Libmonster ID: TJ-899
Автор(ы) публикации: A. A. STROKOV

Creating the science of the laws of social development, of the victory of socialism and communism, K. Marx and F. Engels, in the interests of the proletarian revolution, thoroughly and profoundly studied and elaborated the problems of war and military affairs. They saw military theory as a powerful weapon of the class struggle of the proletariat. The theoretical legacy of Karl Marx and Fr. Engels ' research on war, the army, and military affairs is invaluable, and it provides a solid foundation for a deep understanding of modern warfare and modern military science. Engels was particularly concerned with military matters .1 "After his participation in the Baden campaign, Engels made the study of military questions his specialty," 2 Karl Marx wrote to Lassalle in 1859.

F. Engels was a brilliant thinker and fighter, an innovator and revolutionary in science. Together with Karl Marx, he made a real revolution in the understanding of such social phenomena as war, the armed forces, military science and the art of war. F. Engels was not only the first military theorist of the proletariat, he was the creator of Marxist military-historical science. His numerous works on military issues serve as unsurpassed examples of the application of dialectical materialism in the field of military affairs. Both Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin highly appreciated F.'s war work. V. I. Lenin called F. F. Engels. Engels was a great expert in military affairs 3 .

The Marxist science of war and the army is based on an understanding of the nature and essence of war as a socio-historical phenomenon, as a continuation of class politics by armed means. Having discovered that "the mode of production of material life determines the social, political, and spiritual processes of life in general" 4, K. Marx and F. Engels provided a guiding thread for a truly scientific explanation of the origin of wars. They proved that wars arose at a certain stage in the development of society, namely, with the emergence of private ownership of the means of production and the division of society into opposing classes, and that, therefore, war is a historically transitory phenomenon. As a product of a class-antagonistic society, war is linked to the politics of certain classes, and it is initiated and waged for their economic and political interests. The brilliant founders of scientific socialism especially emphasized the fact that wars are an indispensable companion of the Boer-

1 See E. Tsvetaev. The formation of F. Engels as a military theorist of the proletariat. "Military Historical Journal", 1963, N 11; A. I. Babin. F. Engels-an outstanding military theorist of the working class. Moscow, 1970.

2 K. Marx and F. Engels, Op. 29, p. 475.

3 See V. I. Lenin. PSS. Vol. 10, p. 340.

4 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 13, p. 7.

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zhuaznogo system. Having established the connection of war with the socio-economic structure of society, with the politics of the classes that make it up, they dealt a crushing blow to the anti-scientific theories that explained wars by the action of the eternal laws of nature, the "struggle for existence", the instincts invariably inherent in man, and so on. the politics of the exploiting classes. Engels revealed and exposed this reactionary essence of the military theories of the bourgeois apologists for the policy of plundering and enslaving peoples.

In his brilliant work Anti-Duhring, F. Engels formulated many of the basic propositions of the proletarian doctrine of war and the army; he exposed Duhring's assertion that violence (and, consequently, war as an instrument of violence) was the main driving force of social development, the "source of life", and the cause of all social revolutions and coups. Showing the falsity of these conclusions, which perpetuate and legitimize wars, F. Engels resolutely opposed the exaggeration of the role of violence (war) and proved that violence itself is associated with certain economic conditions. On the other hand, he warned against underestimating the role of violence. The founders of Marxism have repeatedly pointed out that "violence also plays a different role in history, namely, a revolutionary role, and that it is a revolutionary phenomenon... It is the midwife of every old society when it is pregnant with a new one, that violence is the instrument by which a social movement makes its way and breaks down petrified, deadened political forms. " 5 That is, when violence is used by the advanced class to overcome the resistance of obsolete and reactionary forces. The working class, the creator of communist society, cannot refuse to use revolutionary violence in order to break the resistance of the bourgeoisie or repel its attempts to maintain its rule. It follows from this, and this was emphasized by Karl Marx and Fr. Engels said that the vanguard of the proletariat - its revolutionary party-must master the laws and rules of armed struggle against the exploiters.

