Libmonster ID: TJ-827


2007, N 1 (29)

Anikovich M. V. Ways of formation of the Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Europe and the Altai Mountains

2007, N 2 (30)

Aseev I. V. Rites of burial of shamans in the Baikal region (Olkhon district of the Irkutsk region) according to archaeological and ethnographic data

2007, N 3 (31)

Baulo A.V. "Uniform" of the Ostyak deity

2007, N 1 (29)

Baulo A.V. Medieval silverware in the north of Western Siberia: new findings

2007, N 3 (31)

Belyaeva V. I., Moiseev V. G. Tips with a recess of the Kostenkov type: experience of statistical analysis

2007, N 4 (32)

Berezkin Yu. E. Cosmogonic plots "the diver behind the earth" and "people's way out of the earth" (about the heterogeneous origin of American Indians)

2007, N 4 (32)

Bogdanov E. S., Slyusarenko I. Yu. Amulets from Egyptian faience from the territory of Gorny Altai

2007, N 4 (32)

Bolikhovskaya N. S. Spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation and climate development in Northern Eurasia in the neo-pleistocene

2007, N 2 (30)

Borodovsky A. P., Telegin A. N. Horn ornaments of the Scythian saddle from the Priobsky plateau

2007, N 1 (29)

Burnakov V. A. Traditional representations of the Khakas about the soul

2007, N 3 (31)

Burkhanov A. A. Kushan and Kushan-Sasanian coins from the Lebap region (based on the materials of archaeological research in the Amul region)

2007, N 1 (29)

Vadetskaya E. B. Painting of Tashtyk masks

2007, N 2 (30)

Volzhanina E. A. Forest Nenets: settlement and population dynamics in the XX century, current demographic situation

2007, N 3 (31)

Golubkova O. V. Ornithomorphic representations of the soul in the Komi-Zyryans

2007, N 2 (30)

Gordienko A.V. Raduzhninsky "treasure"

2007, N 2 (30)

Funerary monuments of the nomadic elite of the Southern Urals in the middle of the first millennium BC

2007, N 4 (32)

Derevyanko A. P., Zenin V. N. First results of studies of the Early Paleolithic site Darvagchai-1 in Dagestan

2007, N 1 (29)

Derevyanko A. P., Zenin A. N., Rybin E. P., Gladyshev S. A., Tsybankov A. A., Olsen D., Tseveendorzh D., Gunchinsuren B. Technology of stone splitting at the early stage of the Upper Paleolithic of Northern Mongolia (Tolbor-4 site)

2007, N 2 (30)

Derevyanko A. P., Molodin V. I., Shunkov M. V. Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS: main results of scientific activity in the field of archeology

2007, N 4 (32)

Dobzhansky V. N." Towns " of the Yenisei Kirghiz People in the 17th century: historiographical Myth or Historical reality?

2007, N 2 (30)

Dode Z. V. Bestiary on "Mongolian" silks. Design style and semantics

2007, N 1 (29)

Drozdov N. I., Artemyev E. V. Paleolithic of Mount Athos: recent data - new issues

2007, N 2 (30)

Zhurbin I. V., Bobachev A. A., Zverev V. N. Complex geophysical studies of the cultural layer of archaeological sites (Idnakar settlement, IX-XIII centuries)

2007, N 2 (30)

Zuev A. S. "Amanats give a sin according to their faith": Chukchi attitude to the Russian practice of hostage-taking (XVII-XVIII)

2007, N 2 (30)

Zykin V. S., Zykina V. S., Zazhigin V. S. Problems of dissection and correlation of Pliocene and quaternary deposits in the south of Western Siberia

2007, N 3 (31)

Kisel V. A. The story of Herodotus and ritual vessels of ancient nomads

2007, N 4 (32)

Kozintsev A. G. Scythians of the Northern Black Sea Region: intergroup differences, external relations, origin

2007, N 3 (31)

Koksharov S. F. Monument of Atlym culture on the Endyr river

page 159

2007, N 1 (29)

Krylasova N. B. Zoomorphic horn ridges in the material culture of the north of Eastern Europe

2007, N 1 (29)

Kubarev V. D. Aral-Tolgoi: a new monument of Mongolian rock art

2007, N 3 (31)

Kubarev V. D. Biluut-Tolgoi: a new monument of Mongolian rock art

2007, N 1 (29)

Kubarev G. V. Ancient Turkic statues: the embodiment of epic heroes or warriors-ancestors?

