Libmonster ID: TJ-911
Автор(ы) публикации: E. M. Zagovalova

A deep and comprehensive study of the history of state farms - large state-owned agricultural enterprises in the USSR-is one of the most important tasks of Soviet agricultural historians. The scientific and political significance of the problem is determined by the ever-increasing role of state farms in the socio-political life of the country, in the implementation of the Food Program of the USSR, as well as the wide use of the experience of the Soviet Union in state farm construction by socialist countries and peoples who have freed themselves from the colonial yoke and

Soviet researchers have created a large literature on various issues of the history of state farms. The main part of it was published before the mid-70s and analyzed in a number of historiographical works .1
Over the past 10 years, a significant number of new studies on the history of state farms have appeared, containing fresh concrete historical material, important conclusions and generalizations that help to better understand the patterns and features of the formation and development of state farms at different stages of socialist construction and in different economic regions of the country. Among these publications are the first consolidated and generalizing works on the development of state farms in the USSR and the Soviet Union.-

1 Bogdenko M. L. Some questions of historiography of state farm construction in the USSR. In: Problems of agrarian history of Soviet Society. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on June 9-12, 1969, Moscow, 1971; ee. Problems of development of state farms in the latest literature. In: Agriculture and the Peasantry of the USSR in Modern Soviet Historiography. Proceedings of the XVI session of the Symposium on the study of problems of agrarian history. Chisinau. 1977; Zelenin I. E. On some problems of studying the history of state farm construction in the USSR. In: Questions of agrarian history of the Urals and Western Siberia. Reports and reports of the scientific conference. Kurgan. 1971; Mikhnyuk V. N. Some issues of historiography of state farm construction in Belarus (1917-1920). In: Collection of scientific articles. Grodno. 1973; Antoshin Yu. G. Some issues of historiography of state farm construction. In: Voprosy metodologii istorii [Issues of History Methodology]. Reports of the scientific conference. Issue 1. Tomsk. 1974; Buga I. I. Results of studying the history of state farm construction in Moldova. In: Agriculture and the peasantry of the USSR in modern Soviet historiography; Romanchenko V. Ya. Party management of state farms in the conditions of developed socialism (1959-1970). In: From the History of Socialist Construction. Issue 8. Saratov. 1979, et al.

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from the beginning to the end of the 70s, 2 and monographs on the periods of state farm construction and its individual problems, 3 and pamphlets on the history of individual enterprises , 4 and numerous articles on various aspects of the topic. A characteristic feature of the latest literature is the authors ' desire to comprehensively cover the studied aspects of the problem, to trace the process of development of state farms not only as production enterprises, but also as special social units of society. Some of these works received a press rating of 5 , but in general, the latest literature on state farms has not yet become the subject of special consideration.

In this review, an attempt is made to analyze this literature and show what is new in revealing such basic questions of the history of state farms as the leading role of the CPSU in the development of extensive state farm construction in the country, in the transformation of state farms into the leading force in the formation and development of the socialist agricultural system of the USSR; the state farm detachment of the working class; the factor of strengthening the role of state farms in the development of the Soviet Union. socio-economic life of the village. It is in covering these aspects of the topic that agricultural historians have made special progress in the period under review.

Although the leading role of the CPSU in launching the construction of state farms and turning them into the leading force of socialist agriculture in the USSR attracts constant attention of researchers, no consolidated special works on this problem have been created for a long time. In general, serious gaps remained in its development, which was rightly pointed out at the XVI session of agricultural historians in 1976 in Kishinev6 .

In recent years, there have been significant changes in the study of this problem. This is evidenced by the publication of monographs and a significant number of special articles, 7 as well as the defense of dissertations on this topic. All these works together give

2 Bogdenko M. L., Zelenin I. E. Sovkhozy SSSR [State Farms of the USSR]. Brief historical sketch, 1917-1975, Moscow, 1976; Panchenko P. P., Yevtushenko A. P. Radgospi: shlyakh stanovleniya i rozkvitu (1917-1980) (on the mainland of the Ukrainian RSF). Kiev, 1982; Iskanderov G. A. Istoriya sovkhoznogo stroitel'stva v Dagestan [History of state farm construction in Dagestan]. 1920-1980, Moscow, 1982.