The doctrine of Marxism on the political content and social character of war, which was further developed in the new historical conditions in the works of V. I. Lenin, is invaluable for the development of the correct political strategy and tactics by the proletariat and for determining its attitude to each war. The luminaries of revolutionary science have also established objective criteria that allow the proletariat and its party to give a correct assessment of specific wars, each of which is always, in the words of V. I. Lenin, an archetypal, diverse and complex thing .6 Depending on an objective assessment of the political content and social character of a given war, the proletariat either opposes it or resolutely supports it. The doctrine of Marxism-Leninism about the political content and social character of war, about just and unjust wars, was and still remains a powerful weapon in the struggle against the aggressive imperialist policy of the bourgeoisie, against its ideologues. This doctrine is also resolutely directed against all forms of bourgeois pacifism, the aim of which is to disarm the proletariat and hinder its resolute and irreconcilable struggle against imperialism.

To Karl Marx and Fr. Engels is credited with the scientific elaboration of questions about the origin, class essence, and purpose of the army as an organ of the state, as an armed force that emerged with the emergence of the Soviet Union.-

5 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 20, p. 189.

6 See V. I. Lenin. PSS. Vol. 49, p. 369.

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Under the conditions of an antagonistic social system, it serves to maintain the rule of the exploiters, to keep them in subjection to the masses of the people, and to rob and enslave other peoples. Armies of exploitative societies, defined by F. Engels is "the main instrument of suppression." 7 On the basis of a great deal of factual material, he exposed the bourgeois leaders who masked this essence of capitalist armies.

The founders of scientific socialism viewed any war from the class standpoint of the proletariat. The Marxist methodology, combined with a deep knowledge of military history, made it possible for Fr. Engels should reveal the social processes characteristic of the capitalist army. The bourgeois states, he wrote in Anti-Duhring, waging wars among themselves, spend more and more money on the army and navy, weapons, and guns from year to year. "The army has become the main goal of the state, it has become an end in itself; nations exist only to supply and feed soldiers. Militarism dominates and devours Europe. But this militarism is fraught with the germ of its own demise." Capitalist countries are forced to apply universal military service more and more widely and " thereby train... all the people have the ability to wield weapons, so that the people become able at a certain moment to carry out their will in spite of the commanding military authorities. And this moment will come as soon as the mass of the people - the rural and urban workers, as well as the peasants - have their own will. " 8 In a greeting to the French workers on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Paris Commune, published in the newspaper Le Socialiste, F. Engels pointed out: "Now that every healthy man passes through the ranks of the army, this army begins to reflect more and more the moods and thoughts of the people; this army, the main instrument of suppression, is becoming more and more during the day, everything is less reliable. The leaders of all major states are already dreading the day when soldiers under arms will refuse to kill their brothers and fathers... If there is already a new dawn in the army, then the end of the old world is just around the corner."9
A deep scientific approach, a dialectical approach that covers the phenomenon comprehensively, with all its connections and contradictions, and a clearly defined party and class position - these are the characteristic features of F. P. Tolstoy. Engels as a scientist, thinker, and revolutionary was fully manifested in his development of military-theoretical and military-historical problems. The doctrine of war and the army, created by the founders of Marxism-Leninism, is the basis of Marxist military and military-historical science.

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As is well known, before Karl Marx and Fr. Engels ' military-historical works were dominated by subjectivist views. In the article "Armies of Europe", written in 1855, F. Engels, defining the state of military history, wrote: "Military history as a science, in which the correct assessment of facts is the only guiding principle, is still very young and cannot yet boast of a large volume of literature. Nevertheless, this is already an established field of knowledge, and every day it is more and more dismissing, as an unnecessary admixture, the shameless and stupid bragging that for a long time distinguished works called historical ... " 10 .

F. Engels studied the history of army construction, methods and forms of armed struggle, and contemporary military art, based on the following principles:-

7 K. Marx and F. Engels, Op. 22, p. 187.

8 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 20, p. 175.

9 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 22, pp. 187-188.

