Libmonster ID: TJ-907
Автор(ы) публикации: A. F. VASILIEV

Among the works of Soviet scientists on the history of the Great Patriotic War, a significant number are devoted to the development of industry, which formed the basis of the war economy, and the working class, which, led by the Communist Party, played a decisive role in ensuring the defeat of nazi Germany. There is no doubt that this problem, which is important both in scientific and political terms, will continue to be in the sphere of close attention of historians who study the origins of the victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically summarize the results of the work done, determine the ways and objectives of further research of the problem. Of particular importance is the analysis of the main directions and results of its study in recent years .1 Soviet historians, since 1971, have published a total of at least 180 works revealing the history of industry and the industrial working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The advantage of most of these works is that they show the importance of the leading role of the Communist Party and its Central Committee in mobilizing the country's resources for the defeat of Hitlerite Germany.

Many studies are devoted to the industrial history of the war years. If 10-20 years ago among the works on this topic were dominated by works that considered its restructuring in a military way, but in recent years the number of them has decreased. And this is understandable - in the previous time, the issue was studied relatively deeply. New works on this topic are small articles that reflect the process of transformation of industry or its individual branches in some parts of the country2 . Only one aspect of industrial restructuring at the beginning of the war remains the object of close attention-the evacuation of enterprises from front - line and threatened areas. About 20 papers are devoted to this topic. If in the past, as a rule, the dismantling, transportation and placement of relocated equipment in new places were studied, now the range of issues under study has significantly expanded.

The article by M. G. Pervukhin3, who in the first months of the war was Deputy Chairman of the Evacuation Council, provides new interesting information about the work of this body, about the daily attention paid to the evacuation of productive forces by the Central Committee of the Party and the State Defense Committee. The subject of a special study was the role of the planned beginning in the relocation of industrial enterprises to the East, the importance of friendship of the peoples of our country in solving this problem, the contribution of Soviets and Komsomol organizations to the placement of relocated personnel in new places.

1 This problem has already been partially solved in literature reviews prefaced to works on certain issues of the history of the Soviet home front, and in special historiographical studies: A.V. Mitrofanova, G. A. Kumanev, I. E. Zelenin, and L. V. Maksakova. The Soviet Home Front during the War (The problem and its study in 1965-1973). "The Soviet Home Front in the Great Patriotic War". Kn. 1. Obshchie problemy [General problems], Moscow, 1974; R. G. Kuzeev, E. K. Minibaev. The Soviet working class in the Great Patriotic War. "History of the USSR", 1975, N 5; I. E. Vorozheikin. Essay on the historiography of the Working Class of the USSR, Moscow, 1975; "Historiography of the Soviet Rear during the Great Patriotic War", Moscow, 1976, etc.

2 S. A. Attokurov. From the history of industrial restructuring in Kyrgyzstan in a military way. "Trudy" Kirghiz University, history series, 1972; Ya. I. Ya. kuptsov. Perm regional party organization at the head of the restructuring of the work of chemical enterprises for the production of defense products in the first period of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1942). "Scientific Notes" of Perm University, 1972, N 294; V. V. Alekseev. The restructuring of the energy of Siberia on a war footing. "In the terrible years". Omsk. 1973, et al.

3 M. G. Pervukhin. Industrial relocation. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2. Moscow, 1974.

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equipment, participation of evacuated workers and specialists in the development of industry in the eastern regions of the country 4 .

Recently, the number of works on industrial development of certain regions during the war period has also decreased, since much in this direction was done by researchers in the 50s and 60s. Only small works have been published, which usually provide a summary of the general changes that occurred during the war in the industry of certain regions of the country .5 At the same time, interest in the history of individual industries has significantly increased: about 30 works have been written on this topic. Among them, G. G. Morekhina's book on ferrous metallurgy deserves attention 6 . Describing the exceptional difficulties faced by this branch of heavy industry in the USSR at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, G. G. Morekhina investigated how, under the leadership of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, workers and specialists rebuilt the work of metallurgical enterprises in relation to wartime conditions, and then ensured a steady increase in the production of cast iron, steel and rolled products. Especially thoroughly analyzed in the book is the major contribution of the iron and steel industry of the South to providing the front with military equipment, weapons and ammunition in the initial period of the war.