3 Pavlov V. I. State farms of the Lower Volga region (1925-1932). Saratov, 1977; Buga I. I. Leadership of the Communist Party of Moldova in state farm construction in the conditions of mature socialism. Chisinau. 1978; Tonaevskaya N. S. Rabochiye sovkhozov Zapadnoy Sibiri [Workers of state farms in Western Siberia]. 1959-1965 Novosibirsk. 1978; Sorokin A. N. Sovkhozy Belorusskoy SSR. 1917-1941 gg. Minsk. 1979; Kovalenko N. I. Organization of management of state farms of the USSR (1917-1937). Moscow, 1980; Nurmatov D. State farms of Kyrgyzstan during the construction of socialism (1917-1937). Frunze. 1980; Borovko L. V. Strengthening and development of state farms. From the experience of the Communist Party of Belarus in managing state farm construction. Minsk. 1981; Seksenbaev O. S. Specialized state farms of Kazakhstan. 1917 - 1940. 1981; Zelenin I. E. Sovkhozy SSSR v gody pre-voennykh pyatiletok [State farms of the USSR in the years of pre-war five-year plans]. 1928-1941 M. 1982; Zaydiner V. I. Party management of state farms in the years of pre-war five-year plans. Rostov-on-Don. 1984.

4 Shopanov T. Ordena Lenina Krasnopresnensky sovkhoz Kustanayskoy oblasti [The Order of Lenin Krasnopresnensky State Farm of the Kostanay region]. Alma-Ata, 1976; Gorshkov M. M. State farm "Kholmogorsky". Past, present, future M. 1977; Davydov M. E. State farm "Belaya Dacha" M. 1981; Borousov A. A. Na zemle Leningradskoy [On the Leningrad land]. History of the Detskoselsky State Farm, L. 1982; et al.

5 Efremov A. A. Development of state farm production in the first post-war five-year plan. 1946-1950 (Historiographical review). In: From the History of Socialist Construction. Issue 9. Saratov. 1979; Valyunin V. V. Party management of state farm construction in the conditions of developed socialism (1965-1979). (A brief historiographical sketch). In: From the History of Socialist Construction. Issue 11. Saratov, 1982; Kurbanov B. State of development of the history of state farm construction in the Turkmen SSR in the historiography of the Republic. - Izvestiya AN SSSR, seriya sotsial'nykh nauk, 1982, N 4; et al.

6 Bogdenko M. L. Problemy razvitiya sovkhozov v sovremenneyshey Literatury [Problems of development of state farms in the latest Literature].

7 Buga I. I. Uk. soch.; Shikhobudinov A.M. Strengthening of party organizations and increasing their role in the economic activity of state farms (1954-1965). In: Collection of scientific reports of Dagestan University. Makhachkala. 1976; Romanchenko V. Ya. From the experience of the Saratov regional Party Organization in improving the quality of state farm production during the eighth five-year plan. In: Unity of Marxist-Leninist Theory and Practice. Saratov. 1978; his own. Party leadership of the socialist competition in the state farms of the Saratov region (1965-1970). In: Some problems of humanitarian Knowledge. Saratov. 1979;

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a broad view of the many-sided activities of the CPSU and its local organizations for the creation and development of state farms in various regions of the country. These studies show in detail the role of V. I. Lenin, the Central Committee of the Party in the development of the state farm construction program and its implementation in the first years of Soviet power, and highlight the main directions and results of the party's work on strengthening and developing the state farm sector of agriculture in the 30s-40s and subsequent years.

The role of the CPSU in the creation and strengthening of state farms during the pre-war five-year plans is particularly widely discussed in the latest literature. If in the previous period of scientific development of the history of state farm construction (before the mid-70s) This topic was covered mainly on materials related to the creation of new grain state farms during the first five-year plan, but in the latest literature, researchers used many other sources to solve it, in particular, describing the party's activities to strengthen old state farms, to create livestock enterprises, which made it possible to more fully cover the most important areas of its leadership in state farm construction. The article highlights the role of the Communist Party in resolving issues of land allocation for new state farms, providing them with personnel, forming party and public organizations at these enterprises, developing political and educational work among state farm workers, organizing state farms ' assistance to the peasantry during collectivization, and strengthening collective farms.