10 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 11, pp. 436-437.

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dacha of the struggle for the proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Having analyzed the world military history and especially the experience of the wars of the XIX century, he revealed the basic laws of armed struggle and correctly indicated the further direction of the development of the art of war.

The military-theoretical and military-historical views of the Russian Federation. Many articles written for the New American Encyclopedia, published between 1858 and 1863, are fully described by Engels. For this publication, he wrote more than 50 articles on the army as a whole, individual branches of the armed forces, military art (strategy and tactics), as well as individual battles and military figures. About the breadth of issues covered by F. Engels, as the list of titles of these articles itself shows: "Army", "Infantry", "Cavalry", "Artillery", "Fortification", "Fleet", "Battle", "Attack", "Campaign", "Camp", "Bivouac", "Battery", "Battle Supplies", "Catapult", "Arquebus", "Bayonet", "Bomb", "Buckshot", "Incendiary shell", "Dugout", "Shelter from bombs", "Aopern", "Alma", "Blucher", "Bem", etc. Like these articles, and many other works by F. Engels ' books, written on the basis of the study of military literature and analysis of military events that took place in his time, serve as models for scientific analysis and generalization of military-historical and military-theoretical issues.

F. Engels studied warfare, the construction of the armed forces, and the art of war from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. In his works, military history appears to us as a constantly disseminated and enriched experience of warfare. In the works" The Origin of the family, private Property and the state"," Anti - Duhring"," Notes on the War", in articles written for the" New American Encyclopedia", and in other works of F. P. Blavatsky. Engels establishes the stages of the development of the art of war; he examines the history of the construction and organization of the army, individual branches of the armed forces, weapons, methods of warfare and combat (strategy and tactics), the system of education and training of troops, examines the history of the development of the fleet, rowing, sailing and steam vessels, the history of fortification and the evolution of various types of weapons (see, For example, the articles "Rifled cannon", "History of the rifle"). F. Engels determines the place of outstanding commanders in the history of wars, in the development of military art and gives them an assessment. Speaking, for example, about the generals of the slave society, he highly appreciates Epaminondas (who refused to evenly distribute troops along the front and created a shock fist in the decisive sector of the battle formation), Alexander the Great (who turned cavalry into a shock means of defeating the enemy), Hannibal (who used a complex tactical maneuver-encirclement), Julius Caesar (who used the reserve as a a decisive means to achieve victory). He paid much attention to the history of the construction of the European armies of the 19th century - English, French, Austrian, and Prussian. F. Engels critically revised and generalized everything that was created by military-theoretical thought, starting with the ancient military theorists.

Military-historical works of F. Engels ' works are an example of a deep and comprehensive Marxist study of the history of the art of war. He considered the problems of military history based on the general doctrine of the development and change of socio-economic formations, analyzing military-historical subjects in an indissoluble connection with the economic, social, political, ideological and other conditions of society. At the same time, he showed that military science, like other areas of human activity, has its own specific laws, which are expressed in specific methods and forms of armed struggle. Military history in the works of Fr. Engels is a concrete, scientifically reasoned disclosure of the laws of the emergence and development of wars, the armed forces, and the art of war

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slave-owning, feudal, and capitalist (at the pre-monopoly stage) societies. The entire study of military history is conducted on the basis of events and facts that are considered in an inseparable connection with the essence of wars, the laws of the development of the army and the art of war.

