On March 21, 2003, the famous Russian orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Dagestan University and Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Amri Rzaevich Shikhsaidov turned 75 years old. This is hard to believe: the hero of the day is just as cheerful and full of creative plans as before, actively working on new projects. And still, without changing his habits, every summer he goes to different regions of Dagestan at the head of archeographic and epigraphic expeditions, charging not only colleagues but also students with his energy.
The rich spiritual traditions of Russia, Dagestan and the Muslim East are surprisingly intertwined in the fate of the hero of the day. His family includes prominent Muslim historians, jurists, and Sufis. On his mother's side, he is a descendant of Shamil's mentor, the famous Dagestani Sheikh Muhammad Yaragsky (al-Yaragi, 1771-1838), after whom one of the central streets of Makhachkala is now named. Amri Rzaevich's mother, Khanum, was the daughter of the famous pre-revolutionary Dagestan scholar, public figure and poet Hasanefendi Alkadarsky (al-Alkadari, 1834-1910), the author of the famous historical works "Asar - i Dagestan" and "Diwan al-mamnun". The family of A. R. Shikhsaidov still carefully preserves personal belongings and manuscripts of Alkadarsky.
A. R. Shikhsaidov is a follower of the scientific traditions of the St. Petersburg School of Oriental Studies, whose special feature is the ability to work with sources, knowledge of modern scientific methods. He studied under the masters of Russian science I. Y. Krachkovsky, I. P. Petrushevsky, V. I. Belyaev, V. V. Struve, I. A. Orbeli, V. M. Zhirmunsky. Issue of 1951 The Faculty of Oriental Studies at Leningrad University turned out to be surprisingly rich in talent. His classmates were famous Russian orientalists A. B. Khalidov, O. G. Bolshakov, P. G. Bulgakov, L. E. Kubbel, A. G. Lundin, and R. S. Sharafutdinova. More than half a century has passed since graduating from the university, but graduates of 1951 still continue to gather together in St. Petersburg, indulging in memories and sharing their scientific plans with each other.
Since 1954, A. R. Shikhsaidov has been working at the G. Tsadasa Institute of History, Language and Literature (now the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences). In 1960, he defended his PhD thesis "Islam in medieval Dagestan", and in 1975 - his doctoral dissertation on the medieval history of Dagestan. A. R. Shikhsaidov is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 16 monographs. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of these works for researchers of the history of Dagestan. In fact, they laid a solid foundation for further scientific research in the field of Arabic historical writings, epigraphy and the history of Islam in the Eastern Caucasus.
A. R. Shikhsaidov introduced hundreds of inscriptions and manuscripts of Dagestan of the X-XIX centuries into scientific circulation, participated in the translation and publication of the most important monuments of local Muslim historiography, such as the famous "Derbent-nameh", "Tarikh Dagestan" by Muhammad Rafi, the chronicle of Mahmud of Khinalug (XV century), "The Book of Memories" by his son-in-law Shamil Abdurrahman Kazi-Kumukhsky district. His contribution to the study of Arabic epigraphy in the North Caucasus is even more significant. Continuing the collection of inscriptions begun in the Caucasus by the Russian Orientalists of the 19th and 20th centuries, H. D. Fren, N. V. Khanykov, B. A. Dorn, and E. A. Pakhomov, together with L. I. Lavrov, he helped transform Arabic epigraphy from amateur studies into a rigorous science, and initiated the creation of a corpus of Arabic inscriptions for the entire Northeastern Caucasus. The works of A. R. Shikhsaidov allow us to re-evaluate the history of medieval Dagestan as one of the cultural centers on the periphery of the Muslim world.-
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cultural relations between the Eastern Caucasus and the Middle East during the Middle Ages and Modern times.
For almost thirty years (since 1973), A. R. Shikhsaidov headed the Department of Oriental Manuscripts (now the Center for Oriental Studies)of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His selfless work made it possible to create a collection of IAE manuscripts in the form in which it exists today. Under his leadership, work was carried out to systematize and codify the manuscript collection not only of the institute, but also of the entire Dagestan. Over the decades of his work, he identified and described several hundred Arabic manuscripts in private collections and libraries of mosques in Dagestan. His work on collecting and analyzing epigraphic monuments of Dagestan is invaluable, which is reflected not only in his own publications, but also in the works of his colleagues, especially L. I. Lavrov.
A. R. Shikhsaidov is a world-renowned scientist. He has conducted research in the United States, Germany, and Arab countries. A. R. Shikhsaidov is an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, a member of the Russian Association of Orientalists, the European Union of Arabists and Islamic Scholars. Since the 1990s, well-known foreign scientists, such as the Israeli historian M. Gammer, the German Islamic scholars M. Kemper and A. von Kugelgen, and the French ethnographer F. Kugelgen have been closely cooperating with A. R. Shikhsaidov. Long-Mark. Almost the majority of Dagestani Orientalists are students of Amri Rzaevich. Among them are a number of St. Petersburg and Moscow scientists, including the grateful authors of these lines.
