Libmonster ID: TJ-818

From March 28 to March 31, 2006, Gorno-Altaisk hosted the International Conference "Frozen Burials in the Altai Mountains: Strategies and Prospects", organized by the University of Ghent (Belgium) and Gorno-Altaisk State University with the support of UNESCO. The conference was timed to coincide with the" Year of Altai " (2005), declared by UNESCO. The very fact of holding a scientific forum under the auspices of UNESCO dedicated to the study and protection of cultural heritage in Siberia is remarkable. The conference brought together archaeologists and representatives of natural sciences-geographers (glaciologists, permafrost specialists, satellite cartographers), geophysicists, discussed the phenomenon of nature and culture of Gorny Altai-mounds with permafrost, as well as methods of their study. One day of the forum was devoted to the archaeological aspects of the problem, the second-to the study of the natural context of historical monuments; there were also reports related to interdisciplinary research, in which representatives of different sciences participated. Issues related to ancient art in one way or another were discussed in ten reports. On the first day, the conference participants received official greetings from representatives of the government structures of the Altai Republic (First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Republic). Heads of the Altai Republic Yu. V. Antaradonov, first Deputy. Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic B. V. Pakhaev), then the forum was consecrated by shamans, which included pantomime and throat singing, and the presentation of the UNESCO project on permafrost burials of the Pazyryk culture in Altai, presented by Yu. Hahn (UNESCO, Paris), scientific reports were also heard. Yu. P. Badenkov (Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) made a vivid presentation on the need to combine strategies for economic development and nature conservation in the Altai region in the context of global changes (climate, economic, infrastructure). The speaker proved the relevance of forecasting and noted the important role of science in responding to the manifestations of global changes at the regional and local levels, suggested initiating the status of the trans-border biosphere territory "Altai" to border areas within Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.

T. V. Yashina (Katun Biosphere Reserve) spoke about the experience of implementing UNESCO scientific projects, in particular, the organization of environmental monitoring in the Katun Biosphere Reserve. J. Bourgeois (Tent) focused the audience's attention on the dangers that arise for the permafrost mounds of the Pazyryk culture due to global warming, introduced the long-term project of the University of Ghent, which provides for S. S. Marchenko (International Permafrost Association, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA) demonstrated the dynamics of melting glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan and Altai, highlighted the trends in climate change that lead to the melting of glaciers and the acceleration of this process, as well as the study and development of measures for the preservation of permafrost burials in the territory of Gorny Altai. results of studying the phenomenon of permafrost formation and degradation in the Berel burial ground.

Academician V. I. Molodin (Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk) presented the main results of scientific research of the Ukok plateau antiquities; he focused in more detail on the study of Pazyryk burial sites with permafrost. V. I. Molodin described a wide range of problems that arise during field and subsequent conservation and restoration of materials preserved in permafrost, and also spoke about the study of the obtained artifacts in various institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the main scientific results of the implementation of multidisciplinary projects of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The report by V. Geile (Ghent University, Belgium) demonstrated the methods and tools used in mapping archaeological sites in Sebistea, Elangash, Kalanegir, Yustyd and Jazator (Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic), as well as archaeological maps of these loci. His colleagues from Ghent University R. Guusens and A. de Wulf gave a detailed account of the satellite data processing technology used in the construction of these maps, and introduced them to the ways of entering the results of archaeological exploration into databases. A.V. Ebel (Gorno-Altaisk State University) spoke about the implementation of joint missile defense projects with colleagues from Ghent-

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a program for drawing up archaeological maps of the territory of the Kosh-Agachsky district of the Altai Republic. I. Y. Slyusarenko (Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk), E. P. Krupochkin and N. T. Bykov (Barnaul State University) discussed modern approaches to mapping various objects of the Yustydsky archaeological microdistrict of the Eastern Altai and the results of their use.

