Libmonster ID: TJ-788

The third international scientific and practical conference was held in Cholpon-Ata, September 18-21, 2014 with the support of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan A. Atanbayev. The work of the plenary session opened with the announcement of his welcoming speech. S. Syzdykov (Astana, Kazakhstan) and U. Bolushov, President of the Kyrgyz representative Office of the Dialogue-Eurasia Platform, addressed the audience with greetings on behalf of the Turkic Academy.  The plenary session was opened by Yu. S. Khudyakov (Novosibirsk, Russia) with the report "Military affairs of the Kyrgyz of Sayano-Altai in the developed Middle Ages". He presented the main results of studying the finds of weapons from the excavations of mounds of the Yenisei Kyrgyz culture of the developed Middle Ages in the Minusinsk basin, Tuva and Gorny Altai. The most significant changes in this period occurred in the composition of the armament complex of the Kyrgyz armored warriors. The collapse of the unified state meant that the Kyrgyz principalities were unable to withstand the military power of the Mongol Empire in the early 13th century.  V. Ya. Butanaev (Abakan, Russia) reviewed historical data on the features of the natural environment during the period of the Sayan-Altai Yenisei Kyrgyz, which are reflected in the language, folklore and ethnic culture of the modern Turkic peoples of this historical and cultural region. According to his research, the Yenisei Kyrgyz were a people of steppe culture. In legends and legends, they are the ancient inhabitants of the Sayano-Altai from the time when there was only steppe and no trees grew there. The more ancient population was probably the Samoyedic tribes "Eshteks", which are mentioned in Khakass legends.  Chairman of the plenary session T. Chorotegin (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) read out the summary of the report of H. Gasimov Sabir oglu (Baku, Azerbaijan) "Main stages of the history of Kyrgyz statehood", according to which modern Kyrgyzstan and Khakassia are the legal successors of Kyrgyz statehood.  S. M. Syzdykov's speech (Astana, Kazakhstan) was devoted to the study of the history of nomads in the Karakhanid state. According to the author, the Karluks, who migrated from the northern regions of Central Asia to Prityanshan, caused a lot of trouble to the rulers of the Karakhanid state, one of whom tried to settle them in Kashgar so that they would stop wandering, carry weapons and engage in agriculture. Nomadic tribes repeatedly raised uprisings, as a result of which, according to the speaker, this state collapsed. G. Babayarov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) analyzed the inscriptions on Karakhanid coins, among which, according to the author's reading, the title "Turk-khakan"was contained. Speech by Ch. The book "Samples of ancient Turkic writings in Anatolia: epitaph stones of Akhlat" (Erzerum, Turkey) contained general information about olen stones, stone sculptures depicting people and animals, obtained during the author's trips to the Russian Sayan-Altai, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. The speaker compared these stelae and statues to the inscriptions on the territory of Azerbaijan and in the Akhlat region of Turkey. Message And. Jamila (Baku, Azerbaijan) It was dedicated to the image of the hero Manas in the epic works of Kyrgyz people. The report of M. Kozhobekov (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) "On the initial stage of the Kyrgyz state" contained an analysis of information from Chinese written sources and opinions of Sinologists about the ethnic history of the ancient Kyrgyz people. K. Tabaldiev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) in the report "New excavations at the Kan-Debe ancient settlement (Tong medieval city)" informed about the results excavations at this ancient settlement, located on the southern coast of Lake Baikal. Issyk-Kul, for the last three years. The report was accompanied by a screening of a popular science film about these excavations. T. K. Arzybayev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) described some historical sources on the history of the Karakhanid state. A. K. Bektemirova (Naryn, Kyrgyzstan) considered the problems of preserving the architectural monument of the Karakhanid era Kochkor-Bashi. In the village of Kochkor there is a museum that exhibits and stores various items found on this monument, including construction details of an architectural structure. Vedutova (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)in her report "State socio-political strategy and tactics of the Turks in the era of Khaganates" analyzed information on the early stage of the formation of the Turkic states, on the settlement and formation of Sughd trading posts on the territory of Semirechye. In her opinion, the formation of the Turkic states in Central Asia in the early Middle Ages was based on the previous positive experience of the Xiongnu statehood.  page 172 "The historical connection of the Kyrgyz with the Karakhanid state and the Turkic peoples after the decline of the great power of the Kyrgyz Khaganate" emphasized the great role of climate change in Central Asia in the tenth century. The resulting drought pushed the Turkic-speaking tribes out of the Central Asian steppes to their outskirts. Therefore, in the second quarter of the tenth century, the Kyrgyz left almost all the conquered lands. The steppes of the Central Asian region were occupied by Khitans. During the formation of the Karakhanid Khaganate, the Kyrgyz converted to Islam.  