A number of works reflect the development of the coal industry 7. P. G. Agaryshev showed how the miners of the Urals in the most difficult conditions of the war increased the production of hard coal, fought hard to save and reduce the cost of fuel by improving mining operations. The coal industry was one of those industries in which labor productivity declined during the war until 1943. The author came to the conclusion that labor productivity in the Chelyabinsk coal basin has been steadily increasing since the second half of 1942, but this conclusion is not confirmed by digital data. N. P. Shuranov's work reveals for the first time the history of the coal industry in the eastern regions of the country (rather than individual basins) during the struggle against the Nazi invaders. The author seeks to find out the causes of the processes that took place in this industry in 1941-1945, convincingly reveals the main directions of the party's technical policy and, at the same time, reveals the development features of individual coal basins.

4 M. Petrushin. Planned relocation of industrial enterprises to the eastern regions (From the history of planning during the Great Patriotic War). "Planned economy", 1971, N 7; Sh. M. Munchaev. Friendship of the peoples of the USSR is the most important condition in solving the problem of evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, series 9, istoriya, 1972, No. 6; N. V. Kupert. The role of city Councils of Western Siberia in locating and putting into operation evacuated industrial enterprises. "The Peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War". Kyzyl. 1973; V. A. Tsukrov. Labor of Donbass miners in the Siberian rear (1941-1943). Ibid.; A. L. Rodionov. Participation of the Omsk Komsomol Organization in the restoration of relocated industrial enterprises. "In the terrible years"; M. I. Likhomanov. Accommodation and use of the evacuated population in the eastern regions. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2, et al.

5 A. A. Abshilava. Industry of the Abkhazian SSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Sukhumi. 1972; M. G. Leontiev. On some changes in industrial production in Siberia during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Activities of party organizations in Siberia for the development of productive forces in 1925-1965". Novosibirsk. 1972; M. S. Nesterenko. Industry of the Urals during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Struggle of party organizations of the Urals for the development of heavy industry". Sverdlovsk. 1972; M. R. Akulov. Industry of Siberia during the war. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2; V. I. Efimov. Uzbekistan is one of the arsenals of the Red Army. Ibid.; M. K. Kozybaev. Resources of Kazakhstan for the defense of the Fatherland. Ibid.; B. N. Chernousov. Moscow industry to the front. Ibid., et al.

6 G. G. Morekhin. The Great Battle for Metal, Moscow, 1974.

7 P. G. Agaryshev. In the face, as in battle. Communists of the Chelyabinsk coal basin during the Great Patriotic War. Chelyabinsk. 1972; A. F. Vasiliev. Development of the Ural coal industry during the Great Patriotic War. "History of the USSR", 1973, N Z; I. I. Zelkin. Development of the coal industry in 1941-1945. " The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War. Book 2; N. P. Shuranov. On the coal front. The Communist Party organized the development of the coal industry in the eastern regions of the country during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Kemerovo. 1975.

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The changes in machine-tool and heavy engineering that played a crucial role in the development of the defense industry during the war years are revealed only in the articles of M. S. Zinich8 . Among the insufficiently developed problems of the Soviet rear is also the development of defense industries, for which, however, there are quite objective reasons. These problems are reflected mainly in memoir publications .9
Published works on the development of light and local industry in military conditions, 10 also poorly researched so far.

In recent years, we have continued to study the qualitative changes in Soviet industry during the Great Patriotic War, ways to improve production and increase labor productivity at enterprises .11 The features of planning and managing the economy in wartime conditions were investigated 12 .

