Libmonster ID: TJ-910
Автор(ы) публикации: V. A. BERDINSKIKH

In 1922, the Pedagogical Institute in Vyatka was named after V. I. Lenin. It is known that Vladimir Ilyich very rarely agreed to have his name assigned to enterprises and institutions. As for the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute, this fact has already been mentioned in the literature 1 . Let's look at it in more detail.

Reflecting the desire of the staff, the board of the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute turned to Lenin with a corresponding request. It was supported by the gubkom of the party, gubispolkom and gubsovprof 2 . Biochronics notes that no earlier than October 23 and no later than November 4, 1922, "Lenin, through N. K. Krupskaya, agrees to assign the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin" 3 . Vyatka received a telegram from the People's Commissariat of Education: "Urgently. Vyatka. The party's sponge committee. To Alypov. Vladimir Ilyich gave the name of the pedagogical institute in his name " 4 . "Dear Vladimir Ilyich," the students and teachers wrote in response on November 8, 1922, " we, the institute members, give you our word of honor as proletarians to devote all our efforts to making the Institute worthy of your bright genius. We send you an open letter with a description of our work and our mood, and we instruct the Board of the Institute to personally make a report on the work of the Institute. Welcoming you, the leader of the world revolution, we declare that one of the happiest days of our lives will be the day when we will see you in the walls of our institute. " 5

December 5 Glavprofobr Board, "taking into account public-pedagogical and public-political work"On December 6, the Institute officially decided to give it the name of Lenin, and on December 9, the Presidium of the Board of the People's Commissariat of Education, "taking into account the received consent of com. Lenin"7, approved this decision.

In 1924, in the article " What monument to build to Ilyich?" "Vyatskaya Pravda" wrote: "Vladimir Ilyich twice confirmed his consent to assign his name to the Institute: first orally through Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, and then by an official response to the Board of the People's Commissariat of Education... Through Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, he kept track of the institute's work; Nadezhda Konstantinovna always looked through our institute reports, gave us constant instructions in our work, and sent one copy to our institute out of the two mandatory copies received by Vladimir Ilyich and Nadezhda Konstantinovna from the State Publishing House of Krasnaya Novi. During a personal visit to N. K. Krupskaya in Gorki on November 23 by our members of the Management Board-tov. Dernov and tov. Altova-Nadezhda Konstantinovna definitely stated that she informs Vladimir Ilyich about our work, submits our reports to him, and uses his instructions in her responses. By the way, this time Vladimir Ilyich personally asked to convey his greetings to the staff of the Institute. Thus, it was not by chance that the pedagogical Institute received its honorary name, and it was not by chance that Vladimir Ilyich was the ideological chief of the institute: he knew its work and even managed its work through Nadezhda Konstantinovna. " 8
A new letter addressed to Lenin described in detail the life of the institute. To bear his name is not only a great honor, but also a great responsibility, it said. Stake-

1 Sovetskaya Rossiya, 2. VIII. 1968; Kiryukhina E. I. Lenin and the Vyatka Region. Kirov. 1970, pp. 131-134; Half a century on the road. Kirov State Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin, 1918-1968. Kirov. 1970, pp. 38-44.

2 Half a century on the road, p. 38.

3 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Biographical chronicle, vol. 12, p. 431.

4 State Archive of the Kirov region (GAKO), f. 1148, op. 2, 4, l. 100.

5 Letters of the workers of the Vyatka Province to V. I. Lenin, 1917-1924. Gorky, 1969, p. 133.

6 GAKO, f. 1148, op. 1, d. 4, l. 88.

7 Ibid., l. 92.

8 Vyatskaya pravda, 6. II. 1924.

page 184

The Institute's faculty does much to transform secondary schools. Students and teachers conduct a great deal of political and educational work among the national minorities of the province: Mari, Udmurts, Tatars. The Institute's activity in studying the Vyatka Region, its economy and productive forces is significant. Students are engaged in public work in the city and province, patronize the Trinity parish, workers of the Vyatka-1 station area, teach illiterate people, put on performances for the population in Russian and Udmurt languages 9 . In connection with the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the Institute in November 1923, its students and the board invited Vladimir Ilyich and Nadezhda Konstantinovna to visit Vyatka. "I'm sorry that I couldn't come,"Krupskaya writes," but the circumstances were such that the trip was completely unthinkable for me." Congratulating the staff of the Institute on the anniversary, Nadezhda Konstantinovna noted:: "Now, when a massive shift in teaching has begun, when the work in the field of public education has gone particularly intensively, pedagogical institutes are of particular importance. The Vyatka Institute is one of the most advanced institutes and, I hope, will widely expand its work. The whole spirit of the institute speaks for this."10 .