Yang Lin (National Museum of China, Beijing) presented a very interesting overview of the archaeological sites of the Chinese Altai, introduced museum exhibits from different eras, stelae-sculptures, materials from mounds, settlements and ancient settlements in the vast territory of the Southern Altai. G. Dzhumabekova (Institute of Archeology named after V. I. Abramovich) Margulana, Almaty) demonstrated the results of the latest excavations of the Pazyryk culture mound looted in ancient times at the Berel burial ground; D. Tseveendorzh (Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar)reported on petroglyphs in the Gobi Altai. E. Jacobson-Toepfer (University of Oregon, USA) shared her thoughts on the natural and cultural landscapes of the Mongolian Altai. The report of Yu. F. Kiryushin and N. V. Stepanova (Altai State University, Barnaul) presented the results of studying the monuments of the Scythian era in the Middle Katun, in particular, the features of the funeral rite and the social status of the population of the Northern Altai and Ukok were highlighted.

D. V. Cheremisin (Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk) demonstrated the possibilities of analyzing the context of undeveloped permafrost burials for reconstructing the semantics of animal-style art of the Pazyryk culture. A. A. Tishkin introduced the experience of total station surveys of archaeological sites at the mouth of the Bolshoy Yaloman River and the results of excavations of monuments from different eras, in particular, with unique works of toreutics of Bulan-V. D. Kubarev (Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk) focused on the characteristics of monuments of Karakol and Pazyryk cultures, including petroglyphs and burial complexes, in the Ursul River basin, and pointed out signs of permafrost near large Pazyryk mounds in the Central Altai.

N. A. Kocheeva and M. G. Sukhova (Gorno-Altaisk State University) discussed the problem of permafrost loss in Altai due to climate changes. A.V. Shitov (Gorno-Altaisk State University) described the potential of GIS for permafrost research in this region. A. N. Dmitriev (Institute of Geology SB RAS, Novosibirsk) spoke about the expected threats and risks associated with climate change. L. M. Chevalkov (S. S. Surazakov Institute of Altai Studies, Gorno-Altaisk) highlighted the stages of climate change in the Holocene and the nuances of the attitude of the modern population of the Altai Republic to archaeological sites of different cultures. N. N. Mikhailov's presentation (Barnaul State University) was devoted to regional features of climate change in Altai. The report of O. V. Ostanin and N. N. Mikhailov discussed the possibility of using the characteristics of the cryogenic landscape of Altai in the reconstruction of natural environments of the past.

A.-P. Frankfort (National Center for Scientific Research of France, Paris) presented the main results of the excavations of the Berel burial mound in East Kazakhstan, described the features of the technology of excavation and preservation of artifacts made of organic materials during field and laboratory conservation and restoration. The speaker also convincingly demonstrated the connection between the subjects and images of Berel's fine art and the art of Achaemenid Iran.

After hearing all the reports, the conference participants had a sharp and fruitful discussion with the aim of developing recommendations for the development of a scientific program for studying and preserving the "frozen" burials of Altai. Academician V. I. Molodin proposed to divide the work on the protection of Pazyryk mounds with permafrost into two stages. At the first stage, in his opinion, it is necessary to conduct an inventory and certification of all archaeological sites in the territory of the Altai Republic. At the second stage, the same geophysical monitoring should be organized on the mounds of the Pazyryk culture, which is already being conducted by specialists of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of the Ukok plateau and in the Mongolian Altai. V. I. Molodin stressed that excavations of mounds, which, according to experts, face a real danger of rapid "defrosting", should be carried out by highly qualified professionals using a multidisciplinary approach. He drew attention to the high cost of such a project, which includes restoration and museumification of objects. V. I. Molodin stressed the need to take into account the negative attitude of the population of the Altai Republic to the work of archaeologists in the region, largely formed by the mass media. It is in the media (for example, the film "Revenge of the Altai Princess") that Novosibirsk archaeologists were called guilty of the world's "natural and social disasters", there are calls to "reburial" the mummy of a woman from Ak-Alakha, and pseudo-patriotic myth-making is replicated, which is opposed to modern science.

The discussion was attended by Yu. F. Kiryushin, who noted that today there is no archaeological map of the Altai Republic and the Pazyryk mounds have not been certified, E. Yakobson, who believes that the question of the need for excavations remains controversial, J. Bourgeois, who expressed the importance of creating an archaeological map of Altai based on integrable cartography systems in Russia, Mongolia, and China

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and Kazakhstan. Yang Lin noted that the problems related to the "frozen" mounds have not yet been raised in relation to the monuments of the Chinese Altai, and promised to use the valuable experience of colleagues and submit a report on the problems of preserving the monuments of the Southern Altai to the Government of the Republic of China.

