Mauritania is relatively poorly studied in Russian Arabic studies. This is largely due to the fact that this state is located on the periphery of the Arab world and very often escapes the field of view of linguists and regional studies. This country is uni …
On August 15-21, 2010, the XX Congress of the International Association History of Religions (IAHR) was held in Toronto. The theme of the congress was very broad: religion as a human phenomenon. The geographical area of residence of the congress participan …
Tashkent-Tokyo: Yangi nashr, 2010, 744 p.
In recent years, the main direction in the study of pre-colonial, colonial and Soviet Central Asia has been the rejection of an exclusively Russian-centric view of local history, associated, of course, with the col …
The European Association of the Southeast Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA) was established in 1986. Since then, its conferences have been held every two years, bringing together leading experts in Southeast Asian archaeology from Europe, the United States, …
The Qur'an, which contains the direct speech of Allah addressed to the Prophet Muhammad and, through him, to all people, is not only the only true Scripture and Holy Book for Muslims, but also the most important reference point in their spiritual life, rit …
Вступ. article and commentary by A. A. GANICH and J. Ya. RAKHAEVA. co starokabard. yaz. B. Ch. BIZHOEVA
Keywords: M. Shardanov, P. K. Uslar, K. Atazhukin, Islamic dogmatics, Kabardian enlightenment, Muslim enlightenment, education system, Kabardian alphabe …
The Tibet Autonomous Region or Xi'zang is the second largest region in the People's Republic of China. It borders the provinces of Yunnan, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar (Burma). Tibet in the geographi …
5 ноября 2011 г. исполнилось 70 лет нашему коллеге и другу, глубокому знатоку не только стран Ближнего и Среднего Востока, но и широкого круга проблем мировой экономики и политики, заместителю директора Института востоковедения РАН, доктору исторических на …
Предметом настоящего исследования служат пропагандистские документальные фильмы "Обыкновенный ваххабизм " и "Обыкновенный суфизм ", снятые в жанре исламского призыва (да'ва) противниками и сторонниками радикального политизированного ислама на российском Се …
Конец XX в. в азербайджанской прозе можно связать с дальнейшим развитием творчества "шестидесятников", некогда успешно воспользовавшихся "хрущевской оттепелью". Однако уже в начале XXI в. в азербайджанской литературе появилась плеяда молодых писателей, выб …
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