Libmonster ID: TJ-683


The conference dedicated to the memory of the Russian Japanese scientist Nikolai Alexandrovich Syromyatnikov (1911-1984) was held on December 14, 2011, on the day of the centenary of the scientist.

The conference was attended by orientalists from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ISAA MSU, RSUH and other scientific institutions.

N. A. Syromyatnikov worked for more than 30 years at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, studying various aspects of the Japanese language from the functioning of the tenses system to the features of phonetics and punctuation, as well as the processes of its formation and development. His works devoted to the language of early Japanese monuments, such as The Ancient Japanese Language (Moscow, 1972) and Classical Japanese (Moscow, 1983), have not lost their significance. At the same time, N. A. Syromyatnikov is also known as a lexicographer who participated in the compilation of the most important Japanese-Russian dictionaries of the XX century.

Several reports were devoted to the personality of the scientist.

In his report "N. A. Syromyatnikov as a major Japanese scientist and an outstanding person", L. R. Kontsevich (Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) introduced the audience to the main milestones in the biography of N. A. Syromyatnikov and his scientific activities. N. A. Syromyatnikov's student E. G. Azerbayev, co-author of the " Japanese-Russian Dictionary of Radio Electronics "(Moscow, 1981), shared his memories of meeting N. A. Syromyatnikov.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy V. M. Alpatov, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in his report "Something about N. A. Syromyatnikov's personality", noted that modesty and naivety in everyday life coexisted with determination and uncompromising attitude in professional matters. In the event of fundamental disagreements, N. A. Syromyatnikov did not know reverence for the rank and authority of his opponent, no matter how famous he was; this is clearly evident from the way he defended his point of view in front of his scientific supervisors A. A. Kholodovich, and then N. I. Konrad. to colleagues and interest in their work. He actively and gladly read and reviewed linguistic works, and also worked a lot with graduate students, and not only with his own, being happy to help them and pass on his extensive knowledge of the language of different eras.

At the opening of the conference, a greeting was also read out, which was sent by the nephew of the scientist V. G. Syromyatnikov, a chemist, professor at Kiev University.

The actual linguistic reports concerned various areas of scientific interests of N. A. Syromyatnikov. Two reports addressed issues of lexicography and historical lexicology.

A.V. Kostyrkin, K. I. Demich, Z. M. Chaliapina, and E. S. Tarasova (VSE-IB RAS) reviewed the lexicographic heritage of the Russian Academy of Sciences in their report "New Life of Old Dictionaries: Tradition and Modernity" . A. Syromyatnikov, which includes a dictionary file and a number of manuscripts; this archive was donated by the widow of the scientist to the Institute of Oriental Studies and is currently located in the Department of Languages. Then A.V. Kostyrkin described the current state of the most promising area of vocabulary - electronic lexicography. Using the example of his lexicographic projects, he demonstrated how to rethink the traditional problem of nesting articles, using the hypertext toolkit for cross-article citation. As a concrete example of the new possibilities of electronic lexicography, the traditional task that was previously difficult to solve was given: to provide the user with comprehensive information about the graphic and phonetic forms of a Japanese word. It is dedicated to the draft manuscript "Instructions for compiling a Japanese-Russian dictionary" discovered in the archive of N. A. Syromyatnikov, according to which three entries are required for the Japanese text: in the national graphic, in the syllabic alphabet and in phonetic transcription. The cumbersome format of the paper dictionary did not allow us to put this into practice. The electronic dictionary does not just remove the volume restrictions, but also physically removes them.

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unavoidable for a typographic publication, it allows you to adjust the degree of detail when submitting information, and when using multimedia tools, even accompany examples with an audio recording.

A. G. Belova (IB RAS) spoke about historical changes in the grammar and vocabulary of the language in the report "N. A. Syromyatnikov and the Arabic Dictionary". Using the example of several units that currently function as non-specialized scientific vocabulary, she traced the development of their meaning system since ancient times , a process that shows how native speakers developed new names for new meanings and phenomena. The disclosure of the original concepts that started this process allows us to partially restore the ancient picture of the world and the way of life of native speakers through their reflection in the vocabulary and its changes.

A number of reports were devoted to the Japanese language in its various aspects, synchronous and diachronic.