Significantly more complete than before, on all-Union and local materials? The most important form of the party's work in directing state - farm construction, such as the creation of political departments of state farms in 1933-1934, is also revealed in the latest literature. The researchers were able to trace the history of the creation of political departments, their social composition, and highlight the forms and results of their work on a large amount of concrete material. The above-mentioned works of I. E. Zelenin, V. I. Zaidiner, and A. N. Sorokin contain particularly valuable material on these issues.

An achievement of modern historiography is the beginning of an in-depth study of the activities of the CPSU to strengthen and develop the state-farm sector of agriculture in the USSR at the stage of a developed socialist society. This aspect of the topic was covered in generalizing works on the history of state farms, in the above-mentioned studies of L. V. Borovko, I. I. Bugi, V. Ya. Romanchenko and other authors. Based on the materials of individual republics and regions, they reveal the prerequisites for the restructuring of party work in state farms under new historical conditions, analyze the process of improving the forms and methods of party leadership in the organizational, economic and political strengthening of state farms after the March (1965) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, and highlight such areas of party work in the 60s-70s as specialization and concentration of state-farm production, transfer of state farms to full self-financing, creation of new forms of their management.

A notable contribution to the development of the problem was the monograph by I. I. Bugi, in which, based on the materials of the Moldavian SSR, not only for the first time in the literature, all the most important areas of the CPSU's activity on strengthening and developing state farms in the conditions of developed socialism are characterized, but also an attempt is made in theoretical

his own. On the question of party leadership in the communist education of the youth of state farms (1965-1970). Based on the materials of the Lower Volga region. In: Youth and Social Progress. Saratov. 1979; Skachkova G. G. From the history of consolidation of party organizations of state farms in Bashkiria during the first five-year plan. In: History of Party organizations in the Volga Region. Issue 9. Saratov. 1979; I. S. gorbanyov the work of the party organizations of the Republic on the establishment of rice farms (1960 - 1970). V kN.: The activities of the Communist party of Kazakhstan for the management of socio - economic development of the country. Alma-Ata, 1980; Borovko L. V. Uk. soch.; Poldnikov Yu. I. Party management of the development of the material and technical base of mechanization. 1953-1958 In: From the History of Socialist Construction. 11. Saratov, 1982; Lebedev A. P. Deyatel'nost ' politotdelov po politicheskomu i organizatsionno-khozyaistvennomu bolsterenii sovkhozov Mordovii (1933 - 1940) [Activity of political departments on political and organizational and economic strengthening of state farms in Mordovia (1933-1940)]. - Proceedings of the Mordovian Research Institute of Language, Literature, History, Economics, Saransk, 1982, vol. 66; Zaydiner V. I. Uk. soch.; his. Political departments of state farms (1933-1940). - Questions of the history of the CPSU, 1983, N 3.

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It is necessary to understand the process of increasing the role of state farms and their party organizations at the new stage of socialist construction. The author pays great attention to lighting .experience of the Communist Party of Moldova in creating and developing new forms of state - owned enterprises in the republic's agriculture- state farms-factories, state farms-technical schools, agro-industrial associations. The improvement of the organizational structure of state-farm party organizations and the restructuring of their work in relation to new historical conditions are widely shown in the monograph.

Covering the party's efforts to strengthen the state farms of Belarus, L. V. Borovko uses extensive factual material and traces the role of party organizations in the struggle for technical re-equipment of this type of agricultural enterprises, in ensuring their specialization and concentration of production. The author considers the improvement of the organizational and ideological work of the party organizations of state farms at the present stage, increasing their militant activity, the work of the party to improve the system of training and improving the professional level of state farm personnel at all levels, to ensure the growth of labor and political activity of state farm workers, to bring the material and cultural

These works, however, do not exhaust all the problems of the party leadership in state farm construction. The issues of party building in state farms, especially in the first decade of their existence, were not adequately covered. The forms and methods of ideological and organizational mass work on state farms in the 1940s and 1950s need further study. The party's efforts to strengthen and develop state farms in the 1960s have not been sufficiently studied. Apparently, there is a need to create a generalizing work on this topic based on all-Union material with extensive use of information on major economic regions of the country for all the years of Soviet power.

The history of the state farm detachment of the working class occupies a large place in the latest literature on state farms. It is reflected both in general works on the history of state farms and socio-political development of the village, and in special works 8 .

