Libmonster ID: TJ-759

Russian philology suffered a heavy and irreplaceable loss - on July 8, 2013, Nikolai Tsedenovich Bitkeev, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Kalmyk State University (KSU), folklorist, literary critic and teacher of the Higher school of the Russian Federation, corresponding member (2001) and Vice-President (2009) of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, died. Nikolay Tsedenovich Bitkeev is the author of 373 works, including 28 books.

Nikolai Tsedenovich was a general specialist, whose research interests included the study of folklore and folklore studies, literature and literary studies, Kalmyks ' ethnic culture and ethnopedagogy.

N. C. Bitkeev was born on May 25, 1943 in the village of Ovata in the Republic of Kalmykia. Together with the family (at the age of seven months) He was deported to Siberia. His childhood years were spent in the Omsk region in Shcherbakulsky, and then in Poltava districts; in 1957, after rehabilitation, Kalmykov returned home with his family and graduated from a seven-year school. In 1959, he entered the Kalmyk Pedagogical College.

N. TS Bitkeev collected ethnographic materials and recorded folklore. The problems of epic creativity of the Kalmyks, their songs and other genres of folklore were the subject of intense interest, which was aroused in him under the influence of classes on oral folk art conducted by I. M. Matsakov.

After graduating from the university, he was sent to work at the Kalmyk Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (KNIYALI) to the sector for the study of oral folk art. Here he studied the heroic epic "Jangar", and a year later entered the postgraduate course of the Gorky Institute of World Literature (IMLI) of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department for the study of the epic of the peoples of the USSR. During his studies at IMLI, Nikolai Tsedenovich received

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a good theoretical background in folklore studies and literary studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. In June 1974, he successfully defended his PhD thesis "Jangar: Singer and Tradition"at the Institute of World Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

N. C. Bitkssv worked out the problems of Kalmyk oral folk art, studying the epic tradition of the Mongolian peoples in a comparative and typological light. He is the author of a multi-volume prospectus (12), a bilingual (in Kalmyk and Russian) "Collection of Kalmyk folklore" by genre. Under his leadership, a lot of work was started on their compilation, development of principles for the selection of folklore texts, translations of various genres of oral folk art. He has published 28 books, 12 of which are monographs, the rest are published under his compilation and editorship. In 1990, the book "Dzhangar" was published in the series "Epos of the Peoples of the USSR". The Kalmyk Heroic Epic" (Moscow, 1990) in Russian and Kalmyk languages with a scientific apparatus. In the preparation and publication of this book, a larger volume of work belongs to N. TS.Bitkeev.

The book includes eleven poems of the epic in the original language with scientific and philological translation into Russian. As the author of the translation and a member of the editorial board of the volume, N. C. Bitkeev has done a lot of work on textual analysis and the development of scientific translation principles.

N. C. Bitkssv did not stop only at the study of epic folklore; his research included other genres of oral poetry of the Kalmyks, samples of which he recorded as field (folklore) materials.

From 1982 to July 1996 Nikolay Tsedenovich was head of the Department of Folklore and Kalmyk Epic Studies at the Institute of Social Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, later of the Russian Academy of Sciences. N. Ts Bitkeev edited and published 379.17 pp of scientific products, including 12 books as a responsible editor, 3 books were published under his editorship in the Nauka publishing house.

Since September 1996, Bitkeev began working at Kalmyk State University as an associate professor, then professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature. He taught courses on literary theory, the history of literary criticism, modern Russian literature (post-Soviet period), Russian oral folk art, poetics of Russian folklore, folklore theory, and regional folklore, poetics of a literary text, oral epics, ethnopoetics.

N. Bitkeev wrote fourteen author's programs, including the program of the course "Actual problems of the modern Russian literary process", a program on oral folk art for all types of educational institutions, four textbooks on historical and literary local lore, Dzhangar studies and folklore. He has successfully supervised graduate and doctoral students. In 2011, under the leadership of N. Bitkeev, the Scientific and Educational Center "Folklore: Science, Education, Culture" was established at Kalmyk State University.

N. TS. Bitkeev clearly proved himself as an epic scholar, folklorist, literary critic-Rusist, and historian of Russian literary criticism. Nikolai Tsedenovich compiled the textbook "Kalmyk oral Folk Art" (2003), in which the scientist wrote the "Preface", introductory articles, comments on the texts of samples of oral literature and a dictionary of obscure words, archaisms and historicisms. He carried out textual work on the original texts and prepared them for publication. The book was reprinted in Russian in 2007.

The results of N. Ts Bitkeev's scientific works in Mongolia are also significant. He is the author of the project "Folklore of the Mongolian peoples", in which two volumes were prepared and published under his editorship: "Kalmyk folklore. Research and texts" and " Buryat folklore. Research and Texts" (Oba-Elista, 2011).