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For the first time in the history of military-theoretical thought, Karl Marx and Fr. Engels proved and comprehensively developed the position on the dependence of war and military affairs on the conditions of social development, on the economic and political structure of society. "Violence is not just an act of will, but requires very real prerequisites for its implementation... - wrote F. Engels. - The victory of violence is based on the production of weapons, and the production of weapons, in turn, is based on production in general, therefore... on the "economic force", on the "economic situation", on the material resources at the disposal of violence " 11, f. Engels shows the influence of production, socio-economic and political conditions on the art of war, methods and forms of armed struggle, and the fighting qualities of the army. On this basis, he reveals the content of objective laws that determine the nature and direction of the development of the army and the art of war, as well as the entire military business. "Nothing is more dependent on economic conditions than the army and navy. Armament, composition, organization, tactics and strategy depend primarily on the stage of production reached at the moment and on the means of communication. It was not the" free creativity of the mind "of brilliant generals that revolutionized the situation here, but the invention of better weapons and the change in the soldier's material; the influence of brilliant generals is at best limited to adapting the way of fighting to new weapons and to new fighters." 12
F. Engels gave a comprehensive socio-economic, political and military analysis of the wars that took place in his time: the Crimean War (1853-1856), the colonial wars in China and India, the popular uprising of 1857-1859 in India, the Austro-Italian War (1859), the American Civil War (1861 - 1865), the Austro-Prussian (1866) and Franco-Prussian (1870-1871) wars.

His works cover Garibaldi's campaign in Sicily and Southern Italy (1860), as well as the Spanish Revolution that began in 1868. In the study of the problems of war and the army of F. Engels gave brilliant examples of the practical application of Marxist methodology. Analyzing contemporary wars, he revealed their nature, foresaw their outcome and political consequences. Thus, from the very beginning of the American Civil War, he defined its essence, which consisted in the struggle between two social systems-slavery and capitalist wage labor, predicted its outcome - the victory of the northern states as a more advanced social system, pointed out the political consequences of the war. Engels also predicted the outcome of the Franco - Prussian War of 1870-1871. Already at the very beginning of it. Engels wrote to Karl Marx on July 22: "From the end of next week, the Germans can launch an offensive and throw an army into France, which, although after many heavy battles, must overturn everything that Bonaparte puts up against it. Judging from the current state of affairs, I consider a happy outcome of the campaign impossible for Bonaparte."13 In another letter to Karl Marx, F. Engels pointed out: "The final result is that in the end

11 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 20, p. 170.

12 Ibid., p. 171.

13 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 33, p. 7.

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the Germans will win - for me there is no doubt... " 14 . The dialectical-materialistic approach to the study of the economic and political possibilities of both opponents made it possible for Fr. Engels correctly foresaw the outcome of this war.

F. Engels consistently and implacably exposed the wars of conquest and colonization waged by Britain, the United States, France and other states with the aim of plundering and enslaving backward countries. He defined China's war against the Anglo-French and American colonialists of 1856-1858 as a just people's war "for the preservation of Chinese nationality." 15 Revealing the correlation and interrelation of politics and economics, war and politics, the founders of scientific socialism showed the role of the people and various classes in wars. The role of the masses of the people in just national liberation wars is particularly great. Speaking about the military actions between the Austrian troops and the masses of the Piedmontese people in 1849, F. Engels emphasized: "The people who want to win their independence should not be limited to the usual methods of warfare. Mass insurrection, revolutionary war, partisan detachments everywhere-this is the only way by which a small people can overcome a large one, by which a less powerful army can resist a stronger and better organized one. " 16 F. Engels believed that when the Prussian troops approached Paris during the Franco-Prussian war, France could still resist if a people's war was launched, in the fire of which it was possible to destroy a strong army of conquerors in parts. The Prussian army would have crashed into Paris if the population of the capital had been armed. But the bourgeoisie was afraid to do this, because it did not want to arm the revolution. The "National Defense Government" chose to commit national treason and capitulate.

Studying the dialectic of the development of the army and the art of war, F. Engels established that new social relations also give rise to a new system of warfare, a new military science. "The military science created by the revolution and Napoleon was the inevitable result of the new relations generated by the revolution," 17 he noted, and predicted that the emancipation of the proletariat "will have its own special expression in military affairs and will create its own special, new military method." 18 Indeed, with the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution in military affairs, as V. I. Lenin pointed out, "two epochs changed"19 .