The interest of researchers in this topic is due to the growing role of the agrarian detachment of the working class in the system of social relations, the improvement of its composition, and its constant quantitative and qualitative changes. The development of the topic makes it possible to show the role of this group of the working class in agricultural production and rural life, to trace the mechanism of development of the social structure of workers in the agricultural sector of the country's economy, and to identify the most important factors in the development of agricultural production.-

8 Gurbanov B. S. Agrarian detachment of the working class of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1946-1970. In: Problems of the history of the modern Soviet Village. 1946-1973 Moscow, 1975; Nurullaev A. N. Agricultural detachment of the working class of Uzbekistan during the construction of socialism (1924-1941). Tashkent, 1975; Monich Z. I. et al. The working class in the structure of the rural population. Minsk. 1975; Adambekov E. K. Growth of cultural and technical level of agricultural workers in the conditions of developed socialism, Moscow, 1976; Klopyzhnikov M. N. et al. Socio-political development of the agrarian detachment of the working class in the conditions of mature socialism. Saratov, 1976; Trepachev Yu. D. Scientific and technical progress and improvement of the cultural and technical level of workers ' state farms in the conditions of developed socialism. Saratov, 1976; Kanaev A.V. Stimulating the growth of skilled workers, Moscow, 1977; Tonayevskaya N. S. Uk. soch.; Atlasov S. V., Basharin G. P. Agrarian detachment of the working class of Yakutia in the period of developed socialism. In: Actual problems of the history of the working class. Cheboksary. 1978; Kostash A. G. Sovkhoz detachment of the working class and tendencies of its development during communist construction; on the example of the Moldavian SSR). 1979; R u s t a m o v A. I. On the further improvement of the material welfare of the workers of state farms in Azerbaijan during the construction of communism (1959-1965). - Izvestiya AN Azerbaijan SSR, series of History, Philosophy and Law, 1979, N 2; And mirov S. Social changes in the composition of rural workers in the conditions of developed socialism (based on the materials of state farms of the Uzbek SSR). Tashkent, 1979; Buga I. I., Krasnozhon I. D. Formation and numerical growth of workers ' state farms in Moldova. In: Formation and change in the number of the working class of Moldova. Chisinau. 1980; Beznin M. A. Social image of state farm workers of the European North of the RSFSR during the eighth and Ninth five-year plans. In: Problems of socio-legal and cultural history of the North of the RSFSR (Soviet period). Vologda. 1982; and others.

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the process of bringing together the classes and social groups of our society, the process of erasing essential distinctions between the city and the countryside.

Considerable attention of researchers was drawn to the growth in the number of workers on state farms and changes in their composition during the pre-war five-year plans. In the works of V. I. Zaydiner, I. E. Zelenin, A. N. Sorokin and others, the main factors of growth in the number of workers of state farms, sources of replenishment of their ranks are characterized, and the difficulties of forming an agrarian detachment of the working class are objectively shown. "Already during the first five - year plan," I. E. Zelenin's monograph emphasizes, " permanent workers became the core of state farm cadres, and by the end of the 1930s the position of state farm workers as a special social group of the country's working class was fully defined. It was a monolithic group of workers in the state sector of agriculture (about 1 million people), ideologically and politically united around the Communist Party and the Soviet government. " 9
One of the urgent tasks of agricultural historians is to study the agricultural detachment of the working class at the stage of developed socialism10 . In the decade under review, many new and interesting studies based on regional material have appeared. The above-mentioned works by E. K. Adambekov, B. S. Gurbanov, A. G. Kostash, N. S. Tonayevskaya, Yu. D. Trepachev and other authors trace qualitative changes in the environment of state farm workers associated with improving the material and technical base of state farms, transferring them to an industrial basis, and increasing the level of professional training of workers. The authors emphasize that these changes are the result of a great deal of work done in recent years by the Communist Party and the Soviet State to improve rural general education schools, its polytechnization, increase the number of state-owned educational complexes, and strengthen the system of vocational education in rural areas. Researchers convincingly show that the development of the productive forces of agriculture on the basis of scientific and technological progress and the industrialization of agricultural production leads not only to the numerical growth of the agricultural group of the working class, to the improvement of its professional composition and structure, but also to the strengthening of the process of blurring class boundaries between workers and collective farmers. The literature analyzes the causes of staff turnover and the activities of party and public organizations aimed at consolidating them. At the same time, as I. E. Zelenin rightly notes [11], the history of workers ' state farms needs further in-depth development. A detailed study of individual social groups of state farm workers has not yet been developed. The study of the peculiarities of forming work collectives in certain economic regions of the country is almost just beginning. Further comprehensive research of the history of state farm workers remains one of the most urgent tasks of agricultural historians.