S. A. Bykova (ISAA) made a report "N. A. Syromyatnikov's works on the history of the Japanese language and Japanese dialectology". N. A. Syromyatnikov did not devote a separate study to dialects, but his monographs on the development of the Japanese language contain many references to the characteristics of dialects in the corresponding epochs. The material of dialects is necessarily included in the historical description of the language, primarily because the literary language is always formed on the basis of some dialect, usually metropolitan. N. A. Syromyatnikov, analyzing the monuments of the XVI-XVII centuries, noted the special role of Kyoto as the center of Western dialects and the basis for the formation of the New Japanese language, while emphasizing the commonality of the Western dialect of the New Japanese period with modern Western dialects. In addition, the classification of dialects of the Japanese language Tojo Misao is affected by him in connection with the stress system in the Japanese language of the XVII century.along with differences in the use of a number of grammatical forms in Western and Eastern dialects.

E. Y. Bessonova (ISAA) in her report "New Japanese language in the framework of the module "History of the Japanese language" spoke about the application of N. A. Syromyatnikov's works in teaching Japanese. The discipline "Theory of the Japanese Language" at ISAA includes a historical module, which studies the historical stages of the development of the Japanese language and changes in its phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems. The sections devoted to the late periods of the Middle Japanese language and its transition to New Japanese are based on the works of N. A. Syromyatnikov "Development of the New Japanese Language" (Moscow, 1978) and "Formation of the New Japanese Language" (Moscow, 1965), both on the material of monuments attracted by him and on its theoretical interpretation. The visual representation of the language system given by N. A. Syromyatnikov in these works makes it possible to see the New Japanese language as an integral object, as well as to compare different approaches to its periodization adopted in domestic and foreign Japanese studies-from relying on non-linguistic socio-historical periods to periodization by the time of creation of the most important literary monuments and, finally, by language changes observed in the texts of the corresponding era.

In the second report "Stages of the formation of the Japanese epistolary style" E. Y. Bessonova continues the diachronic theme, considering the formation of the genre of letters. The history of the Japanese epistolary style begins in the eighth century, and the language tools used in it are very conservative; a striking example, noted by N. A. Syromyatnikov , is a complex of style-forming elements around the soro bundle that existed for several hundred years, reflecting the norms of the language of the XII-XIII centuries, but was withdrawn from official use only after the Second World War. Similarly, you can trace the formation of other characteristic style words, cliches, stereotypes, phrases, as well as methods of structural organization. Thus, the past of language and the public consciousness reflected in it continue to live in the language tools that serve the modern, actively functioning field of communication.

The history of the language was also discussed in the report of O. O. Parfenova (MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)"Etymology of punctuation marks in the Japanese language". The description of the punctuation system of the Japanese language in the diachronic aspect is one of the most interesting achievements of N. A. Syromyatnikov, which have not lost their relevance to this day. Native Japanese punctuation marks originally existed as marks that served the task of reading Chinese texts in Japanese. Western punctuation penetrated Japan with the first typesetting presses of Christian printing houses, but did not take root until modern times,

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demonstrating a vivid example of a specific Japanese model of assimilation of elements of a foreign culture.

A. S. Panina (IV RAS) in her report "Plural indicators in modern Japanese" considered the functioning of plural indicators outside the main field of their use, i.e. outside the system of pronouns. The distribution of these indicators in combination with the estimated vocabulary, names of animals, and in special cases even with the names of inanimate objects allows you to specify the parameters by which they are contrasted. Contrary to the traditional idea of the importance of label values, social status turned out to be less significant than the individual semantics of each of these units, first of all, the presence or absence of empathy of the speaker in relation to the subject of speech, and in the presence of personal involvement - its specific emotional coloring. As a subject for further testing, I. B. Itkin's hypothesis about the action of a purely phonetic factor in the distribution along with the semantic one was mentioned: combinations with surnames ending in different syllables give some reason to assume that, all other things being equal, the repetition of two identical syllables at the junction of the indicator and the word formed by it is avoided.