The history of industrial recovery during the war in the territory liberated from the enemy was studied quite intensively. Of great interest is the monograph by Yu. A. Prikhodko, which examines the features of various stages of industrial recovery after the expulsion of the fascist invaders .13 The author managed to identify the specifics of the restoration of various industries, show the dedicated work of workers and specialists who creatively approached the revival of industrial enterprises, trying to put them into operation as quickly as possible, at the lowest cost, with maximum satisfaction of the needs of the front and at the same time not to the detriment of the prospects for the development of the national economy in the post-war period. N. F. Khoroshailov devoted his work to the return to life of the Donetsk coal basin during the war years 14. A lot of space is devoted to their recovery, deployment, and maintenance.-

8 M. S. Zinich. From the history of machine-tool construction and heavy engineering in the first period of the Great Patriotic War. "History of the USSR", 1971, N 6; its own. Machine-tool construction and mechanical engineering of the USSR in 1941-1945 "Voprosy istorii", 1973, N 5.

9. N. E. Nosovsky. Reliable arsenal of weapons. Voprosy Istorii, 1970, NN 10-11; izd. Artillery industry in the Great Patriotic War. "Historical notes", 1971, vol. 87; I. I. Volkotrubenko. Ammunition and art supplies in the Great Patriotic War. Voprosy istorii, 1972, No. 11; K. M. Khmelevsky. They accelerated the victory! Voprosy istorii, 1972, No. 5; A. I. Shakhurin. Aviation industry during the Great Patriotic War. Voprosy Istorii, 1975, NN 3-4, et al.

10 V. S. Gorodetskaya. Light industry of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. "History". Alma-Ata, 1972; S. Rakhimov. Light and food industry of the Uzbek SSR to the beginning and during the Great Patriotic War (Some issues of state and development). "Collection of scientific papers of post-graduate students" of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Issue 1. Moscow, 1972; E. V. Zarutskaya. On some issues of the work of light industry in Siberia during the Great Patriotic War, "Implementation of Lenin's ideas of turning Siberia into an economically developed region of the country". Kemerovo. 1972; her own. Local industry and industrial cooperation of the RSFSR. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2.

11 M. I. Elovikov. Activities of trade unions of the Kama region to assist party bodies in spreading best practices and developing competition during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Notes" of Perm University, 1972, issue 294; R. P. Elizarieva. Socialist competition and improvement of the organization of production in Transbaikalia (1943-1945). "Peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War"; A. F. Vasiliev. Party organizations of the Urals in the struggle for saving and reducing the cost of industrial production (1941-1945). "Questions of the history of the CPSU", 1973, N 8; G. A. Reuka. Party leadership in the struggle for technological progress in the industry of Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific works" of Tashkent University, 1973, issue 442, et al.

12 D. M. Kukin. Party and state leadership of the economy during the Great Patriotic War. Voprosy istorii, 1971, No. 8; Ya. E. Chadaev. Soviet Economy and Socialist Planning during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Planned economy", 1971, N 6; V. I. Arsenyev. On some changes in the organization of military economy management in the first period of the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1972; Yu. V. Voronovsky. Features of planning during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Development of national economy planning in Uzbekistan". Tashkent, 1972; A. M. Belikov. The State Defense Committee and the problems of creating a well-coordinated military economy. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 1.

13 Yu. A. Prikhodko. Restoration of industry (1942-1950). Moscow, 1973.

14 N. F. Khoroshailov. Activities of the Communist Party for the revival of Donbass. 1943-1945 Kyiv. 1973.

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to improve the work of Councils, party, trade union and Komsomol organizations of Donbass, which is the main advantage of labor. Other authors have also addressed the complex problems of restoring Soviet industry during the war years in the territory liberated from occupation .15
The study of the history of individual industrial enterprises of the Great Patriotic War period continued 16 . Although these works seem narrow in scope at first glance, their appearance is legitimate: they allow us to study more deeply the essence and ways of solving the problems that the war posed to Soviet industry, and to reveal more fully the labor feat of the working class and the technical intelligentsia of the USSR.

