Libmonster ID: TJ-602
Автор(ы) публикации: B. Y. STAVISKY

Khujand, 1998. 175 p.; 1999. 126 p.; 2000. 91 p.

(c) 2002

The first issue of the Central Asian Humanities Research Yearbook, published by the UNESCO Research Department of the B. G. Gafurov Khujand State University, was published in 1997. A review of this issue was published in the journal "Vostok (Oriens)" (1998. N 6. pp. 155-157).

Despite the difficulties, the editorial board of the Yearbook is headed by the Director of ISI UNESCO acad. AS RT N. Negmatov (chief scientific editor) and the rector of KHSU Prof. S. Abdullaev were able to save the publication and release the next issues. However, their circulation has decreased to 200 copies. (issues 1-300 copies), and the volume of issues decreased.

The second issue of the Yearbook opens with the section "Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician Numan Negmatov". It includes four articles in Tajik: S. A. Abdulloev, S. S. Marofiev " Academician N. N. Nematov-takhlilgari ilmi tairikhshinosii tochik "(p. 5-15); U. Chakhonov "Mas'alakhoi ethnologiyai tochikon az nazari academician Nu'mon Nematov" (p. 15-29); L. D. Boimatov " Du lavkha az takhlilkhoi tairikhnigorii akademik N. Nematov "(pp. 30-38); M. Isomatov "Academician Numon Nematov dar donishgohi davlatii millii Tojikiston" (pp. 38-42); and two articles by R. S. Mukimov in Russian: "N. N. Negmatov and protection of historical and cultural monuments" (pp. 42-50); "N. N. Negmatov - director of the Khisor Nature Reserve and founder of Khisor studies " (pp. 50-56).

Of the four articles in the section "Humanities in development and Concepts", one (M. Khochaeva "Matlubai Mirzoyunus", pp. 57-66) is written in Tajik, the rest in Russian. The author of the article "The origins of the formation and development of Medieval Arabic prose (khitaba) of the VI - mid-VII centuries" (pp. 66-75), which is interesting not only for literary and cultural scholars, but also for educated readers in general, U. A. Gaffarova concludes that " although medieval Arabic prose owes its origin to Islamized peoples, primarily Iranians, however, the ancient Arabic traditions themselves, especially the culture of oratory, had a significant influence on its formation." She writes that khutbah (khitaba) is "a special type of literature, the most topical and most mobile, inextricably linked to the political, social, religious and ideological life of the Arabs since its inception. Of course, the khutbah is one of the riches and achievements of medieval Arabic literature."

A young researcher, P. I. Baltii, in his article "Chernyshevsky and Persian-Tajik literature" (pp. 75-89), based on a fairly large number of sources, proves that "Persian-Tajik classical literature was known to Chernyshevsky not only and not so much from translations into Russian and European languages, but from the original texts placed in the Russian Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences."Persian Anthology "by A. Boldyrev, lectures at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg University, on the works of Russian and foreign orientalists, as well as from personal communication with Sablukov, Kazembek, Senkovsky". The Persian-Tajik literary heritage was reinterpreted, reworked and used by the Russian writer "for the purposes of his own revolutionary-democratic tasks and on the basis of the principles of his materialistic aesthetics." The ideas, plots, images, and motifs that Chernyshevsky drew from Persian-Tajik literature were used by him "as elements of the Aesopian language." "Author "What should I do?", "Stories in a story", which worked on the "Book of the Sun of the Night", used the symbolism of the rose, sun, spring, night, newlywed, blooming world for cryptography purposes -

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Polistan, the genre of allegorical poems such as "Yusuf and Zuleikha" and "Salaman and Absal", the imagery and poetics of Rumi's "Great Divan of Shams Tabrizi", edifying and didactic works of Saadi, ghazals of Hafiz".

E. Sh. Shodiev's article " Traditions of bilingualism in the works of Khujand poets of the XVIII-XIX centuries "(pp. 89-96) is devoted to one of the most urgent and complex problems for Central Asia and the entire Far East. The author states that " in Uzbek and Tajik literatures, the traditions of bilingualism and literary ties that developed and improved over many centuries reached a new level of development by the XVIII-XIX centuries. Until then, bilingualism was mainly spread among Uzbek writers, but in the XVIII-XIX centuries, Tajik writers also made a great contribution to the development of this tradition." Considering that the topic of ethnocultural affiliation of literary figures is connected with social and political problems, the editorial board accompanies the article with a special afterword (p. 96).