A. I. Motrokhov (Kharkiv National University) un-t) in the study " On the influence of the words of Chinese texts read in Japanese on the vocabulary of the poetry anthology "Manyoshu ""revealed in a number of words of this monument of the VIII century. reading in Japanese of the Chinese letter. B. I. Podlesskaya (RSUH) in the study "Violations of the Japanese normative syntax according to the corpus study of spontaneous speech" considered the phenomenon of right-handed dislocation-moving nominal groups and other dependent elements to the right of the final predicate. These cases were also used by M. M. Kireeva (HSE) in the study "Conditional-time constructions with predicate forms in -tara and - (r)eba in modern Japanese colloquial language". T. G. Gibibenko's research "Experience of describing synonymic series in the Khmer language" continued the lexicographic theme of the conference. Her problem is how to give a systematic and comprehensive description of the two synonymous series of the Khmer language 'wait' and 'poor', taking into account such specific phenomena for the Khmer language as the compatibility of synonyms in the same syntagma.

The most important part of the collection of theses is the chronology of the main events in the biography of N. A. Syromyatnikov, as well as the most complete bibliography of his works, including foreign publications, to date. Both materials were compiled by L. R. Kontsevich on the basis of Z. M. Shalyapina's publication " In Memory of N. A. Syromyatnikov (to the 100th anniversary of his birth) "(Vestnik RGSU, No. 11 (73), 11. Moskovskiy lingvisticheskiy Zhurnal, vol. 13, pp. 298-306).

Abstracts of the conference, including a bibliographic appendix, are published on the website of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences at



The eighth All-Russian Olympiad in Persian language and Literature was held on January 21, 2012. Its main organizers were the Cultural Representation at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Russian Federation, the International Foundation for Iranian Studies, which recently started its activities in Moscow, and the ISAA of Moscow State University represented by the Department of Iranian Philology. This year's Olympiad was attended by students of higher educational institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Astrakhan, Ufa, Novosibirsk, as well as Ukraine, which was the first step towards expanding the geography of its participants. At the same time, the organizers of the Olympiad noted with regret the absence of students from the republics of the North Caucasus, where Iranian studies traditionally enjoys authority and is quite well developed. A total of 33 people took part in various competitions, demonstrating their knowledge in seven areas of the Persian language, namely listening, translation, composition, text reading, oral speech, stylistics and grammar, as well as in Persian literature, primarily in the skill of reading Persian poetry.

The opening session of the Olympiad was preceded by a screening of a documentary film dedicated to the outstanding Iranian scholar-philologist and author of the banner-

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that six-volume explanatory dictionary of the Persian language to Mohammad Moin. Further, A. N. Korneev, Deputy Director of the ISAA of Moscow State University, thanked the Iranian side for its active participation in organizing the annual Olympiads, noted the importance of their holding in the training of Iranian specialists in our country and wished success to the participants of the Olympiad. Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkaman, Head of the Cultural Representation at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Russian Federation, drew the attention of the audience to the importance of holding such events and expressed hope for preserving this tradition in the future. Honorary guest of the Olympiad Dr. Darbandi, head of the Center for the Dissemination of the Persian Language of the Organization for Culture and Islamic Relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, noted the importance of holding such Olympiads around the world and stressed that Russia occupies one of the first places from this point of view. In the modern world, there is a steady interest in the Persian language, literature and in general in the culture of Iran. Today, there are faculties of Persian language and literature in 160 universities around the world, and Persian is also studied in many countries as a second foreign language.

The Olympiad jury included prominent Russian specialists in Persian language and literature, as well as their Iranian colleagues who came to Moscow to participate in this event, as well as undergraduates and postgraduates studying at Moscow universities, future specialists in Russian language and literature.

The competitions held demonstrated the level of knowledge of the participants of the Olympiad in various fields of Persian language and literature, and their results were announced at the closing ceremony of the Olympiad. Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkaman in his speech focused on the problem of mutual penetration of the cultures of two countries - Iran and Russia and said that at present Iran pays great attention to the study of the Russian language, translations of Russian literature into Persian. He noted the importance of translating Persian literature, both prose and poetry, into Russian. The speaker emphasized that the Persian and Russian languages in the course of their historical development interacted and influenced each other, which resulted in the existence of a layer of borrowed vocabulary in both languages. MSLU Professor J. H. Dorry then congratulated the participants of the Olympiad on its successful completion and thanked the Iranian side not only for participating in the organization of the event, but also for fruitful cooperation in various fields. ISAA Deputy Director L. V. Geveling expressed hope for the continuation of the tradition of holding Olympiads in Persian language and literature. Iranian Ambassador to RussiaSajjadi noted that future relations between Iran and Russia should develop successfully, which is facilitated by both the geopolitical situation and the history of the peoples of the two countries, which will allow students and teachers to successfully work in their chosen specialty in the future.