The press has repeatedly raised the question of the need to develop a strictly scientific periodization of the development of the Soviet economy, and above all industry, in the period of the struggle against the fascist invaders. This problem concerns M. R. Akulov17 . The author aims to give a periodization of the development of industry only in Siberia, but in fact the article raises the question of periodization of the development of the Soviet economy as a whole. M. R. Akulov focuses on defending the widespread point of view that our economy went through two stages during the war, while not agreeing with the author of this review that in the autumn of 1944 a new, third stage has arrived.

Among the problems that have been particularly intensively studied in recent years, one of the first places is occupied by the history of the Soviet working class during the Great Patriotic War. A. V. Mitrofanova's monograph 18 was highly appreciated in the press . Based on the analysis and generalization of vast factual material, mostly extracted from archives, the author shows the greatness of the labor feat of the working class of the USSR in the name of victory over the enemy. The sections on the growth of the working class and changes in its composition are of particular scientific value. The new factual data presented by A.V. Mitrofanova allow us to reveal more deeply and fully the dynamics of the recovery and growth of the contingent of workers in various industries and the national economy as a whole. The material and everyday situation of the working class, ideological and educational work among the workers, and the growing leading role of the working class in the life of Soviet society during the years of severe trials are thoroughly studied.

V. Ya. Gorovoy, G. A. Kumanev and V. B. Telpukhovsky showed not only labor exploits in the rear, but also the participation of workers in the first border battles with the enemy, their active role in the formation of divisions of the people's militia, in the partisan movement-

15 L. M. Molodtsov. Fraternal assistance and cooperation of the Union republics in the restoration and development of industry and agriculture during the Great Patriotic War. "From the history of the Soviet Commonwealth of Peoples", Moscow, 1971; V. B. Telpukhovsky. Restoration of the national economy of the liberated regions of the USSR during the war. "The world-historic victory of the Soviet people. 1941-1945". Moscow, 1971; A.M. Bilkevich, G. T. Kikalov. Participation of the Komsomol and youth in the restoration of industry and transport in the western regions of Ukraine in 1944-1945 "Questions of Social Sciences". Issue 8. Kiev. 1972; V. I. Kiyashko. Activities of party organizations of the North Caucasus to restore industry during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific works" of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute, 1972, vol. 150; M. S. Zinich. Restoration of machine-tool and heavy machine-building plants in 1943-1945 " Problems of Social Sciences. Economy, history, culture". Minsk, 1973; V. A. Yezhov. Restoration of the national economy in the liberated regions of the USSR during the war. "The great victory of the Soviet people. 1941-1945". Moscow, 1976.

16 A. S. Akimov. Some issues of activity of the party organization of the Yakhrom factory during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Notes" of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute, 1971, vol. 254, history of the CPSU, vol. 14; A. A. Vostrikova. Party organization of the Dalzavod during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Scientific Notes" of the Far Eastern University, 1972, vol. 37; S. M. Karakhanyan. Feat of Tankograd. "Proceedings" of the Central Museum of the Revolution of the USSR, 1972, issue 3; Sh. P. Nazimov. The plant is a warrior and creator. "In the terrible years" and others.

17 M. R. Akulov. On the issue of periodization of industrial development in Siberia during the Great Patriotic War. "Implementation of Lenin's ideas of turning Siberia into an economically developed region of the country".

18 A. V. Mitrofanova. The working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1971;

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research institutes, sabotage of enterprises remaining in the areas of our country occupied by the Nazis 19 . The study of these questions helps to reveal more fully and comprehensively the role of the working class of the USSR in the defeat of the fascist invaders.

Much attention was still paid to the labor exploits of the working class during the war, although the number of works on this topic decreased somewhat, since it, among others, was thoroughly studied in the previous period. The largest work on this topic is R. P. Sosnovskaya's book 20 , in which the author managed to show the scale and results of labor heroism of workers in the rear. However, some aspects (for example, the struggle to save fuel, materials and electricity - one of the main not only economic, but also military-political tasks that the Soviet people and party solved in 1943) required a more detailed analysis.