The discussion focused on the statement made by the President of the Russian Federation a week before the conference on the project to build a gas pipeline from Russia to China on the Altai section of the border. Levi-Strauss (UNESCO, Paris) pointed out that the Ukok Plateau area is protected by UNESCO as a natural heritage site. During the conference, the question was raised about the nomination of Ukok as an object of natural and cultural heritage and the need to inform the public that laying the pipeline can threaten both nature and archaeological sites in this territory. V. I. Molodin noted that to date, scientists have not been presented with any of the projects related to the creation of this pipeline, and the implementation of any economic projects involves archaeological work in the exclusion zone, where monuments interfere with construction. By the decree of the Government of the Altai Republic, the territory of the Ukok plateau is declared a "zone of rest", where any economic activity is prohibited (except for winter grazing of livestock by the population of the nearby village of Jazator), making fires, flying helicopters, archaeological research, etc.P. V. Molodin drew attention to the fact that the priority in terms of security works may not be the mounds of the South Altai highlands, but the Large Pazyryk mounds of the Central Altai (Kulada, Sooru, etc.), which A.V. Ebel agreed with. This conclusion corresponds to the data on. According to the authors, the greatest increase in winter temperatures in the Kosh-Agach district (by 0.3 °C), which at an average temperature of -30 °C cannot affect the degradation of high-altitude permafrost. During the discussion, Yu. P. Badenkov stressed the need for a flexible response to the changing situation around the Ukok and comprehensive consideration and use of existing risks in the common interests of preserving the nature and historical heritage of Altai. A.-P. Frankfort expressed confidence that compliance with the laws existing in each country of the Altai region aimed at protecting and preserving historical and cultural monuments As well as the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural Heritage Sites, it should provide regulation of issues related to the study of archaeological sites in the economic development zone.

After extensive discussion and text adjustments, the draft final recommendations were supported by the majority of the conference participants. The discussion was also attended by representatives of the government structures of the Altai Republic, the rector of Gorno-Altaisk State University Yu. V. Tabakaev and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Director of the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Department, L. Levi-Strauss.

In the final document, the participants called on their colleagues for broad international cooperation in studying the archaeological heritage of Gorny Altai, which is proposed to be considered as a cross-border cultural and natural landscape. For this purpose, it is necessary to conduct an inventory, certification and compilation of an archaeological map of Altai based on international standards, taking into account the norms and specifics of each country. The experts recommended that all measures should be taken to preserve world cultural heritage sites (which, according to the conference participants, should include "frozen" graves of the Pazyryk culture in the near future) in accordance with the state laws of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan and the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural Heritage Monuments. In the context of global climate change, it is recommended to start comprehensive monitoring of permafrost burials, as well as to ensure the most complete scientific study of all archaeological sites that fall into the exclusion zone during the implementation of economic projects in the Altai territory.

During the conference, its participants were able to observe the total solar eclipse from a hill on the Maiminsky vozvoz. An improvised observatory was set up on the route that crosses the Altai from north to south, and many participants managed to get high-quality images of this natural phenomenon.

The final working day was devoted to an excursion to the Karakol River Valley organized by Gorno-Altaisk University. The conference participants visited the Bashadar mounds and a number of other archaeological sites, as well as visited museum ethnographic collections in the Karakol Nature Park, where a presentation was held.

In conclusion, I would like to express the hope that the conference will play a major role in implementing the decisions and recommendations adopted at this meeting of specialists in historical and natural science disciplines. The content of the reports listened to was extremely interesting, and the idea of holding a monothematic symposium with the involvement of scientists of various profiles seems very productive. It remains to be hoped that the "strategies" developed by scientists will receive an equally productive implementation. On behalf of the guests, I would like to note the efforts of the organizers, who ensured a clear work of the conference.

Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS

17 Akademika Lavrentieva Ave.

Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia


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D. V. CHEREMISIN, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE " FROZEN BURIALS IN THE ALTAI MOUNTAINS: STRATEGIES AND PROSPECTS" // Душанбе: Цифровая библиотека Таджикистана (LIBRARY.TJ). Дата обновления: 02.12.2024. URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

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