The section "Society, State and Civilization" includes two articles. One of them - "The concept of the history and realities of the Great Silk Road "(GSR)" (pp. 97-114) was written by the chief scientific editor of the Yearbook N. N. Negmatov. In the introduction, the author states that " the Great Silk Road is a pan-Asian creation and heritage." The article consists of two parts: "1. Philosophy of the history of the GSR", where N. N. Negmatov gives the history and periodization of the GSR (as he presents them), and "2. The concept of historical reanimation of the GSR" - outlines the use of the" historical achievements " of the GSR in the territory of the present Leninabad region, i.e. Northern Tajikistan. The author suggests implementing a regional structure called "Historical and artistic Panorama of the Great Silk Road". According to his plan, it will consist of three elements: "Tajik Triumphal Arch", artistic panoramas "Way to the East" and"Way to the West and South". "The location is the most expedient and optimal-on the main highway between the cities of Khujand and Gafurov, at the turn to the city of Kairakkum, and the large-scale construction of a Shopping center opposite the city of Chkalovsk. Here, the combination of "Historical Panorama" and its elements with a Shopping Center will transform this zone in the near future into a grandiose and effective architectural and planning Center of Greater Khujand - as the main city of Leninabad region, which will give rise to the restoration of the Khujand International Fair."

It is envisaged that the "Triumphal Arch" will be a grandiose structure, richly decorated with sculptural panels and statues depicting many characters: "the outstanding Saka queen, a native of the Khujand region Tomiris (VI-V centuries BC)", " the outstanding Ikhshid Sogd, afshin of Samarkand and Dehkan Panjikent Divashtich (VII-VIII centuries AD) " and " the outstanding organizer of the Samanid State Ismail Somoni (849-907)", as well as Chinese travelers, scientists and missionaries, Byzantine merchants and diplomats, Iranian poets, musicians, scientists, etc. The artistic directors will be the chairman of the Art Fund R. B. Boturaliev and the head of the Department of Fine Arts of KhSU G. Kh. Juraev, the architect will be A. A. Zhuraev. Vakhidov, and the construction director is an employee of the regional khukumat. The author believes that the creation of an historical and artistic panorama can become "a memorable building of human creation of the XX century", if its implementation "does not fall into the hands of mediocre, poorly educated and passive people". I would like to hope that both the funds for such an ambitious project and decent personnel for its implementation will be found.

The second article in this section is "The evolution of moral consciousness as the basis for the formation of a humanistic society" by M. A. Abduvakhidova (pp. 114-130). The author claims: "The confrontation between necessity and reality, between what is due and what is valid, has remained and continues to remain an insurmountable barrier in the theory of humanism. Another characteristic feature of moral consciousness is that moral precepts or human norms of morality are binding on everyone. A person who does not comply with them is worthy of public censure." She also believes that " this feature of moral consciousness is reflected in all world religions, in the holy books-the Koran and the Bible." Having considered the views of Karl Marx and Fr. M. A. Abduvakhidov comes to the conclusion that "Marxism in a certain sense is humanism", that it "was and was based on the theory of personality" (M.-L., 1986).-

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It is the most consistent critique of all the anti-humanist concepts that preceded it."

The heading "People, Culture and Ecology" includes S. A. Abdurakhimov's article " Changes in landscapes of Northern Tajikistan under the influence of anthropogenic load and recommendations for environmental protection "(pp. 130-145), devoted to a topical topic for the whole of Central Asia (the author's abstracts were published in 1979 at Moscow State University and in 1991 in Bishkek), and review of the leading researcher of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor G. M. Chernogaev (pp. 146-147), who highly appreciated the book by M. Kh.Khodzhaev "Water and ecological problems of Northern Tajikistan" (Moscow, 1996).

The last section," The Twentieth Century in Original Documents and Publications " (pp. 148-173), continues the publication of rare publications that have now become inaccessible to readers that began in the first issue of the Yearbook. Makeev's essays "Vilayat Kurgan-Tube (results of socio-economic survey)" and A. Peremet's "Soviet Gazi-Malek", which quite vividly depict the ethno - cultural and socio - political situation in these parts of Tajikistan in 1925-1926, were first published in the magazine" Struggle and Study " (Tashkent, 1926). A. Kadyrov prepared them for publication.

The third issue of the Yearbook opens with the section "Humanities in Development and concepts", consisting of the article by N. N. Negmatov " On a new concept of the formation history of Central Asia "(pp. 5-22). Despite the controversial and schematic nature of the author's constructions, I think the reader will be interested in the table "New periodization of the formation history of Central Asia" presented by him, so I will give it in full.


New social and state formation division

Archaeological and historical periodization


Previous socio-economic formation division

I Primitive system

Loess Paleolithic, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

800,000-V thousand BC.

Primitive communal system

II Communal-estate system

Eneolithic, Bronze Age

IV-II thousand BC.

III State-community system

Early Iron Age

I millennium BC - first centuries AD

The slave system

IV Feudal system

Middle Ages

IV century-60s of the XIX century AD

Feudal system

V Transition period of the search for a better social order

Novoe vremya

60s of the XIX century - 80s of the XX century.

The transition period and the construction of Soviet Socialism

VI Building a free and democratic society

Modern times of the XX century

90 - ies of the XX century.

The section "Society, state and civilization" includes articles by N. Yuldashev " Socio-economic content of the regional labor market "(p. 23-38) and A. Churaev "Oid ba baze masoili demokratikunonii hayeti chomea" (p.39-44). Based on the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic and the employment Service (as of January 1, 1996), N. Yuldashev analyzes the problem of unemployment in Northern Tajikistan. The article consists of two parts: "Current state and trends of labor market development in the region" and "Programming of socio-economic transformation of the regional economy".