The subject of the study is the heroic work of individual detachments of the Soviet working class during the war21 . These works bring new significant touches to the coverage of the history of the labor feat of the Soviet people, which served as one of the main sources of the victory of the USSR over nazi Germany.

The study of the history of the working class of individual regions continued. Significant progress has also been made in this area . 22 G. A. Dokuchaev described the labor heroism of the working class of the eastern regions of the country at various stages of the war, the growth of its political activity, changes in the structure and number of workers in Siberia and the Far East by year and by industry. The unparalleled heroism of the Leningrad workers is described in the book by A. R. Dzeniskevich. He showed how, overcoming incredible hardships and difficulties, using the equipment left over after the evacuation of industrial enterprises from the city, the workers of Nevsky Stronghold organized the repair of military equipment and the production of products necessary for the front under the conditions of the blockade. Attention is drawn to the article by A. V. Mitrofanova about the working class of the Russian Federation during the war. In fact, it provides for the first time some summary data on the contribution of the workers of the largest Union republic to the overall cause of victory over the enemy. Other works on this subject reveal shifts in the size and composition of the working class in certain eastern regions of the country.

Among the most difficult issues that the Communist Party and the Soviet Government had to solve in the process of industrial and industrial restructuring:-

19 V. Ya. Gorovoy, G. A. Kumanev, and V. B. Telpukhovsky. In the Great Patriotic War. "The Soviet working class. A brief historical sketch (1917-1973)", Moscow, 1975.

20 Sosnovskaya settlement. Heroic labor in the name of victory (CPSU-organizer of the labor feat of the working class during the radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War). L. 1973.

21 V. E. Tsaregorodtsev. Moscow Party organization at the head of the labor heroism of the workers and intellectuals of the capital in the final period of the Great Patriotic War (1944-1945). "The Path of struggle and victory". Part 2 (1928-1970). Moscow, 1971; V. I. Efimov. Patriotic feat of the workers of Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. Tashkent, 1972; T. N. Petrova. Coverage in the periodical press of the labor heroism of the Kuzbass workers during the Great Patriotic War. "Implementation of Lenin's ideas of turning Siberia into an economically developed region of the country"; L. I. Isachenko. Labor exploits of the working class and peasantry of Kuban and Stavropol in the first period of the Great Patriotic War. "The CPSU in the period of Socialist and Communist construction". Stavropol. 1972; K. N. Golikov. Labor feat of Omsk residents during the Great Patriotic War. "In the terrible years"; N. I. Kondakov. Labor feat of Soviet women during the Great Patriotic War. "The great victory of the Soviet people. 1941-1945", etc.

22 I. I. Kuznetsov. Changes in the size and composition of the working class in Eastern Siberia during the Great Patriotic War. "Zabaikalsky yearbook of local lore". Chita. 1971, No. 5; A. R. Dzeniskevich. Military five-year plan of Leningrad workers. 1941-1945. L. 1972; G. A. Dokuchaev. The Working Class of Siberia and the Far East during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1973; A.V. Volchenko. On the question of changes in the number of the working class of Kuzbass in 1941-1945 "Peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War"; R. A. Malkov, Ya. I. Brazhnikov. Workers of Gorny Altai in the Patriotic War. Ibid.; A.V. Mitrofanova. The working class of the Russian Federation in the years of trials. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2; her own. Labor feat of the Soviet working class during the Great Patriotic War. "The great victory of the Soviet people. 1941 - 1945".

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The problem of providing enterprises with labor is one of the most important areas of development of defense production during the war years. In recent years, many authors have addressed it23 . The book of K. Y. Orazov attracts attention. Rightly noting that the literature has already received a fairly complete disclosure of issues related to the production activities of workers of the Kazakh SSR, he focused on the problems of providing industry with workers during the war, analyzing changes in the number and composition of the working class of this important economic region. The author found out the sources and ways of replenishing the working class of the republic, analyzed its quantitative and qualitative growth, as well as ways to train and improve the skills of workers. A number of articles reflect the solution of this problem in certain regions of the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East24 .