K. Marx and F. Engels also revealed the revolutionizing influence of major technical inventions on military affairs. The army constantly feeds on advanced equipment. In the army, K. Marx noted, "for the first time, machines are used on a large scale." 20 On many examples of F. Engels shows changes in strategy and tactics caused by the appearance of new weapons and new equipment. Military tactics, V. I. Lenin pointed out, depend "on the level of military equipment - this truth was chewed up and put in the mouth of the Marxists by Engels"21 . The appearance and improvement of firearms caused qualitative changes in the art of war, determined the emergence of linear tactics, a linear system, and the introduction of rifled weapons in the middle of the XIX century.-

14 Ibid., p. 13.

15 See K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 12, p. 222.

16 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 6, p. 416.

17 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 7, p. 510.

18 Ibid., p. 509.

19 V. I. Lenin. PSS. Vol. 44, p. 324.

20 K. Marx and F. Engels, Op. 29, p. 154.

21 V. I. Lenin. PSS. Vol. 13, p. 374.

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F. Engels wrote about the enormous impact of these weapons, which appeared in the second half of the XIX century, on the art of war .22 F.'s thoughts Engels ' ideas on military technology and its influence on the methods and forms of warfare and combat have retained their significance even in our era of the scientific and technological revolution, when the technical armament of armies has reached gigantic proportions. Of course, F. Engels did not reduce the influence of the mode of production on the art of war to changes in the material and technical base and military equipment alone. New phenomena and trends in production and the economy are also reflected in the changes taking place with the masses of people, in their social qualities, in the means and methods of armed struggle.

Using examples taken from different historical epochs, F. Engels shows how such factors as the nature of war, the morale of the army, discipline, combat training and combat experience of troops, as well as the activity of commanders also have an impact on the combat effectiveness of the army, the course and outcome of the war, and the art of war. In his works, you can find a lot of facts showing the impact on the army and military art of specific conditions and features of the historical development of certain countries. He emphasized that the morale of the army is inextricably linked with the morale of the masses, with the nature of the war itself. During a battle, he wrote, " the moral factor... immediately turns into a material force... " 23 . Troops with high morale attack the enemy with the greatest composure, determination, speed and cohesion. Attaching great importance to the role of the moral factor, F. Engels at the same time pointed out that it should be supported by the appropriate training of fighters, their organization and discipline. In particular, he pointed to the French army, which during the Franco-Prussian war could not oppose the enemy with anything but the glorious traditions and bravery of the soldiers, "and this alone is not enough for the army to remain first-class" 24.

F. Engels repeatedly emphasized the influence of the training of troops on the outcome of the war, its importance for the art of war. Summing up the experience of volunteer armies in the American Civil War, he pointed out: "No army re-organized from civilian personnel can ever become combat - ready unless it is trained and supported by the vast intellectual and material resources available to a large regular army, and mainly by the organization that makes up the largest part of the army." the strength of the regular army " 25 . Volunteers cannot compete with the line troops in drill training, but they must certainly pass combat training so that their general simultaneous action becomes mechanical, natural for them, so that their movements and actions occur steadily, simultaneously and with the necessary alignment. Experience of training volunteers F. Engels considered it extremely important to organize the combat training of proletarian revolutionaries. "In Germany, there can be no progress in military affairs as long as the highest spheres do not want to give up the idea that armies are created for parades, not for combat." 26 He paid special attention to studying combat experience.

Thus, F. Engels has an extremely important merit in uncovering the laws underlying the change of SPOS-

22 See K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 16, p. 175.

23 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 14, p. 318.

24 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 17, p. 99.

25 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 15, pp. 413-414.

26 Ibid., p. 21.

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forms of warfare and military operations that express the dependence of the art of war on the factors that determine its development.

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F. Engels first revealed the complex dialectic of the development of the art of war .27 He highlighted the patterns that characterize the relationship between different ways and forms of warfare and military operations, as well as between the types of armed forces and branches of the armed forces. Regarding these patterns, he wrote: "Military movements at sea and on land are no longer subject to the wishes and plans of diplomats, but to their own laws, which cannot be violated without endangering the entire expedition."28 These patterns include: correspondence of the combat mission to the forces and means of armies, a harmonious combination of human masses (fighters) and equipment, interaction of types of armed forces and branches of the armed forces, communication of fire and movement. The art of warfare and the very fate of war depend on the correct understanding and use of these objective laws of armed struggle.

