Обзор сообщений блога по дням: 03.02.2025

On November 20, 1984, the State Public Historical Library of the RSFSR hosted the second readers 'conference to discuss books in the series "History of the Soviet Working Class": "The Working Class in the October Revolution and defending its Gains. 1917-19
Точикистон Онлайн · 21 дней(я) назад 0 132

Kyiv. Наукова думка. 1983. 280 p. Defining the tasks of social scientists in modern conditions, K. U. Chernenko in his report at the June (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU emphasized:: "The main direction of development of social sciences
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The improvement of developed socialism requires expanding and deepening the development of theoretical problems of social sciences, including history and demography, and increasing their connection on the basis of the study of the practice of socialist cre
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To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1982. 277 p. Victory of the USSR and its Armed Forces in the GO rear over the rear of Nazi Germany. The Great Patriotic War had one thing-a particularly prominent role in achieving the tempor
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M. International relations. 1983. 288 p. Associate Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Candidate of Historical Sciences A. Yu.Borisov devoted his book to Soviet - American relations du
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G. I. ZHELTOVA. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE SOCIALIST AND COMMUNIST CONSTRUCTION OF SOVIET UZBEKISTAN (1930-1970). TASHKENT. "FAN". 1981. 184 P. October 1984 marked the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Uzbek SSR. Understanding the significance of the eve
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In 1959 , a book by V. Bill 1 was published, which marked the beginning of the study of the Russian capitalist class by American bourgeois historiography. Bill's work was not considered an achievement in Western Russian studies .2 However, her work was fol
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Modern American historians study many aspects of the history of the Russian city during the feudal period. Most of all, their attention is drawn to such aspects of urban life in Russia as the urban system, city management, urban autonomy, the state and the
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The XXVI Congress of the CPSU once again emphasized that the leading force, social intelligence and social heart of the economic, political, social and spiritual progress of socialism was and remains the working class1 . "The revolution placed the working
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State leadership of the Cultural Revolution is one of the key problems in the history of socialist construction. The least studied aspect of it is the formation and development of the Soviet apparatus for leading the cultural revolution in general and the
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