The ceremony of summing up the results of the Olympiad began with the presentation of special prizes to the authors of the most outstanding and significant works in the field of Persian language and literature. Thus, in the field of the Persian language, L. L. Gladkova and V. B. Ivanov received awards for creating the "Self-help Guide to the Persian Language" - a special educational tool of a new generation, aimed at a wide range of lovers of Iran and the Persian language who want to quickly and independently master the primary knowledge in this field. The self-help guide has an audio application on CD, lesson dictionaries (Persian-Russian and Russian-Persian), as well as keys to exercises, which greatly facilitates working with it. As for Persian literature, the award was given to the fundamental work "The History of Iranian Literature in the Middle Ages" by M. L. Reisner and A. N. Ardashnikova. This is the first experience in Russian Oriental studies of recreating the medieval literature of Iran and summarizing the solid material accumulated in Iranian studies over the past decades. The publication covers a large chronological period during which the formation and development of medieval literature, closely related to Muslim culture, took place, and offers new approaches to the question of its periodization and stylistic evolution.

The linguistic contest revealed the winners in the above-mentioned areas. The first place in the grammar competition was won by ISAA student N. Tolstova, the best in listening was A. Tetyushkina from MSLU, the best in reading text and oral speech was won by ISAA student S. Dushkina. The best work was written by A. Artemenko, a student of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Ch. Baimenov from Astrakhan State University won in the translation category. In literature-

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M. Grachev from St. Petersburg State University became the best in the contest. According to the aggregate of competitions, the first place was taken by RUDN University student A. Astapchuk. The second place went to I. Bobrovnik from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and the third place went to P. Babich, a student of St. Petersburg State University. The Eighth All-Russian Olympiad in Persian Language and Literature ended its work at this stage.



On September 20-22, an international conference "Islamic Text and the Arabic Graphic Tradition" was held in the historical building of the Zinjirli Madrasa in the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve with the support and participation of the Marjani Foundation, which was attended by leading experts in the field of Muslim epigraphy, Oriental studies and Islamic studies from Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia.

Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition of printed shamail from the collection of the Marjani Foundation and handwritten and old printed books from the library of the Zinjirli Madrasah was opened. The curator of scientific programs of the Marjani Foundation, I. L. Alekseev, gave the audience an excursion "Shama'ili as a monument of religious and everyday culture of Muslims of the Volga region". V. E. Naumenko, Director of the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve, as well as the founder and chairman of the Foundation, addressed the participants with welcoming words. Bekira Choban-zade P. P. Velilyaev.

This review focuses only on a part of the reports presented.

The first day of the conference was devoted to a lively discussion of the problem of Arabic graphics and languages of Islam. P. V. Basharin (Moscow) devoted his report to the review and analysis of anonymous Sufi Jewish-Arabic manuscripts from the A. S. Firkovich Foundation from the collection of the National Welfare Fund: Kitab as-sama', Risala fi-t-tasawwuf, Waza'if al-murshid. These texts cover practical issues of the Sufi way (tariqa). E. R. Ametov (Bakhchisaray) presented a translation of the letters of Crimean khans addressed to Swedish kings. A. M. Murtazaliev (Makhachkala) presented a report on the role of Ajama Arabic script in the cultural tradition of Anatolian Avars. The presentation in Miskenene (Vilnius) was devoted to the analysis of the Arabic script of the Lithuanian Tatars and the problems of its transliteration. The report was based on the material of handwritten collections of the XVII-XX centuries of the following genres: kitabs, semi-kitabs, khamaily, tejvidy, tefsir. Sh. Sh. Shikhaliyev (Makhachkala) told about the Sufi work of the famous Dagestani Naqshbandi sheikh Ilyas al-Tsudakari "Kifayat al-murid". The researcher presented the audience with a brief source study of the monument, and also focused on a number of characteristic textual features. M. A. Musaev's speech (Makhachkala) touched upon the phenomenon of "explanatory icons" in the texts of Dagestani Arabic-language works, which were first noticed by A. M. Barabanov in the 40s of the XX century. V. O. Bobrovnikov (Moscow) analyzed the telegrams of Soviet Muslims to I. V. Stalin in Ajam, published in the summer of 1944 in Buinaksk. Katkova (St. Petersburg) devoted her report to the peculiarities of Malay manuscripts and documents from the archives of the East India Company from the collection of N. P. Likhachev, covering the period from the XVI to the XVII centuries.

