Restoration Center E. Borelli (Italy) spoke about the experience of restoration work in Italy. In the speech of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the IV Congress F. Khalilli received greetings from the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture and Miras organization to the congress participants. Currently, in Italy, some undergraduates are writing their dissertations based on the results of excavations at Asu.

Further work of the conference was organized in several sections, but all of them met in the same hall, so that the participants could hear all the reports.

V. Aliyev made a speech at the section "Research of scientific heritage in the Eurasian region". He spoke about archaeological research in Azerbaijan and highly appreciated the work of Russian scientists who studied antiquities in the country. The report of H. F. Jafarov (Azerbaijan University of Economics, Baku) contained a detailed excursion into the history of studying the monuments of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the territory of Azerbaijan. The results of excavations of the Palidi monument were demonstrated - skeletons of those buried with their upper and lower limbs bent at the joints, oriented with their heads to the north, were revealed in the excavated graves. Sometimes there were 5-6 ceramic vessels of different shapes in the graves. Vases and jugs with narrow necks and side handles stand out among them. Fragments of bronze and iron products and stone beads were found. According to the speaker, the excavated burials date back to the XII-XI centuries BC.

I. Kusach (Azov Museum, Russia) presented the results of excavations of the Turkish fortress Azak. In the Middle Ages, it was the Italian fortress of Tana. In the XIV century, during the reign of Sultan Mehmed II, it was conquered by the Turks, and in 1774 it was taken by Russian troops. During the excavations, cores, fragments of ceramic dishes, smoking pipes and a fragment of a statuette depicting a human figure were found. F. Khalilli spoke about the activities of the organization headed by him for the conservation and restoration of archaeological sites and finds. Miras was very active in the Agsu area. The excavated foundations of the buildings were preserved. The speaker suggested that the study of Muslim monuments should be called "Islamic archeology" by analogy with the Biblical one. On the territory of the medieval city of Agsu, a mosque was excavated and tombstones with inscriptions in Arabic script were found. The special attention of the speaker was drawn to numismatic finds, including Iranian coins from the reign of Nadir Shah, Russian rubles and Dutch gold ducats of the XVIII century. A hoard of gold ducats was discovered in an excavated medieval cellar.

Speech by G. Pirguliyeva (Azerbaijan) The article was devoted to a comparative analysis of numismatic terms in the Russian and Turkic languages. In the report of S. Sakania (Abkhazian Institute of Humanit. research, Sukhum) presented the results of studying the main temples of the Pontic line of Abkhazia. Most of the ancient fortresses on the Black Sea coast were studied in the 1950s and 1980s. Among the Christian churches, the earliest ones date back to the fourth century AD during the activity of Bishop Sophronius. In recent years, Abkhazian archaeologist G. Shamba and Moscow researcher L. G. Khrushkova have conducted excavations.

A. Y. Borisenko (NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia) She studied the history of studying Turkic antiquities by European scientists of the XVIII century. The author of the report noted the importance of the materials they collected not only for the history of science, but also for studying the cultural monuments of the ancient Turks on the Middle Yenisei, since many of the ancient Turkic archaeological sites recorded during the first scientific expeditions have not been preserved to this day and you can only get an idea of them from the descriptions and drawings

A. Nuratdinova (Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia) summed up the results of studying the ceramic workshop of the Toretsky settlement. In her opinion, after the destruction of Bilyar by the troops of Batu Khan, two rural settlements were built. During the Kazan Khanate, there was a Toretsk settlement. At the cemetery on Mount Balangus, Muslim tombstones were found that were found in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

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they were looted by local peasants. Objects of Muslim and Christian worship, as well as Bulgarian, Ancient Russian and Kama-Ural ceramics were found on the Toretsky settlement square. According to the speaker, the Tatars began to build fortifications around their cities from the XIV century. D. Jafarova (Moscow, un-t, Baku, Azerbaijan) made an interesting report on the emergence of military affairs among the population of Karabakh in the late Bronze and early Iron ages. Various items of offensive weapons of remote and close combat were found in several monuments on the territory under study. Some finds of weapons come from women's burials, which made it possible to suggest ancient Amazons. E. Boldyreva (MSU, Russia) reported on fragments of Byzantine-made ceramic dishes found at the Samosdelka settlement in the Volga region. She noted that such glazed ceramics are also marked on other monuments of the Volga region and in Constantinople.

L. A. Sokolova (IIMC, St. Petersburg, Russia) spoke about the peculiarities of the artistic style of stone statues from Chermuchek in Xinjiang and Hakkari in Eastern Anatolia. In her opinion, the origins of this style come from anthropomorphic larvae of the Lower Amur, heart-shaped larvae from Bronze Age petroglyphs in the Angara region, similar images in the Okunevskaya and Karakol cultures of the Sayan-Altai. Unlike the Chermuchek statues, Hakkari stelae were placed not on graves, but in front of rocks. Their purpose is not entirely clear. S. Guneri (Center for the Study of the Caucasus and Central Asia, Izmir, Turkey) reported on the results of studying rock carvings in the Duyumu area in the Kare region in eastern Turkey. On this monument there are numerous carved stylized drawings of anthropomorphic characters and animals. In several cases, they are overlaid with silhouette images of horses. The author of the report noted the analogies of these drawings on the Doyunlu monument in Dagestan and on the Lena River in Eastern Siberia. N. Abdullazade (Baku, Azerbaijan) made a report on the ethno-cultural history of the Azerbaijani people. He outlined some mythological subjects, paying special attention to the mythical bird Humai.