The topic of S. Zhumashova's speech (Osh, Kyrgyzstan) is the development of social relations in the Samanid and Karakhanid states in Central Asia. The report of A. T. Kydyrov (Osh, Kyrgyzstan)" The Karakhanid State and the war "contained information on the military history of the Karakhanid state. T. Kenensariev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) in the report" The Battle of Talas and the geopolitical situation in Central Asia during the Karakhanid era " spoke about the significance of the battle on the Talas River between the troops of the Arab Caliphate and the Chinese army. During the Karakhanid era, a significant part of the Turkic population of the Central Asian region was Islamized. The report of A. M. Kylychev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)" Persian-language sources on the history of Pritjanypanya and adjacent territories in the Middle Ages " emphasized their importance for the history of the region. Since the 13th century, the Persian language has been widely used in the Hulaguid state. Works on the history of the Mongol Empire and chronicles of the Timurid era were written in this language.  The joint report of A. M. Kylychev and E. M. Molotova (Almaty, Kazakhstan) "Historical sources about the great Karakhanid Empire" investigated the events related to the time of the spread of Islam in this state. According to the speakers, the Karakhanid state was a "golden bridge" between the countries of the West and the East. Since the arrival in Kashgar of the Samanid prince Haji Abu Nasr Samani, who became the mentor of the Karakhanid ruler Sultan Satuk Bugra Khan Ghazi, the spread of Islam in this state began. The subsequent victories of the Karakhanid forces against the Uighur Buddhists became evidence of the superiority of Islam for the local population. E. M. Molotova's report "Legends of the Karakhanid dynasty in the Tazkirs" analyzes the epic motifs in this source. A. M. Mokeev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) analyzed the terms "ajo" and "idi"of the Yenisei Kyrgyz rulers. He traced the history of studying these terms by Russian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz researchers. According to the speaker's conclusion, the term "ajo" meant "lord, possessor, lord", "father, ancestor", and the word "idi" also meant "lord, possessor, lord".  G. S. Tokoyeva (Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan) spoke about the social structure of society during the Karakhanid period. A. S. Ormushev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) spoke about the impact of the spread of Islam on the population of the Karakhanid Khaganate. N. A. Fukalov (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) in the report "Preserving the sacredness of power among the Turks and Kyrgyz in the transitional periods of Medieval history" examined the meaning of some titles in the states of ancient Turks and Kyrgyz people. Kyrgyz people. According to him, the khagans had a sacred status. The titles "bilge", "tegin", "yishbara" and others had a sacred meaning. Significant changes occurred in the states of the Turkic peoples in the 9th century due to the spread of the Islamic religion.  In the joint report of Yu. S. Khudyakov, A. Yu. Borisenko, Zh. Orozbekova "Studying the symbolic use of pole-piercing weapons of the Kyrgyz of the Tien Shan", the information of scientists and travelers of the XIX-XX centuries who recorded cases of using such weapons by the Kyrgyz in funerary and memorial rituals was analyzed. Ethnographic materials collected during scientific expeditions to the Tien Shan by Ch. Ch. Valikhanov, P. P. Semenov-Tien-Shan, S. M. Abramzon and other researchers are considered. G. O. Esenaliyeva's speech (Naryn, Kyrgyzstan) was devoted to the history of the Karakhanid state in the works of the Kyrgyz scholar-orientalist O. Karayev. In his works, much attention was paid to the socio-economic and political history of the Karakhanid state in Central Asia. The final report of T. K. Chorotegin (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) was devoted to the analysis of Turkic ethnic groups in the multiethnic states of the Kyrgyz and Karakhanid Khaganate.  The conference was accompanied by an interesting cultural program. The conference participants visited the local history museum in Cholpon-Ata, the open-air museum in its vicinity, and viewed petroglyphic monuments and ancient Turkic stone sculptures.  The conference has become a significant event in scientific life for scientists of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation who study the problems of the history and culture of the population of Central Asia in the developed Middle Ages.  page 173


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A. Y. BORISENKO, Yu. S. KHUDYAKOV, KYRGYZ AND KARAKHANID KHAGANATES: INDELIBLE TRACES // Душанбе: Цифровая библиотека Таджикистана (LIBRARY.TJ). Дата обновления: 29.11.2024. URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

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