The section "Man, Culture and Ecology" includes five articles, two of which are in Tajik: M. Khochaev " Sukhane chand roche ba chugrofiyai Sirdare "(p. 45-47); E. Okilov, N. Giyosov "Kadrshinosi - sarchashmai ilkhomi echodkor" (p. 73-76).

The title of the article by A. Sharipov and M. Mukhiddinov "We are all of the same root - Adam's children "(pp. 48-62) uses the line "from the immortal work of Saadi, the greatest poet. a thinker, a humanist." Guided by the desire to prove that all nations-large and small, numerous and small-have made a certain contribution to the treasury

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The authors refer to two outstanding monuments of classical literature - " The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh "(Kiev, late XI century) and "Kabusname" (translated into Tajik - "Nasihatname"). Unsurulmaali of Kaikovusa (Gilan, early 12th century). Both of these "literary masterpieces with similar destinies, for thousands of years served and serve the education of descendants." "As long as the people are alive," the authors conclude their interesting article, " their spiritual and moral treasures, including pedagogical ones, will also be alive. They are undergoing changes, experiencing constant evolution along with the people, but they remain forever."

In a small note by X. Murtazaeva "On some endangered and wild medicinal plants of the Mogol-Tau Mountain (Northern Tajikistan)" (pp. 62-64) speaks of the great importance of medicinal plants still preserved in these places and recommends measures to prevent their disappearance. The author suggests, in particular, "to organize a raw reserve in the Mogol-Tau Mountains in order to preserve the gene pool and rational use of raw medicinal plants for the health needs of Tajikistan."

S. Ya. Abdurakhimov and D. N. Saidova in their article "Anthropogenic changes in the main ecological components in Tajikistan" (p.65-72) continue the research that was started in the second issue of the Yearbook, which is important for the Central Asian region.

The issue ends with sections: "In memory of great figures", "To the 90th anniversary of Academician B. G. Gafurov", "To the 90th anniversary of Academician Sultan Umarov and the famous breeder Akram Dadabayev" (pp. 77-124). The first one deals with the 100th anniversary of a native of Khojent, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Rector of SAGU, mathematician T. N. Kara - Niyazov (all articles in Taj. yaz.). The second is about B. G. Gafurov (1908-1977), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, historian, prominent organizer of science and public figure, born in the village of Ispisar (currently - G. Gafurov). Here, in addition to materials in Tajik, correspondence between B. G. Gafurov and the famous orientalist akad is published. Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR.- correspondent. A. A. Semenov (1873-1958) of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR from May 22, 1941 to October 23, 1953. The third section is dedicated to the memory of Academician S. Umarov and A. Dadabayev (all articles in Taj. yaz.).

The fourth issue of the Yearbook is still the last to reach Moscow. The traditional section "Humanities in development and concepts" opens with the article by N. N. Negmatov "On the problems of cultural-anthropological and civilizational periodization of the history of the Tajik people "(p. 5-12), where the author continues the "general cultural - anthropological periodization of the Iranian-Tajik history"begun in the first and third issues.

The section "Society, State and civilization" includes articles by N. T. Rakhimov " Family and marriage among the Saka tribes of the Syr Darya basin "(p. 13-24), X. Dodikudov " Community, community consciousness and the problem of freedom and democracy in Central Asia "(p. 25-39) (written on the basis of a report read at an International Conference in Alma-Ata, September 26-28, 2000) and A. Holiki " Written sources on the types and properties of objects of decoration of the X-XH centuries "(pp. 40-51). Having received an idea of the jewelry of this time from the articles of E. V. Kilchevskaya and N. N. Negmatov (1964) and D. A. Fakhretdinova (1983), A. Holiki notes that "many features of jewelry can be traced in the information of authors of the X-XIII centuries, given both in special treatises and in other diverse works. An invaluable role in the study of this problem is played by Khayyam's treatise "Navruzname", which is of great importance for determining the role of jewelry items, precious stones and metals in people's lives." Unfortunately, the title of the article is much broader than its content.

The section "Man, Culture and Ecology" is presented by M. Khodjaev's article "Mamotnokii ekologi-asosi inkipyufi ustuvor" written in Tajik (p. 52-59).

The section "In memory of great figures" includes the works of H. F. Abdullazade " Umar Khayyam-the greatest astronomer of the XI-XII centuries "(p. 60-69) and p.III. Marofiev's "Khayyam: the potter, the Wine and the Beauties of the World of this and that" (pp. 69-79), dedicated to the 960th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poet and scientist Omar Khayyam, celebrated by UNESCO in 2000.

The issue ends with the traditional section for the Yearbook - "XX century in original documents and publications". V. Viktorov's article " Communist University of the Working People of the East (KUTV)", first published in the journal " Life of Nationalities (Monthly journal on politics, Economics and Culture of the RSFSR nationalities) "(Moscow, 1923. Book I), was prepared for publication by A. Kadyrov (pp. 80-89).


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