2007, N 2 (30)

Laskin A. R. Prospects for further study and preservation of Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs

2007, N 1 (29)

Lobanova N. V. Petroglyphs of Staraya Zalavruga: new data - a new look

2007, N 4 (32)

Lyziarsky AA Witchcraft and magic in the lives of the colonists Sibiri XVII century

2007, N 2 (30)

Matochkin E. P. Petroglyphs of Komdosh-Booma

2007, N 3 (31)

Mednikova M. B. On the peculiarities of the juvenile stage of ontogenesis in European neanderthals

2007, N 3 (31)

Molodin V. I., Solov'ev A. I. Typology of cult complexes of the Middle Ages of the Ob-Irtysh forest-steppe and some aspects of their semantics

2007, N 4 (32)

Molodin V. I., Cheremisin D. V. Petroglyphs of Ukok

2007, N 4 (32)

Mukhareva A. N. Scenes with camels in the rock art of the Minusinsk basin

2007, N 4 (32)

Narozhny E. I. Jurchen objects of the Middle Ages on the territory of the North Caucasus

2007, N 1 (29)

Ozheredov Yu. I., Khudyakov Yu. S. Suzun helmet

2007, N 1 (29)

Panteleeva S. E. Complex of Sargat ceramics of the Pavlinovo settlement (experience in analyzing morphology and ornamentation)

2007, N 3 (31)

Pitulko V. V. Fundamentals of methods of excavation of stone age monuments in permafrost deposits

2007, N 3 (31)

Rakov V. A., Brodyansky D. L. Ancient aquaculture (oyster cultivation in the Boisman Neolithic culture)

2007, N 1 (29)

Salminen T. Finnish archaeologists in Russia and Siberia in 1870-1935

2007, N 1 (29)

Simonenko A.V. Glass and faience products from Nogaichinsky kurgan (to the discussion about the date of the monument)

2007, N 3 (31)

Sitlivy V., Sobchik K., Karkanas P., Kumuzelis M. Middle Paleolithic complexes of the Klisura Cave (Peloponnese, Greece): comparative analysis

2007, N 3 (31)

Sovetova O. S. On the question of "art history" and "archaeological" approaches to the interpretation of fine monuments

2007, N 2 (30)

Sokolova L. A. Okunevskaya kul'turnaya traditsiya v stratigraficheskom aspekte [Okunevskaya cultural tradition in stratigraphic aspect].

2007, N 1 (29)

Solov'ev A. I. Ust-Izes-2 monument and ethno-cultural processes in the second quarter of the second millennium in the pre-taiga Ob-Irtysh region

2007, N 3 (31)

Stepanova O. B. The mythological image of the mother tree in the traditional worldview of the Selkups

2007, N 4 (32)

Tabarev A.V. Oysters and archaeologists (on the term "aquaculture" in Far Eastern archeology)

2007, N 4 (32)

Troitskaya T. N., Savin A. N., Solodskaya O. V. Hollow images of animals (based on the materials of the Upper Ob culture of the Novosibirsk Ob region)

2007, N 3 (31)

Cheremisin D. V. To a discussion on the semantics of animal style art and reconstruction of the worldview of native speakers of the Pazyryk culture

2007, N 3 (31)

Chernykh A.V. Customs related to domestic cattle in the calendar rituals of the Russian Kama region

2007, N 4 (32)

Chikisheva T. A., Gubina M. A., Kulikov I. V., Karafet T. M., Voevoda M. I., Romashchenko A. G. Paleogenetic study of the ancient population of Gorny Altai

page 160


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