Libmonster ID: TJ-815


2006, N 4 (28)

Akira Ono. Tools on bone chips and the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic

2006, N 4 (28)

Akira Sekiya. Stone axes with a polished blade in the Late Paleolithic of Japan

2006, N 2 (26)

Alekseev A. N., Zhirkov E. K., Stepanov A.D., Sharaborin A. K., Alekseeva L. L. Burial of the Ymyyakhtakh warrior in the Kerdyugen area

2006, N 4 (28)

Alperson-Eifil N., Goren-Inbar N. Mastering fire and settling from Africa to Eurasia: materials from the Gesher Benot Yaakov site (Israel)

2006, N 3 (27)

Anisyutkin N. K., Timofeev V. I. Paleolithic industry on flakes in Vietnam

2006, N 3 (27)

Antipina E. E., Morales A. Archeozoological approach to studying the structure of society: animal bones from two mining and metallurgical settlements on the eastern and western fringes of Europe

2006, N 3 (27)

Aristova E. S., Chikisheva T. A., Zaidman A.M., Mashak A. N., Khoroshevskaya Ya. A. Case of pituitary nanism in an individual buried in a mound of the Scythian epoch on the territory of Tuva

2006, N 2 (26)

Aseev I. V. Cult objects at the Neolithic site at the mouth of the Elgen River as a reflection of shamanistic views of the ancient population of the Priolkhon region

2006, N 3 (27)

Berezkin Yu. E. Folklore and mythological parallels between Western Siberia, the North-East of Asia and the Amur-Primorye region (to reconstruct the early state of Siberian mythology)

2006, N 3 (27)

Bobrov L. A., Khudyakov Yu. S. Ceremonial Mongolian helmets of the Late Middle Ages from the State Hermitage Collection

2006, N 3 (27)

Buzhilova A. P., Dobrovolskaya M. V., Mednikova M. B. On the problem of reconstruction of social relationships of the population of the Barabinsk steppe (analysis of injuries and injuries based on anthropological materials of the Sopka-2 series)

2006, N 3 (27)

Vadetskaya E. B., Gavrilenko L. S. Production technology and painting of plaster masks of Yenisei mummies

2006, N 2 (26)

Vasiliev S. K., Derevyanko A. P., Markin S. V. Fauna of large mammals of the final Sartan period of the North-Western Altai (based on the materials of Kaminnaya Cave)

2006, N 2 (26)

Vasilievsky I. R. On the ritual calendar and beliefs in pre-Christian Russia (based on archaeological materials from the Black Grave mound)

2006, N 2 (26)

Spring. Orthodoxy in Altai. Old and new faith at the turning point of time

2006, N 1 (25)

Vizgalov G. P., Parkhimovich S. G., Glushkova T. N., Kireeva E. V., Sutula A.V. Textiles of Mangazeya (early 17th century)

2006, N 4 (28)

Winter H. Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites in the Lower Jordan Valley

2006, N 3 (27)

Volkov P. V., Derevyanko A. P., Medvedev V. E. Paleoeconomics of the Middle and Lower Amur population in the late Neo-Pleistocene-mid-Holocene

2006, N 3 (27)

Vostretsov Yu. E. "Turning points" in the cultural evolution of the ancient population of Primorye

2006, N 3 (27)

Golubkova O. V. Ethno-cultural interaction of northern Komi-Zyryans and Russians in the sphere of sacred symbolism

2006, N 4 (28)

Gorbunov V. V., Tishkin A. A. Complex of armament of nomads of Gorny Altai of the Xiongnu epoch

2006, N 2 (26)

Grushin S. P. On the origin of some ornamental elements on bronze objects of the Seimin-Turbinsky type

2006, N 1 (25)

Derevyanko A. P. Early Paleolithic microlithic industry in Eurasia: Migration or Convergence?

2006, N 2 (26)

Drozdov N. I., Cheha V. P. Development of the Taimyr nature in the late Pleistocene-Holocene and mammoth fauna

2006, N 4 (28)

Dyakova O. V. Ancient and medieval fortifications in the basin of the Mirror river (Tadushi)

2006, N 3 (27)

Ermolenko L. N. On the meaning of some techniques of stylization of facial details in ancient Turkic sculptures

page 159

2006, N 4 (28)

Zhukova L. N. Adaptive changes in the clothing of ancient alien groups of the population in the conditions of the North (to the method of studying the deaf clothing of the peoples of Siberia)

2006, N 1 (25)

Zakh V. A. Neolithic periodization in the Tobolsk-Ishim region

2006, N 1 (25)

