On March 21, 2011, Elena Ionovna Mironova, an African scientist, Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, passed away.
E. I. Mironova was born in 1927 in Moscow. In 1952, she graduated from the Potemkin Moscow City Pedagogical Institute with a degree in teaching French. After several years of teaching a foreign language and working as a methodologist, Elena Ionovna's entire career was inextricably linked with African studies: she worked at the Institute of Africa from 1961 to 2007.
The initial period of this work consisted mainly of studying the States of West Africa. Then E. I. Mironova's scientific activity became more and more focused on the regional problems of the Arab countries of North Africa, first of all the Maghreb states and first of all Algeria, which remained in the center of the researcher's scientific interests until the last years of his life. In 1972 Elena Ionovna successfully defended her dissertation "Economic policy of independent Algeria". Earlier, and especially in the future, she devoted dozens of publications to the problems of this country-political, social and economic: These are monographs, academic reference publications and encyclopedic articles, publications in scientific periodicals, and many analytical materials for various institutions and organizations. The subject matter of these studies is extremely diverse. Elena Mironova's undoubted talent, broad erudition and vast experience allowed her to analyze in depth most aspects of the complex modern history, not only of Algeria, but also of other North African states during the period of independence. With constant success, she was able to study in detail regional socio-economic reforms (mainly agrarian transformations), analyze political processes, for example, the causes and consequences of the activation of Islamist movements, and create accurate and vivid portraits of major state and public figures, primarily from modern Algeria. These qualities were accumulated and improved, including through work and field research abroad (in Algeria, Tunisia and other countries), participation in scientific forums in several African countries, Western centers of Arabic and African studies (international, French).
Elena Ionovna showed great scientific and organizational talents both in working with the author's teams and in guiding graduate students, who have maintained warm relations with her for many years and remember her with sincere gratitude.
Elena Ionovna worked at the Institute of Africa for more than 35 years. The names of the Institute's divisions were changed (the Arab Countries Sector, the North African Studies Center, and Africanus).-
The staff was updated, but Elena Ionovna always remained the soul of the team. Few colleagues could compare with her such constancy.
A talented scientist, a modest, generous, sympathetic person, Elena Mironova will always remain in the memory of those who worked with her, who studied with her, who knew her.
Economic development plans. Foreign economic relations / / Algeria. Handbook, Moscow, 1977, pp. 129-140, 209-223.
Algeria / / Soviet-African Relations, Moscow, 1982, pp. 129-139.
Huari Boumediene / / Asia and Africa Today. 1983. No. 3. pp. 28-31 (together with I. K. Smirnov).
Agrarian transformations in Algeria / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1984. No. 1. pp. 76-83.
Algeria. Ekonomiko-geograficheskiy ocherk [Economic and geographical essay] / / Encyclopedia "Afrika", Moscow, 1986, pp. 237-239 (together with G. N. Utkin).
Algeria / / Public sector in the economy of North African countries, Moscow, 1990, pp. 5-32.
The role of private enterprise // Countries of North Africa: National Private Sector, Moscow, 1990, p. 167 (co-authored with L. P. Zudina, V. Yu. Kukushkin et al.).
Algeria. Three Years on the Brink of Civil War, Moscow: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995, p. 81 (together with S. E. Babkin).
Historical sketch. Economy / / Algeria. Spravochnik [Handbook], Moscow, 1997, pp. 90-129, 168-173, 231-241 (sovm. with R. G. Landa, V. A. Mishchenko, and E. L. Simonov).
Algeria. Search for National Accord / / Scientific Notes of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vol. 14. Moscow, 1999, p. 93 (together with S. E. Babkin).
The Islamic factor in the social development of Algeria // North Africa: Islam and Society, Moscow, 1999, pp. 50-67.
Algeria / / Countries, peoples, civilizations. Encyclopedia " Avanta+", Moscow, 1999, pp. 465-467.
Algeria / / Countries and peoples. Universal Encyclopedia for youth "Pedagogika-Press", Moscow, 2000, pp. 396-397.
Reforms of Lamin Zerual / / Arab East: Islam and Reforms, Moscow, 2000, pp. 49-54.
Obraz srednego alzhirtsa [The image of an average Algerian]. God planeta, Moscow, 2000, pp. 573-575.
Russo-algirskoe delovoe sotrudnichestvo v usloviyakh reformov i sistemnogo krizisa v Algire [Russian-Algerian business cooperation in the context of reforms and systemic crisis in Algeria].
Tunis: delovoe partnerstvo v usloviyakh rynochnykh reformov [Tunisia: Business partnership in the context of market reforms].
Algeria: the problem of the Berber minority / / Middle East and Modernity, Moscow, 2002, no. 16, pp. 317-322.
Algeria: economic reforms and business cooperation with Russia // Asia and Africa Today, Moscow, 2002. No. 2. pp. 48-52.
Russia-Tunisia: How to activate Partnership / / Asia and Africa Today. 2002. No. 4. pp. 61-64.
Algeria. Smena prioritetov razvitiya [Change of development priorities], Moscow: ASTI-IZDAT, 2004, 127 p.
Algeria. Istoriya, ekonomika [History, economy] / / Encyclopedia "Afrika", Moscow, 2010, pp. 396-406 (together with R. G. Landa, A. A. Tkachenko and others).
Current state and prospects of Russian-Algerian cooperation // Russia in the Middle East and North Africa in the era of Globalization, Moscow, 2011, pp. 95-102.
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