Over the past 30 years, the role of state farms in the socio-economic life of rural areas has dramatically increased. Understanding and explaining the causes and consequences of this phenomenon is one of the most promising areas of research. The literature covers such factors that determine the growing role of state farms as the construction of new enterprises of this type, the transformation of collective farms into state farms, and the strengthening of the economy of the state farm sector. A general analysis of these factors is given in a brief historical sketch of the history of Soviet state farms, but they have not been examined in detail in recent years. The only exception was the question of the transformation of a part of collective farms into state farms, which was widely reflected in scientific publications, including in a number of special works .12
9 Zelenin I. E. Sovkhozy SSSR v gody pre-voennykh pyatiletok [State farms of the USSR in the years of pre-war five-year plans].

10 For an analysis of the literature on state farm workers in the conditions of developed socialism published in 1965-1974, see Ch. E. Simonovich, New Soviet Literature (1965-1974) on state farm workers in the conditions of developed socialism. In: The Working Class of the USSR at the present stage. Issue 4. L. 1976.

11 See Istoriya SSSR [History of the USSR], 1982, No. 5, pp. 80-82.

12 Savosko V. K. Transformation of collective farms into state farms in Kazakhstan. V kN.: Problems in the history of contemporary Soviet village. M. 1975; Simonovic Charles E. Enlargement and partial transformation of collective farms (Leningrad oblast. 1950-1965). In: Actual issues of the history of the peasantry of the European Union-

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However, it also needs further development, as researchers still differ in their assessment of this event.

Among the factors of strengthening the economy of state farms, which had a strong impact on strengthening their role in the socio-economic development of the village, are the processes of concentration and specialization of agricultural production and agro-industrial integration that have been widely developed since the beginning of the 70s. The development of these progressive phenomena has been reflected in the literature, but so far mainly in the works of economists .13
At the June (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in his report "Topical issues of ideological, mass-political work of the party", K. U. Chernenko emphasized that now that Soviet society has entered a historically long stage of developed socialism, "the main direction of development of social sciences should be the problem of mature socialism", the research of social scientists "we must proceed from the reality that exists, with all its pros and cons, and more fully disclose the objective laws of social development." This indication fully applies to agricultural historians as well.

A brief analysis of the literature published in 1975-1984 shows that Soviet historical science has made significant progress in studying many problems of the history of state farms. At the same time, serious work remains to be done to better cover the activities of the party and the State in establishing and developing state farms in all major economic regions of the country. Special studies are needed on the development of state farms in the 60s and 70s, summarizing regional and all-Union works on the history of workers ' state farms. The task of further in-depth analysis of the development of state farms in modern conditions, their role in the implementation of the Food Program of the USSR and the broad melioration program put forward by the October (1984) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU is also relevant.

faith. Syktyvkar, 1982; Tyurina A. P. On the issue of transformation of collective farms into state farms. - Istoriya SSSR, 1983, N 5; Chmyga A. F. O praktike pererabrazovaniya kolkhozov v sovkhozy [On the practice of converting collective farms into state farms]. - Vestnik MSU, series 8, history, 1984, N1.

13 Problems of inter-farm cooperation and agro-industrial integration of agricultural production, Moscow, 1977; Babadzhanov X. Efficiency of production and self-financing in state farms. Tashkent, 1978; Kalasov A. K. Agro-industrial integration and improvement of public relations in rural areas. Makhachkala. 1978; Inter-farm cooperation and agro-industrial integration in agriculture, Moscow, 1978; Vasilenko M. P., Ginin S. Integration of public production in agriculture, Moscow, 1978; Kotov G. G., Melnikov V. F. Economic and social problems of the village at the present stage, Moscow, 1979; Chepurnov I. A., Golovanov A. N., Kolesnik G. E. Intensification of agricultural production at the present stage. Kiev, 1980; Ivanov V. A. Ekonomicheskoe stimulirovanie povysheniya effektivnosti intensifikatsii sovkhoznogo proizvodstva [Economic stimulation of increasing the efficiency of state farm production intensification]. Alma-Ata, 1982; and others.

14 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, June 14-15, 1983. Stenogr. otch. M. 1983, p. 11, 12.

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