The session of the section "Arabic epigraphy and methods of presenting information in the Islamic written tradition" was opened by the presentation of N. R. Abdulvaapov (Bakhchisaray) "Samples of the poetic chronogram of Tarikh on architectural monuments of Bakhchisarai", during which a large number of chronograms of various monuments were demonstrated and some regularities were deduced. I. V. Zaitsev (Moscow) analyzed the texts of two tombstones from New Jerusalem, which still cause different interpretations of researchers. The speaker proved that they are nothing more than popular hadiths. L. Mikov (Sofia) considered the phenomenon of shama'ils in Bulgaria, demonstrating a number of interesting parallels with the shama'ils of the Volga region. In the presentation of T. A. Anikeeva (Moscow), lithographed images of popular Turkish urban stories were studied. The material was presented in the context of the evolution of the tradition of lithography in Anatolia.

3. Zakariyaev's report (Makhachkala) demonstrated a large amount of epigraphic material discovered by archaeological expeditions led by A. R. Shikhsaidov over the past decade.-

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riod on the territory of Dagestan. Most of the inscriptions have not yet been put into scientific use. Of particular interest is the inscription from 1444-1445. The repertoire of inscriptions suggests the existence of an emirate ruled by a previously unknown Muslim dynasty in southwestern mountainous Dagestan in the XIV-XV centuries. Previously published epigraphic material was contained in the report of V. A. Korenyako (Moscow) and V. O. Bobrovnikov on epitaphs of the XIX-XX centuries from the Nogai steppe. The uniqueness of the monuments consists in the combination of Arabic text with a stencil pattern. Speakers demonstrated the evolution of images that included Soviet household items combined with sacred text at the end of a given period.

The main topic for discussion in the section "Traditional Muslim cartography" was the map as a narrative source. The report of T. M. Kalinina (Moscow) was devoted to the image of Meotida in the Kitab Surat al-ard by al-Khorezmi. I. Lyavins ' report (Riga) was devoted to Muslim cartography as a separate phenomenon that combined several levels of presentation. The analysis was based on the material of the most common types of maps in the Muslim world.

The last day of the conference was devoted to presentations related to the history of Crimea and the Crimean Tatars, and ended with a tour of the Bakhchisarai Palace-Museum, which was conducted for the conference participants by A. Ibragimova (head of the Department of Archeology of the medieval city) and R. Eminov (head of the ethnographic department of the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars).



In May 2012, the Turkish Linguistic Society of the Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History under the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey and Ankara University of Hacettepe held the Third International Turkological symposium dedicated to the study of the monuments of the Turkic runic (or "Orkhon") script and the current state of Turkic runology.

The symposium was preceded by a lot of preparatory work by the Turkish Linguistic Society, which was founded back in c. Atatürk, which developed an approximate program for this event and discussed it with Turkish and foreign experts at the traditional "Turkish Language Festival". It should be noted that the Turkish organizers of these events paid tribute to Russian Turkologists, who have priority in discovering and studying Turkic runic monuments. Russian Turkologists D. D. Vasiliev, M. Z. Zakiev, S. G. Klyashtorny, D. M. Nasilov, and A. T. Sibgatullina were invited to join the International Scientific Advisory Council for the preparation of the symposium. All of them (with the exception of M. Z. Zakiev and S. G. Klyashtorny, who were absent) were elected by the organizing committee as meeting leaders during the symposium, and Russian participants were awarded a commemorative sculptural miniature depicting the Orkhon monument with a Turkic runic inscription.