The study of the role of labor reserves in providing industry and other sectors of the national economy with qualified labor was continued. 25 A. A. Aslanishvili traces the development and reveals the features of the system of labor reserves of Georgia during the war years, provides generalized data on the training of young workers in trade schools and schools of the Federal District of the Republic. E. S. Kotlyar's book reflects the state and development of the all-Union system of labor reserves during the war period. The author investigated a wide range of issues related to the operation of this system. The most interesting sections are those that analyze the main forms and specifics of educational work in vocational schools and schools of the Federal District.

During the Great Patriotic War, a broad system of major social measures was implemented to improve the living conditions of the working class and the nutrition of workers and employees. This important problem has recently been reflected both in broader works and in special studies .26 Highlighting the concern of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union

23 G. A. Dokuchaev. Solving the problem of personnel during the Great Patriotic War. "In the Terrible years"; V. B. Telpukhovsky. Some issues of providing the industry with personnel. "The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic War". Book 2; K. Y. Orazov. The working class of Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War. Alma-Ata. 1975; A. F. Vasiliev. Party leadership in the training of workers during the Great Patriotic War. "Questions of the history of the CPSU", 1975, N 2.

24 V. S. Ivanov. The trade unions of Udmurtia are loyal assistants to the party in training workers during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Notes" of Perm University, 1972, issue 294; V. I. Merkushin. Activities of party organizations of the Middle Volga region in training workers during the Great Patriotic War (based on the materials of the Kuibyshev, Ulyanovsk and Penza regions). "Activity of local party organizations in the conditions of building socialism", Moscow, 1972; A.V. Samarina. Work of party organizations of the Far East on training qualified personnel during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Scientific Notes" of the Far Eastern University, 1972, vol. 37, et al.

25 A. A. Aslanishvili. Labor reserves of Georgia in the Great Patriotic War. Tbilisi. 1972; O. A. Chernykh. On the training of personnel in the system of labor reserves during the war (on the examples of Eastern Siberia). "Proceedings" of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute, 1972, issue 68A; T. G. Zinovieva. Placement of evacuated schools and schools of labor reserves in Western Siberia. "The peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War"; its own. The role of labor reserves in Western Siberia in providing the national economy with cadres of workers (1941-1945). "In the terrible years"; E. A. Korteleva. From the experience of the leadership of the Perm regional Party organization by labor reserves (1941-1942). "Scientific Notes" of Perm University, 1973, N 317; ee. On the party leadership of socialist competition in the system of state labor reserves of the Perm region during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). "Scientific Notes" of Perm University, 1974, No. 340; E. S. Kotlyar. State Labor Reserves of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, Moscow, 1975, et al.

26 G. P. Bakastov. Activities of party organizations of the Upper Volga to meet the material and household needs of textile workers during the Great Patriotic War. "Scientific Notes" of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute, 1971, vol. 96; Z. M. Krayushkina. Concern of party and Komsomol organizations for the material and everyday needs of working youth during the Patriotic War. 1941-1945 (Based on materials from the Perm region). "Scientific Notes" of the Perm Pedagogical Institute, 1971, t, 86; V. M. Britov. Concern of party organizations of the Upper Volga-about the material welfare of workers during the Great Patriotic War (January 1943-May 1945). "Scientific Notes" of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute, 1972, vol. 113, vol. 6; N. V. Kupert. Activities of Kuzbass city Councils on material support of coal miners during the Great Patriotic War. "Implementation of Lenin's ideas of turning Siberia into an economically developed region of the country"; M. G. Leontiev. Material and living conditions of women workers in 1941-1945 "Peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War", etc.

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The research shows that even in the conditions of war, which severely limited the material and financial capabilities of the country, caring for people was the subject of constant attention of state bodies and public organizations.