Scientists have written and published the book "Folklore (recording, systematization, storage and study)", which serves as a guide for beginning folklorists, local historians, archivists, ethnologists and specialists in related fields of knowledge. It describes the essence of folklore practices, the content of field work: recording, processing and storing material, gives advice on the technology of compiling a report on the collection of oral stories and texts, on topical issues of field work, and provides comprehensive methodological advice.

N. TS Bitkeev is also known as a methodologist teacher. With his direct participation, the educational film "Jangar and epic Singers"was shot. In the promotion of the epic, a certain contribution was made

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His books "Dzhangar in the education system "(2007) and" Maloderbetovskaya Gymnasium named after B. B. Badmaev" (2010), of which he was the compiler, author of the preface and executive editor, are also contributing.

N. TS. Bitkeev was an active popularizer of the epic "Dzhangar". His monograph "The Jangar Epic" aimed to introduce the world community to the heroic-epic poetry of the Kalmyks in Russian and English. The book explores the image system, plot structure, and architectonics of all national versions of the Jangar epic (Altai, Buryat, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Tuvan, and Oirat / Xinjiang), as well as the mythology, epic tradition, and artistic features of the monument. The book was published in an expanded form under the stamp of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. If the Russian translation of S. Lipkin introduced the West to the epic in artistic form, then this monograph introduced the world to "Jangar" in scientific terms.

N. Bitkeev correctly chose the method of studying the epic-the structural analysis of the work (the text elements are considered from the point of view of their aesthetic and artistic functions, the plot role of links in the chain of epic narration).

Undoubtedly, the main area of research of N. Ts.Bitkeev is a comprehensive, multidimensional, structural, aesthetic and cultural study of the epic "Jangar". In the book "The Kalmyk heroic epic" Dzhangar": problems of the typology of national versions " (1990), the scientist summarized the current issues of the Kalmyk folk epic, considering them synchronously, diachronically, not forgetting the typology of the versions of "Dzhangariada" from the positions of the categories of private, general and specific, while clearly highlighting the individuality of the creative personality of the epic singer. This work was highly appreciated by Mongolian philologists. The study is based on the analysis of 267 songs of "Jangar", recordings of 77 songs-variants and versions found and recorded by the scientist himself.

In 1997, N. Bitkeev successfully defended his doctoral dissertation "The Kalmyk Heroic Epic: Poetics and Tradition" at the IMBT SB RAS. In 2000, he was awarded the academic title of Professor in the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature. The dissertations were highly appreciated by both domestic and foreign scientists.

Nikolai Tsedenovich combined his professional work with the educational process of general education institutions, generously shared his work experience and knowledge with scientists, culture and education, constantly participated in various events dedicated to the anniversaries of Dzhangarchi and the epic "Dzhangar", folk art competitions and scientific conferences on various problems of ethnic culture and science. For more than a decade, he actively collaborated with School No. 12, which operates under the auspices of UNESCO as part of a scientific and pedagogical experiment aimed at developing a system of continuing education. Having fundamental knowledge, extensive experience in teaching and research, he made a significant contribution to improving the quality of students 'knowledge of Kalmyk philology, the study of the Kalmyk epic "Dzhangar". Thanks to his organizational work and professionalism, the international scientific conference "Jangar and Epic Creativity"dedicated to the 550th anniversary of Jangar was held in 1990 in Elista, which was attended by scientists from different regions of Russia, as well as over ten countries of the near and far abroad.

In 1992, the All-Russian event "Creative Laboratory of Singers and storytellers of Folk Epics"was held in Kalmykia. The film" Jangar and Jangarchi" was made by UNESCO with the direct participation of Nikolai Tsedenovich as a consultant.

Since 2002, he has been the scientific director of Maloderbetovskaya Gymnasium, which was awarded the title "Best School in Kalmykia and Russia" in 2005.

The name of Nikolai Tsedenovich Bitkeev is well known not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the near and far abroad. He has repeatedly participated in various international scientific events on folklore of national, regional, all-Russian and international scales.

N. Bitkeev has been a member of the Association of Orientalists of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) for over 30 years, a member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation.In 2009, he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Nikolai Tsedenovich was a principled person, hated falsehood, and demanded high responsibility from his colleagues in creating significant scientific works. Always friendly, ready to help with valuable advice, to support the young scientist, so he will be remembered

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everyone who had to work with him. Undoubtedly, his image of a learned mentor, an ascetic of science and an honest man will remain in the memory of all who knew him.

Nikolai Tsedenovich's life ended at a time when he still had many creative plans. He will always remain in our memory as a man of great soul, genuine intelligence, extreme modesty and benevolence, as an outstanding scientist of our time.