As already noted, the laws of military art can not be deduced from the thinking of outstanding figures-commanders, they follow from certain socio-economic, specific historical conditions. Each socio-economic formation (along with the general ones for a number of formations) has its own special laws of armed struggle. If in France, before the bourgeois revolution of the late eighteenth century, tactics were limited to frontal clashes of evenly spaced forces, then during the bourgeois revolution and then under Napoleon, the basis of tactics was a bold and deep maneuver, a combination of fire and strike. The new era has fundamentally changed the nature of combat. Linear tactics gave way to shock tactics, which reigned supreme in the art of war until the second half of the XIX century. "The modern system of warfare," pointed out F. Engels is a necessary product of the French Revolution. Its precondition is the social and political emancipation of the bourgeoisie and the small-scale peasantry. " 29
F. Engels gave a scathing critique to the representatives of bourgeois military science who claimed that the outcome of a war depends on chance, on a successful or unsuccessful combination of circumstances. Even a major bourgeois military ideologist like Clausewitz believed that war was an area dominated by chance. It is his expression that in war "talent and genius operate outside the law." 30
Unlike the bourgeois theorists, who reduced the armed struggle to the decisions and actions of prominent military leaders, F. Engels, without belittling their role, considered it in connection with the struggle of classes, with certain socio-economic conditions. The activity of a commander, he pointed out, cannot be reduced to arbitrary creativity, it is historically and objectively determined by a certain level of development of the material life of society, by the specific historical conditions in which he operates. It is precisely in these objective conditions that the possibility of a particular outcome of the war is laid, although these conditions alone cannot lead to victory. Victory is the result of the interaction of objective and subjective factors.

For the practical activity of people, in any field, it is important to have a scientific approach to the question of whether it is possible-

27 Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of war includes, along with strategy and tactics, operational art, which deals with the preparation and conduct of operations conducted by the army and the front.

28 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 10, p. 1.

29 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 7, pp. 505-506.

30 Clausewitz. About the war, Moscow, 1934, p. 81.

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and reality. In the art of war, you also need to strictly distinguish between these categories and take into account that the presence of opportunities alone is not enough to achieve victory. F. Engels cites facts when the army, having the economic and military capabilities to achieve victory, could not use them and turn the opportunities into reality. On the other hand, the separation of possibility from reality in the art of war leads to adventurism.

F. Engels, speaking against the assertions of bourgeois military theorists about the eternity and immutability of the principles of the art of war, showed that the art of war is constantly developing and changing, the old methods of warfare and combat are dying out and new ones are emerging. He gave great importance to determining the forces necessary for the victorious conduct of the war, proper planning of the war, choosing the direction of the main attack and concentrating forces in this direction. He pointed out that in the course of war , one had to sacrifice "all small operations"31, strengthening the army operating in a decisive direction. He supported this conclusion with examples from the American Civil War and the Crimean War .32
To characterize the views of F. Engels ' analysis of military operations during the Franco-Prussian War can also be used for strategy. Using the method of materialistic dialectic, he unraveled the Prussian strategic plan and, based on an analysis of the course of military operations, predicted the inevitable defeat of the French at Sedan. F. Engels called McMahon a political and military adventurer who underestimated the enemy and misjudged the current situation .33 From the history of the war by F. Engels concluded that correct strategic decisions can be made only on the basis of an objective assessment of the situation of the forces of both his own and the enemy. Only on this basis can the appropriate methods and forms of armed struggle be chosen. F. Engels emphasized the importance of determination and activity of troops in the offensive, speed of maneuver and surprise of the attack. He highly appreciated the strategic skill of Napoleon, who in individual campaigns, when his army as a whole was significantly numerically weaker than the enemy, was able to win by concentrating his forces at a well-chosen point of attack .34 As a supporter of decisive action, F. Engels condemned such a strategy, when field battles are replaced by fighting around fortresses. Such a war "provides an excuse for procrastination and evasion of combat." 35
In his works, F. Engels criticizes indecision and passivity in both strategy and tactics, both offensive and defensive. In this regard, it is interesting to analyze street battles during the Franco-Prussian War. F. Engels believed that the defense of Paris should be conducted actively, not passively; the actions of the besieged should be distinguished by "activity, courage and energy in sorties ..." 36 . It showed the importance of this type of battle, such as pursuit, in which the fruits of victory are usually reaped. "The more vigorous the pursuit, the more decisive the victory"37. F. Engels thoroughly studied the tactics of individual branches of the armed forces.