The spread of Islam in Southern Dagestan in the X-XV centuries. G. Tsadasa Institute of History, Language and Literature, vol. VI. Makhachkala, 1959, pp. 127-162.
When and how Islam was introduced in Dagestan. From the history of the Muslim religion in Dagestan (VII-XV centuries). Makhachkala, 1962. 37 p.
Essays on the history of Southern Dagestan. Makhachkala, 1964. 278 p. (co-authored with H. H. Ramazanov).
Arab construction inscriptions of Dagestan of the X-XVII centuries. G. Tsadasa Institute of History, Language and Literature, vol. XIII. Makhachkala, 1964. pp. 104-134.
Istoriya Dagestana [History of Dagestan], Vol. I. M.: "Nauka", 1967. Author: Ch. VI. P. 121-175; ch. VII. P. 176-231.
Islam in medieval Dagestan (VII-XV centuries). Makhachkala, 1969. 252 p.
The inscriptions tell the story. Makhachkala, 1969. 120 p.
Questions of the history of Dagestan (pre-Soviet period). Ed. by V. G. Gadzhiev, Issue 1, Makhachkala, 1974. - Author's article: New epigraphic monuments of Dagestan. pp. 123-165; Materials on metrology of the peoples of Dagestan. pp. 166-182 (sovm. Agricultural calendar of the peoples of Dagestan. Agricultural calendar of the Aguls, pp. 183-188 (together with Sh. M. Akhmedov).
Dagestan in the X-XIV centuries. Experience of socio-economic characteristics. Makhachkala, 1975. 175 p.
Dagestan historical chronicle "Tarikh Dagestan" by Muhammad Rafi / / Written monuments of the East. Istoriko-filologicheskie issledovaniya [Historical and Philological Research], Moscow, 1977, pp. 90-119.
Eastern sources on the history of Dagestan. Makhachkala, 1980. - Author: Voprosy istoricheskoi geografii Dagestan X-XIV vv. (Lakz, Gumik). pp. 65-81; From Dagestan memorial records. Translations. pp. 109-129 (together with T. M. Aitberov).
"Derbent-nam" (to the question of studying) // Eastern sources on the history of Dagestan. Makhachkala, 1980. p. 5-64 (co-authored with Moscow ). Saidovym). The same: Makhachkala, 1992. 160 p.
* Comp. by V. O. Bobrovnikov, M. S. Gadzhiev.
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Treasury of written monuments / / Yearbook of Caucasian-Iberian Linguistics. Issue IX. Tbilisi, 1982. pp. 203-223 (together with G. G. Gamzatov, Moscow -p. Saidovym).
Epigraphic monuments of Dagestan of the X-XVII centuries, as a historical source. Moscow: "Nauka", 1984, 463 p. The same: The most important epigraphic monuments of the Rutulsky district // Dagestanskoe selo: voprosy identichnosti [Dagestanskoe selo: voprosy identichnosti], Moscow, 1999, pp. 73-97.
At-Tabari's book "The History of Messengers and Kings" about the peoples of the North Caucasus / / Monuments of History and Literature of the East. The Period of Feudalism, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1986, pp. 66-87.
Zakariya al-Qazvini o Dagestan [Source studies of the history of pre-Soviet Dagestan]. Makhachkala, 1987. pp. 105-116.
History of the peoples of the North Caucasus from ancient times to the end of the XVIII century. Ed. Academician of B. B. Piotrovsky, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1988. Author: Ch. VII. pp. 144-187 (sovm. with others); Ch. VIII. pp. 188-222 (sovm. with others); Ch. IX. pp. 223-255 (sovm. with others); Ch. X. P. 256-275 (comm. with others).
Historical and literary heritage of Hasan Alkadari. Makhachkala, 1988. - Author's article: Introduction. p. 3; Handwritten heritage of Alkadari. p. 47-62; Materials to the bibliography and creativity of Alkadari. p. 137-150 (sovm. et al.); Conclusion. pp. 151-152.
Novye issledovaniya sovetskikh arabistov. Kn. 2. Moscow, 1988. - Auth. art.: Arab manuscripts in Dagestan. pp. 62-83 (together with G. G. Gamzatov); Arabic inscriptions of the X century from Dagestan. pp. 112-129; Arabic manuscripts from the Dagestani villages of Itsari, Mekhelta, Akusha. p. 193-207 (together with Kh. A. Omarov) (in Arabic).
M.-S. Book Collection Novye issledovaniya sovetskikh arabistov [New Studies of Soviet Arabists], Book 4, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1989, pp. 194-209 (together with Kh. A. Omarov) (in Arabic).