Zenin V. N., Leshchinsky S. V., Zolotarev K. V., Grutes P. M., Nado M.-H. Geoarchaeology and material culture features of the Lugovskoe Paleolithic locality

2006, N 1 (25)

Winter. History of the Turatinsky Kazakhs

2006, N 4 (28)

Zimina O. Yu., Mylnikova L. N. Ceramics of the eastern version of the Itkul culture (based on the materials of the monuments of the Yurtoborovsky archaeological microdistrict in Nizhny Pritobolye)

2006, N 2 (26)

Ivanova M. G., Zhurbin I. V. Experience of interdisciplinary research of the ancient Udmurt settlement Idnakar of IX-XIII centuries

2006, N 4 (28)

Kim Myungjoo, Park Sung-sil, Pok Gide, Choi Yeon-hee, Lee In-sung, Shin Gyeong-jin, Han Girre, Yoon Min-young, Han Seon-ho, Kang In-wook, Jang Byung-soo, Jung Yun-hee, Shin Donghoon. Medieval mummy from Yangju

2006, N 1 (25)

Kiryushin Yu. F., Volkov P. V., Kiryushin K. Yu. Tiles with an anthropomorphic image from the settlement of Tytkesken-2 (chronological and technological aspects of the "Torgazhak" tradition in the Sayano-Altai Highlands)

2006, N 1 (25)

Kovaleva O. V. Petroglyphs of the Barsuchy Log mound

2006, N 3 (27)

Kubarev V. D. Myths and rituals depicted in the petroglyphs of Altai

2006, N 2 (26)

Kubarev V. D., Zabelin V. I. Avifauna of Central Asia based on ancient drawings and archaeological and ethnographic sources

2006, N 3 (27)

Summer. Peasant crafts of Soloneshenskaya zemlya: from the past to the future

2006, N 1 (25)

Leshchinsky St. Paleoecological studies, taphonomy and genesis of the Lugovskoe locality

2006, N 1 (25)

Leshchinsky S. V., Mashchenko E. N., Ponomareva E. A., Orlova L. A., Burkanova E. M., Konovalova V. A., Teterina I. I., Gevlya K. M. Comprehensive paleontological and stratigraphic studies of the Lugovskoe locality (2002-2004)

2006, N 4 (28)

Ли Ги Кил. On the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic in Korea

2006, N 2 (26)

Matochkin E. P. Petroglyphs of the Green Lake-a monument of the Altai Bronze Age

2006, N 3 (27)

International Conference " Frozen Burials in the Altai Mountains: strategies and prospects"

2006, N 1 (25)

Moiseev V. G. Cranioscopic characteristics of the population of Western and Southern Siberia of the Scythian period

2006, N 4 (28)

Molodin V. I. The necropolis of the Chicha-1 hillfort and the problem of burial practices of cultural carriers of the transition from bronze to iron age in the Barabinsk forest-steppe

2006, N 4 (28)

Myglan V. O., Slyusarenko I. Yu., Oidupaa O. Ch., Garkusha Yu. N. Tsarsky kurgan Arzhan-2 in Tuva: dendrochronological aspect

2006, N 2 (26)

Novichikhin A.M., Trifonov V. A. Zoomorphic pommel from the Anapa Museum

2006, N 4 (28)

Autumn. Yakonur weddings. Tribal movement of the Altai people: past and present

2006, N 2 (26)

Saksa A. I. Karelian isthmus: formation of natural and historical-geographical landscape

2006, N 4 (28)

Svoboda I. A. Essay on the prehistory of the southern part of the Bahariya Oasis (Western Desert, Egypt)

2006, N 2 (26)

Fursova E. F. Ornithomorphic symbolism in the traditional culture of the peasants of the Ob, Baraba, Kulunda and Altai regions of the late XIX-early XX centuries

2006, N 3 (27)

Cheremisin D. V. On the discussion of the informative value of petroglyphs and methods of their study

2006, N 1 (25)

Shevchenko Yu. Y. Lower tiers of the underground Elijah Monastery in Chernihiv, abbots of the monastery and the "Jerusalem trail" in cave construction

2006, N 2 (26)

Shelegina O. N. Results and prospects of studying adaptation processes in the life support culture of the Russian population of Siberia (XVIII-early XX centuries)

2006, N 4 (28)

Yaroshevich A. Technomorphological aspects of microlitic elements of throwing tools on the example of the geometric Kebara culture in the Levant and the epigravetta industry in Eastern Europe

page 160


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