To date, rune-like epigraphy of Turkic-speaking nomads of early medieval Eurasia has been found almost throughout the entire steppe belt from Lake Baikal to Balaton. These epigraphic monuments are inscriptions on stone structures, rock surfaces, metal and bone products. They show various cultural writing schools, not all of them can be deciphered and read, but nevertheless they are evidence of a very wide spread of literacy in the nomadic environment and a unique source on the history and philology of the Turkic peoples of the early Middle Ages.

The symposium was attended by 122 speakers from Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Northern Cyprus, Sweden, the United States, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and many Turkish scientists and students. The symposium was sponsored by the Prime Minister's Presentation Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, Turksoy International Foundation, several private foundations, and Hacettepe University.

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The sessions of the symposium were held in two sections: one mainly focused on the philological study of ancient Turkic written monuments, reading and reinterpreting individual texts and fragments, features of the language of monuments of different regions, linguistic connections at the level of vocabulary and morphology, and the creation of linguistic databases for use by turkologists-linguists. Another section brought together historians, whose attention was drawn mainly to the problems of source studies, historical and historical-cultural interpretation of information contained both in the Khagan inscriptions from the Orkhon Valley and in numerous epigraphic monuments of the Sayan-Altai region. A special topic was the task of cataloging (or, as it was designated during the discussion at the symposium, "inventory") the ancient Turkic epigraphy of the entire Eurasian area of its distribution.

Reports on Turkological studies, including Turkic runology, in the countries represented at the symposium were of a general nature. Eraslan (Turkey), Battulga Tsend (Mongolia), Y. Kuribayashi (Japan), M. Haredi (Egypt), G. Miskiniene (Lithuania), R. Asker (Azerbaijan), N. Aruch (Macedonia), N. Khasanova (Bulgaria), A. T. Sibgatullina (Russia), M. Saleh Razeh (Afghanistan), Kenan Koch (Kazakhstan-Turkey), Ts. Abuladze (Georgia), P. Kwiatkowski (Poland), Nimetullah Hafiz (Prizren, Kosovo), Abdureshit Zhelt Karluk (China), Gtnai Ercol (Netherlands, Leiden).

This group of reports also included reports on training courses and teaching of the history of the Turkic peoples of the pre-Islamic period and the study of runic monuments in universities - G. Prokhazka-Eysl (Austria), Carmen Uriarte (Basque University, Spain), K. Veliyev (Azerbaijan Turkey), J. Janer (Turkey).

The reports presented the traditional theme of Turkic runic monuments in the written and cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples of Eurasia-3. Korkmaz (Turkey), D. M. Nasilov (Russia), Tadjida Hafiz (Prizren, Kosovo), A. V. Ercilasun (Turkey),

Despite the 120-year period that has passed since the deciphering of the Turkic runic monuments, scientists continue to correct the reading options for many previously known texts. Apparently, these attempts will continue for quite a long time, and given the controversial nature of the new textual comments, all existing reading options for this or that fragment will be published in a critical edition. Similarly, the attention of researchers was attracted by the Onginsky monument (m. Erdal, Germany), Choir inscription (I. V. Kormushin, North. Cyprus), Orkhon texts (O. F. Sertkaya, Turkey).

Discussions about the origin and origins of the Turkic runic script are also ongoing. The development of the hypotheses of scientists of the first half of the XX century E. D. Polivanov and A. J. Emre on the genesis of a number of graphemes of the Turkic runic was proposed in the report of V. G. Guzev (Russia). The hypothesis expressed earlier about the connection of both the Turkic runic and earlier ethnically unattributed inscriptions, so-called rune-like (for example, on a silver cup from the Issyk mound), with Sakakushans was presented in an expanded version in the report of M. Tezjan (Turkey).

No less interesting than the Orkhon Kagan texts are the epigraphic monuments of the periphery of the kaganate: the Yenisei, Altai, and Semirechye basins. Features of these regional groups of monuments (genre, palaeographic, spelling, source studies, etc.) were considered in the reports of Ch. Dzhumagulova (Kyrgyzstan), I. Nevskoy (Germany), K. Konkobaeva (Kyrgyzstan), Hashije Shirin Uzer, Erhan Aydin (both Turkey), D. D. Vasilyeva (Russia).