K izucheniyu dagestanskikh istoricheskikh sochineniy [To the study of Dagestani historical works]. Issue 1. Moscow, 1989, pp. 173-183.
Arab-Muslim literary tradition in Dagestan. Problems of studying // Dagestan: Historical and literary process. Makhachkala, 1990. pp. 211-246 (together with G. G. Gamzatov, Moscow -p. Saidovym).
Handwritten and printed book in Dagestan. Ed. by A. R. Shikhsaidov. Makhachkala, 1991. - Author's article: From the editor. p. 3; Book collections of Dagestan (on the question of formation and study). p. 5-22; From chronological sources
records of Ramadan from Kushtil. Part II. pp. 122-129; "Autobiography" of Abusufyan Akayev. Preface, translated from Turkish. and Arabic. yaz. and comment. p. 130-143 (together with G. M.-R. Orazaev). Issledovanie drevnykh rukopisei v Dagestane [The study of ancient manuscripts in Dagestan]. Novye issledovaniya sovetskikh arabistov [New Studies of Soviet Arabists], Book 5, Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 77-106 (in Arabic).
Dagestanskie istoricheskie sochineniya [Dagestani Historical Works], Moscow: Nauka. 1993, 302 p. (co-authored with T. M. Aitberov, G. M. -R. Orazaev).
History of Dagestan from the earliest times to the end of the 15th century. Makhachkala, 1996. 462 p. (co-authored with M. G. Gadzhiev and O. M. Davudov).
Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18-th to the Early 20-th Centuries. M. Kemper, A. von Kugelgen, D. Yermakov. Islamkundliche Untersuchungen. Bd. 200. Berlin. Ed. by 1996. - Aut. st. Sarnmlungen Arabischer Handschriften in Daghestan. S. 297 - 315; Abdarahman al-Gazigumuqi und seine Werke. S. 317- 339.
Translated from Arabic, comp., preface, comment. and the app. // Mahmoud of Hinalug. Events in Dagestan and Shirvan. XIV-XV centuries. Makhachkala, 1997. 208 p.
Publ. and comment. // Abdurakhman from Gazikumukh. A book of memoirs by Sayyid Abdurrahman, son of Ustad Sheikh Tariqat Jamaluddin al-Husaini, about the affairs of the residents of Dagestan and Chechnya. Makhachkala, 1997. 868 p. (co-authored with M.-S. Saidov, Kh. A. Omarov).
Manuscripts of Gazali's Works in Daghestan // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. N 2. June. St. Petersburg-Helsinki, 1997. P. 18 - 30 (with A.B. Khalidov).
The Bibliographical Genre in Daghestani Arabic-language Literature: Nadir ad- Durgili's Nuzhat al-adhan fi taragim 'ulama' Dagistan // Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18-th to the Early 20-th Centuries. Vol. 2. Inter-Regional and Inter-Ethnic Relations. Ed. by A. von Kugelgen, M. Kemper, A.G. Frank. Islamkundliche Untersuchungen. Bd. 216. Berlin, 1998. P. 39 - 61.
"Testament" of Andunik-nutsal (on the issue of studying) / / Bulletin of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Makhachkala, 1998, No. 1, pp. 89-96.
Islam on the territory of the former Russian Empire. Encyclopedic dictionary. Comp. and ed. by S. M. Prozorov. Issue 2. Moscow: "Vostochnaya literatura", 1999. - Author's article: al-Alkadari. pp. 8-9; Ahmad al-Yamani. pp. 9-10; al-Kuduki. pp. 51-52; Muhammad-Rafi. p. 72.
Islam in Daghestan // Political Islam and Conflicts in Russia and Central Asia. Ed. by L. Jonson and M. Esenov. Stockholm, 1999. P. 59 - 70. To
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Same name: Central Asia and the Caucasus. Lulea. 1999. N 4. pp. 109-115.
Kala-Koreish (Fortress of the Quraysh). Makhachkala, 2000. 168 p. (co-authored with M. G. Magomedov).
Arabic handwritten book in Dagestan. Makhachkala, 2001. 256 p. (co-authored with N. A. Tagirova and D. H. Gadzhiyeva).
Islam and Islamic culture in Dagestan. Ed. by A. R. Shikhsaidov, Moscow, 2001, Auth.: Preface p. 3; art.: the spread of Islam in Russia
Dagestan. pp. 4-32; Islam and the formation of the Dagestani historical tradition. pp. 34-50.
Shamil's Library // Bulletin of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Makhachkala, 2001. N 10. 2001. pp. 97-104 (together with N. A. Shikhsaidova).
The Darband-nama on Harun ar-Rashid and a Newly Discovered Arabic Inscription from A.H. 176 // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8. N 3. St. Petersburg-Helsinki, 2002. P. 3 - 10 (with M.S. Gadzhiev).
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