The poetic art of jangarchi. (Epic repertoire of Eelyan Ovla. Singer and tradition). Elista: Kalm. kn. izd-vo, 1982, 96 p. (in Russian)

"Jangar". The Kalmyk heroic epic. Ser. "Epos narodov SSSR" [Epos of the Peoples of the USSR]. texts to print, author of research. parts, comments. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1990, 475 p. (in Russian) (co-authored with E. B. Ovalov).

Kalmyk heroic epic "Dzhangar". Problems of typology of national versions. Elista: Kalm. kn. izd-vo, 1990. 155 p.

A living spring. (Folklore repertoire of Ts. K. Dzhargaeva). In the Kalmyk language. Comp., the author will enter, art., podgot. texts. Elista, 1993. 80 p.

"Jangar". The Kalmyk heroic epic. Retelling, preface, commentary, author of translation into Russian by Elista, 1997. 69 p.

Jangarchi. Elista: Jangar Publishing House. 2001. 447 p. (in Kalm. and Russian).

Kalmyk song folklore. Elista, 2005.214 p.

Kalmyk oral folk art. Elista, 2007. 440 p., ill.

Epic "Djanggar" / / The Epic"Djanggar". Elista, 2006. 352 p. (in Russian and English).

"Jangar" in the education system. Elista, 2007. 306 p.

Folklore: recording, systematization, storage, study. Training manual. Elista, 2012. 78 p.

"Jangar". Author of the substring, trans. Seoul, 2011. 394 p. (in Korean).

Folklore of the Mongolian peoples, vol. 1. Kalmyk folklore. Research and texts. Author of the study. parts (combined et al.), head of the intern. project "Folklore of the Mongolian peoples". Moscow, Elista Publ., 2011, 497 p. (in Russian)

Folklore of the Mongolian peoples, vol. 2. Buryat folklore. Research and texts. Scientific. head and chief editor Moscow-Elista Publ., 2011, 444 p.

Hyperbole in the "Dzhangar" of Eelyan Ovla and his followers / / Philologicheskie vesti. Elista, 1973, No. 5, pp. 47-60.

On the aesthetics of the heroic in "Dzhangar" / / Proceedings of young teachers of Kalmykia. Issue III. Elista, 1973. pp. 188-196.

Comparisons and metaphors in the "Jangar" of Eelyan Ovla and his followers (On the problem of the epic tradition). No. 14. Ser. dzhangarovedeniya. Elista, 1976. pp. 132-140.

Typical places of songs of the epic repertoire of performers of the" school " of Jangarchi Eelyan Ovla (To the problem of the epic tradition) / / Typological and artistic features of "Jangar". Elista, 1978. pp. 25-51.

Plot structure of "Jangar" (Composition of the epic narration of Kalmyk and Mongolian Jangarchi) / / "Jangar" and problems of epic creativity of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples, Moscow: Nauka, 1980, pp. 220-229.

Poeticheskie osobennosti kalmykskogo narodnogo geroicheskogo eposa [Poetic features of the Kalmyk folk heroic Epic]. Pre-October Period, vol. 1. Elista, 1981, pp. 183-199.

Folklore repertoire and performing skills of M. Zubova // Ethnography and folklore of the Mongolian peoples. Elista, 1981. pp. 56-61.

Sostoyanie i perspektivy izucheniya razdelnykh problemov geroicheskogo eposa mongol'skikh narodov [State and prospects of studying individual problems of the heroic epic of the Mongolian peoples]. Research on the epic. Elista, 1982, pp. 5-24.

Songs about matchmaking in the epic of the Mongolian peoples. Correlation of folklore tradition and reality // Ethnic and historical and cultural relations of the Mongolian peoples. Ulan-Ude, 1983, pp. 127-133.

"Svod kalmykskogo fol'klora" odinalnoe izdanie pamyatnikov narodnogo tvorchestva ["Code of Kalmyk folklore" original edition of monuments of folk art]

* Comp. by V. E. Radnasv.

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publications. Editor's note. and the author of the preface. Elista, 1985, pp. 3-16.

"Jangar" in Xinjiang // Teegin girl (Light in the steppe). Elista, 1994, no. 6, pp. 101-111.

Epic "Djanggar" in Eurasian Space / / Proceedings of the 8th Seoul International Altaistic Conference... / Korea. 2008. 17-20 July. P. 250-262.

Lingvo-poeticheskaya traditsiya v fol'klore mongol'skikh narodov [Linguistic and poetic tradition in the folklore of Mongolian peoples]. Elista, 2008, no. 8, pp. 13-33.

Historicism of the epic "Dzhangar" / / Kalmyk language as an intellectual value and educational subject. Elista, 2009. pp. 69-73.

Malye zhanry kalmykskogo fol'klora [Small genres of Kalmyk folklore]. Elista, 2010, no. 1 (39), pp. 135-148.

Epic world-a prototype of civilization / / European Social Science Journal. Moscow, Riga, 2012, no. 7 (23), pp. 174-177.

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