Yu. S. Khudyakov's report (IAET SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) discussed the possibilities of using graphic and subject-based reconstructions of weapons complexes for warriors of Southern Siberia and Central Asia to spread scientific knowledge about military affairs and military culture of medieval nomadic peoples. 3. Shimshir's speech (Antalya, Turkey) was dedicated to the restoration of the Yuvli Minaret in this city. During the restoration work, fragments of ceramics and an inscription in honor of the Seljuk Sultan Keykubat were found. N. Bariki (Konya, Turkey) told about the Konya museum, which displays objects of ancient history and antiquity, details of architectural decoration, including the image of a double-headed eagle, ceramic products, weapons and costumes of Turkish soldiers.

Subject E. Borelli (Institute of Conservation and Restoration, Rome, Italy ) - experience of conservation on some monuments of the Roman Republic and Empire. A. Kazim Oz (Dokuz Eyli Un-t, Izmir, Turkey) spoke about the Metropolis-an archaeological project in Ionia. The acropolis, palaestra, theater and other buildings are located on the square of the ancient city, and a modern tourist infrastructure has been created. Since 1972, the monument is under the protection of UNESCO. M. Ozkoza (Hitit un-t, Chorum, Turkey) described the exposition of the Chorum Museum, which presents finds of the Neolithic, Hittite and ancient times from various monuments from the territory of Anatolia. K. Ibragimov (Icherisheher Museum Complex, Baku, Azerbaijan) made a report about this archaeological park within the historical boundaries of Baku, about the process of clearing the walls of medieval buildings, laying modern infrastructure and demonstrated archaeological finds. E. A. Popravko (St. Petersburg, Russia) spoke about the need to popularize the archaeological heritage among the population of the Far East. Koveshnikova (Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum, Kemerovo, Russia) spoke about archaeological tourism in Kuzbass. According to her, about 150 archaeological sites that can be used for archeotourism have been identified in the Kemerovo region.

D. Pikalov (NCFU, Stavropol, Russia) spoke about the creation of a multi-media resource "Scythians in the North Caucasus", which can be used to promote scientific knowledge about the culture of ancient nomads. N. Jafarova (Baku, Azerbaijan) reported on the functioning of specialized children's museums in the USA, England and Russia and shared plans to create such a museum in the future. Azerbaijan. The topic of the presentation by E. Gungur (Turkey) is the project of creating an underwater archaeological museum in the area of Kas, on the southern coast of Anatolia, where sunken ships were found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The initiators of the museum's creation reconstructed the ancient ship in order to use it for tourists.

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A. P. Borodovsky (IAET SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) pointed out some areas of integration of the Gorny Altai archaeological heritage into tourism activities. Such events include the Altai Odyssey tour, where tourists visit Lake Teletskoye, the Chulyshman and Chui valleys. Sh. Gasimoe (Baku, Azerbaijan) reported on the state of monuments in the Lachin district, where medieval fortresses and mausoleums are located. A. E. Merish (Turkey) reported on the development of archaeotourism in Eurasia. Information about Neolithic, ancient and medieval monuments in Anatolia was presented. G. Jabiyev (Baku, Azerbaijan) He spoke about the study of medieval cities in Azerbaijan. D. Giyasi (Baku, Azerbaijan) spoke about the Juma Shamakhi Mosque in Shirvan, gave historical evidence and drawings. This mosque was destroyed by an earthquake in 1902 and then restored. E. Zlivinskaya (IEA RAS, Moscow, Russia) made a report on the architecture of mosques in the cities of the Golden Horde. Gabelia (Institute of History, Sukhum, Abkhazia) spoke about an epigraphic monument from Sebastopolis, which has an inscription in Greek in honor of the man who equipped the warship.

V. Bzhania (Institute of History, Sukhum, Abkhazia) proposed a hypothesis about the meaning of the term "Chach", from which, in his opinion, the Abkhazian surname Chachba originates. M. Rikhtim's presentation (Kavkaz University, Turkey) contained information about Sufi dervishes in Azerbaijan. A. Ukhri (Dokuz Yeili University, Izmir, Turkey) suggested that one of the criteria for horse domestication may be the discovery of oat seeds in the cultural layer of ancient archaeological sites. As evidence, he cited an image of a horse's head with a bridle from the Chomakly monument of the 1st millennium BC, discovered during excavations. A. O. Pronin (NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia) spoke about the design features of the Manchurian broadsword found in Southern Siberia. K. Ibraimzadeh (Istanbul, Turkey) studied the process of spreading the "Turkic style" in architecture in Russia in the XVIII century. , Russia) presented the results of excavations in Staraya Ladoga, where dwellings typical of medieval Scandinavia were found. Kochkina (NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia) reported on the relationship between song traditions and decorative arts of the Russian population in the Steppe Altai.

In general, the thematic, territorial and chronological coverage of the reports heard at the conference turned out to be quite wide, from Southern Europe to the Far East and from the Neolithic to the ethnographic modernity. However, a significant part of the presentations was focused on discussing the problems of preserving the archaeological heritage and spreading scientific knowledge about the historical past of the ancient and medieval peoples of Eurasia. The congress was accompanied by a rich cultural program. The participants of the scientific forum visited museums in Agsu and Shamakhi, preserved archaeological sites, and got acquainted with traditional crafts preserved in the culture of the inhabitants of these regions of Azerbaijan. The IV International Congress on the Archaeology of Eurasia has become a significant event in scientific life.

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Yu. S. KHUDYAKOV, IV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF EURASIA // Dushanbe: Digital Library of Tajikistan (LIBRARY.TJ). Updated: 24.11.2024. URL: (date of access: 29.03.2025).

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