In a number of works by F. Engels specifically focused on the Russian army and the Russian art of war, noting that the development of its torm-

31 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 15, p. 507.

32 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 11, pp. 156, 136.

33 See K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 17, p. 69.

34 See K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 14, pp. 71, 72.

35 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 15, p. 518.

36 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 17, p. 228.

37 K. Marx and F. Egels. Soch. Vol. 13, p. 410.

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It is characterized by conservative socio-economic relations in tsarist Russia, primarily serfdom and technical backwardness. At the same time, analyzing the Swiss campaign of the Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov, F. Engels emphasized that the Suvorov crossing of the Alps "was the most outstanding of all the Alpine crossings made up to that time"38 . In a number of articles, he noted the heroism and military skill of the defenders of Sevastopol, the steadfastness of the Russian infantry, and the bravery of the soldiers of the Russian army.

Speaking of military research, Fr. It is impossible to ignore Engels ' analysis of the armed actions of the proletariat. Even the first articles of the founders of Marxism on armed insurrection and the armed forces of the revolution, published in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (1848-1849), contained fundamentally important theoretical propositions on the strategy and tactics of the proletariat in the armed struggle against the forces of counter-revolution. Important instructions are also contained in the" Address of the Central Committee to the Union of Communists", written by Karl Marx and Fr. Engels in March 1850. Here is the task of creating a military organization of the proletariat and arming it: "The workers must make an attempt to organize themselves as an independent proletarian guard, with commanders and their own general staff, chosen by themselves, and put themselves at their disposal... revolutionary community soviets created by the workers " 39 . In the work "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany" the classical definition of insurrection as an art is given: "Insurrection is an art, just like war... It is subject to certain rules, the oblivion of which leads to the death of the party that is found guilty of non-compliance with them. " 40
The founders of scientific communism warned about the need to thoroughly prepare for an uprising and, in particular, correctly assess the forces against which they would have to act, taking into account their advantages. The actions of the insurgents must be distinguished by the greatest determination, offensive character, and bold sudden strikes, for "defense is the death of any armed insurrection." 41 The rebels must take the enemy by surprise while his troops are scattered, and not allow the revolutionary forces to be fragmented. It is also important to maintain a moral advantage over the enemy.

K. Marx and F. Engels closely followed the military activities of the Paris Commune, the first state of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the history of mankind. They gave advice to the communards on military matters. Having thoroughly analyzed the experience of the Commune, K. Marx and F. Engels enriched the theory of scientific communism by developing, in particular, the conclusion that it was necessary to break down the old bourgeois state machine, including the old army, and replace it with a new state organization and a new armed force capable of establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, the power of the workers and peasants.

The provisions developed by Karl Marx and Fr. Engels ' ideas on war and the army, on the methods and forms of armed struggle, on armed insurrection, and on the military tasks of the proletarian revolution were generalized and developed by V. I. Lenin, and under his leadership were brilliantly applied in practice in the struggle for the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution and for the defense of its historical gains.

38 Ibid., p. 243.

39 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 7, p. 264.

40 K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch. Vol. 8, p. 100.

41 Ibid.

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A. A. STROKOV, MILITARY PROBLEMS IN THE WORKS OF F. ENGELS // Душанбе: Цифровая библиотека Таджикистана (LIBRARY.TJ). Дата обновления: 13.01.2025. URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

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Amir Mirzoev
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