From Krupskaya's letter of May 3, 1923, we learn about the contacts that were established between Lenin and the institute that bears his name. Nadezhda Konstantinovna reported: "Vladimir Ilyich received your greetings, the magazine and the materials you sent. Together with you, I hope that his health will get stronger. Then he will get to know your work better"11 . Now it is difficult to say exactly what materials were sent from the Institute to Lenin. But in his personal library there is No. 1 of the Vyatka magazine "Enlightenment" for 1922 and several other books published in the first years of Soviet power in Vyatka. The question arises: did Vladimir Ilyich also send books and magazines to the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute? In the Biochronics for December 14, 1923, we find the following entry:: "Fulfilling Lenin's instructions, librarian Sh. M. Manucharyants sends: to Istpart - 105 local party publications; to the V. I. Lenin Pedagogical Institute in Vyatka-26 books (volumes of Lenin's Collected Works and separate editions of his works)" 12. January 16, 1924: "Fulfilling Lenin's instructions, librarian Sh. M. Manucharyants sends 5 books from his library for binding to the Red Proletarian printing house and 8 books from his Collected Works to the V. I. Lenin Pedagogical Institute in Vyatka " 13 .

Have these books been preserved and can they be allocated in the library's collections? In the library of the Kirov Pedagogical Institute there are several dozen books published during Lenin's lifetime: N. Lenin (V. Ulyanov) "Tactics of Bolshevism "(M. 1923):; publications of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Red Army Deputies: N. Lenin" Successes and Difficulties of Soviet Power "(Pg. 1919); N. Lenin " Lessons revolutions" (Pg. 1918); V. Ilyin. "For 12 years. Collection of Articles", vol. 1 (Pg. 1918). The library contains eight volumes of the Collected Works of V. I. Lenin, published in 1922-1923. All books are stamped by the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute. There are no stamps issued by other organizations. Consequently, they came to the library shortly after their publication and after being assigned to the Lenin Institute. Careful study of these books is essential.

After Lenin's death, Krupskaya continued to correspond with the Vyatka Pedagogical Institute. In a letter dated September 19, 1924, Nadezhda Konstantinovna is informed about the organization of a reporting exhibition at the Institute, is invited to this exhibition, and asks for help in reducing the number of scholarships to the Institute from 200 to 135 14 . On June 2, 1934, Krupskaya wrote in a letter to the head of the Gorky Regional Regional Administration:: "We just keep in close contact with Vyatka" 15 . Nadezhda Konstantinovna was constantly interested in the work of the Institute, and its staff regularly reported to her about their activities and asked for help.

Throughout the following years, this pedagogical institute tried to fulfill its mission with dignity, preparing national teachers. In 1918-1982, it trained 32,000 teachers. Currently, more than 5 thousand students study at nine of its faculties .16 Among the Institute's graduates-for-

9 GAKO, f. 1148, op. 1, d. 128, l. 327.

10 Half A CENTURY on the ROAD, p. 44.

11 Ibid., p. 42.

12 V. I. Lenin. Biochronika, vol. 12, p. 650.

13 Ibid., p. 661.

14 GAKO, f. 1148, op. 1, d. 155, l. 157.

15 Krupskaya N. K. Pedagogical works. In 10 vols. Vol. II. Moscow, 1963, p. 514.

16 V. I. Lenin and popular education. In: Abstracts of reports for the scientific and practical conference. Kirov. 1982, p. 7.

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honored school teachers of the RSFSR (V. S. Putintsev, M. P. Yarovaya, A.V. Vinokurov and many others), well-known scientists (academicians of the APN of the USSR E. I. Monozzon, V. G. Razumovsky), responsible party and Soviet workers.

More than half of the Institute's teachers are graduates 17 . The cadres raised by the Institute carry the light of knowledge of young people in a number of regions of our country.

17 Ibid., p. 8.


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