One of the sessions of the symposium was devoted to mythology, literary aspects of studying the ancient Turkic cultural heritage of J. R. R. Tolkien. Gariper, I. Aslanoglu (both in Turkey), up to the assessment of the reliability of the description of the life of the Turkic peoples of the early Middle Ages in modern novels (B. Ercilasun, Turkey), existing prose and poetic translations of texts (M. Soyegov, Turkmenistan, T. Hadjiev, Azerbaijan, A. Aresi, China).

A number of presentations were devoted to the comparison of information contained in Orkhon and other ancient Turkic monuments. The reports used data from foreign - language sources-Chinese, Byzantine, and Muslim (A. Tashagil, M. Olmez-Turkey). Genealogical reconstructions of the Turkic nobility on the periphery of the khaganate, based on data from foreign-language sources, texts of monuments, and field studies in Southern Siberia, were demonstrated by D. D. Vasiliev (Russia).

Individual episodes of the history of the Turkic khaganates, political terms reflected in the texts of the Turkic runic texts-

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The author also commented on ethnographic details in reports about the Turkic-Chinese battles (E. Ekrem, Turkey), about the details of the enthronement of Bilge Kagan (Takashi Osawa, Japan), about the titles of Boyle and bagh (D. M. Nasilov, Russia), about the epic ideal of unity of rulers and people (S. Gemecha, Turkey).

Etymological studies of the vocabulary of Orkhon runic monuments became the subject of reports by Semih Tezjan and Tunj Gulensoy (both in Turkey).

New aspects of studying the ancient Turkic written heritage (Goncha Gekalp Alparslan and Ufuk Ezdag), medicine (Yusuf Bayraktar), costume (F. Koch, E. Koch, V. Pamuk, S. Tansug) and music history (Yavuz Daloglu) were presented in the reports of Turkish scientists.

Religious views of early medieval Turkic nomads, their relics reflected in the everyday life of modern Turkic peoples, were considered in reports on Uyghur prayers (Sh. Dogan, Turkey), on the concept of "sacred" among the Turks of Western Siberia (Chobanoglu Island, Turkey), on the social role of beliefs in the ancient Turkic society (a. Inayepg, Turkey) , about the wedding ceremony of khaladjas (Cemrasy village, Afghanistan).

A significant part of philologists ' reports was devoted to specific issues of phonetics (M. V. Joshkun, Turkey), morphology (AD. Abik, X. Zulfiqar, both-Turkey; N. Tydykova, Russia) and reflection of elements of the ancient Turkic written heritage in modern languages: in modern Turkish (S. Sakaoglu, Turkey; B. Brandemoen, Norway) 3. Khudaibergenova, Uzbekistan), Nogai (M Bulgarova, Russian Federation), Karagass/Tofa (A. Ilgin, Turkey), Anatolian dialects (Tor, North. Cyprus), the Cumans of Hungary (And. Dogan, E. Choban, both in Turkey); on elements of Iranian origin in runic texts (p. Eker, Turkey).

Celik Shaek, the organizer of the symposium, director of the Turkological Research Center of Hacettepe - Ulkyu University, presented a report on the problems that will be solved in the XXI century by Turkologists engaged in the research of Turkic runics. Like her Turkish colleagues, President of the Turkish Linguistic Society Syukru Halyuk Akalyn and young researchers from Ankara Haidar Yalcin and Mikayil Cengiz, she drew attention to the need to prepare a complete computer database on Turkic runology, which is traditionally considered the foundation of all Turkological research, noting that D. D. Vasiliev's publications on this topic are already available in Russia.

To participate in the symposium, the organizing committee of Khajettepe University invited sculptors from the Turkic republics of the CIS and subjects of the Russian Federation (Tuva and Bashkortostan), who a month before the start of the symposium produced and presented to the participants an exhibition of monumental sculptures based on subjects described in Turkic runic inscriptions.

The Center for Turkic Studies of Hacettepe University and the Turkish Linguistic Society plan to hold another equally large-scale symposium in Ankara in 2012.


page 185


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