One of the main sources of the Soviet people's victory in the Great Patriotic War is the unbreakable alliance of the working class and the peasantry. The study of the specific manifestations of this alliance in the specific conditions of wartime is one of the central tasks of studying the history of the struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders. Unfortunately, in recent years, historians have made very little progress in developing this problem, which is still poorly understood: only a few short articles are devoted to it, where the material, technical and cultural assistance of urban workers to the collective farm peasantry during the war, which put Soviet agriculture in an extremely difficult situation, using the example of certain regions of the country .27
So, in the 1970s, Soviet scientists did a lot to further, more in-depth and comprehensive study of the history of industry and the working class of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Monographs have been published on these issues, which undoubtedly enriched historical science.

At the same time, an analysis of the literature, taking into account the work done by researchers in the previous period, allows us to identify problems that need even more detailed consideration. These include the history of a number of industries (light, defense, non-ferrous metallurgy), as well as the development of industry in some of the most important regions of the country in 1941-1945. So far, apart from the above-mentioned article by A.V. Mitrofanova, there is no special research on the history of industry and the working class of the Russian Federation, which has borne on its shoulders the main difficulties associated with providing the front with everything necessary, and first of all with military equipment, weapons, and ammunition.

A number of the most complex problems - political, economic, technical, scientific, and social-that had to be solved in the process of industrial restructuring in a military way after the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR need further study. The conditions are ripe for a comprehensive study of the history of the evacuation of industry from front-line and threatened areas to the interior of the country, unprecedented in its scale and consequences. A more intensive study of this problem would make it possible to reveal more fully the advantages of the socialist economic system over the capitalist one, and the unparalleled heroism of the Soviet people during the harsh years of the war.

The possibilities for a more in-depth study of major qualitative changes in Soviet industry after the completion of its military restructuring have not been exhausted. In this respect, it is of great interest to examine the party's technical policy in industry at various stages of the war. The question of the timing and scale of the transfer of industrial enterprises is also waiting for research.-

27 S. S. Ivashkin. Assistance of the Soviet working class to agriculture in Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War. "History". Issue 1. Alma-Ata. 1971; S. K. Ryabova. Strengthening the alliance of the working class with the peasantry during the Great Patriotic War. "History". Issue 5. Alma-Ata, 1972. M. I. Likhomanov. Assistance of the working class of Siberia to the collective farm peasantry during the Great Patriotic War. "Implementation of Lenin's ideas of turning Siberia into an economically developed region of the country"; V. V. Vlasov. Activities of the Tyumen Party Organization aimed at strengthening the alliance of the working class with the collective farm peasantry. "In the terrible years"; his own. Strengthening of the union of the working class and the collective farm peasantry in 1941-1945 (Based on the materials of the Omsk and Tyumen regions). "Peoples of Siberia in the Great Patriotic War"; V. I. Karpushenko. The union of the working class and the peasantry is the most important source of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. "The great victory of the Soviet people. 1941 - 1945".

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The Government of the Russian Federation approved the use of military equipment for the production of peaceful products even before the end of the Great Patriotic War. Its comprehensive study will help to develop a unified point of view on the periodization of the development of the Soviet economy in 1941-1945. It is necessary to study more fully the system and methods of industrial management during the war years, to analyze the combination of moral and material incentives that were skillfully and effectively applied by the party and Soviet bodies for the development and improvement of production in industrial enterprises.

As we continue to work on the history of the Soviet working class during the Great Patriotic War, we should continue to focus on further studying, first of all, the dynamics of its qualitative changes. A more detailed analysis requires the participation of the working class in the defense of the Fatherland directly at the front and in the fight against the enemy in the temporarily occupied territory. Special consideration should be given to the social and political activities of the working class during the war, as well as to the forms and extent of workers ' participation in the management of the country and production. It is necessary to reveal more fully the leading role of the working class in the life of Soviet society as a whole, in order to do this, in particular, it would be necessary to study more deeply the content and features of the alliance of the working class and collective-farm peasantry in wartime conditions, the role of this alliance in strengthening the moral, political, military and economic power of the Country of Soviets during the struggle against the fascist invaders. An important task is also to study the leading role of the working class in strengthening the unity and friendship of the peoples of our country, all social strata and groups of Soviet society in wartime. Questions about the place and role of trade unions in solving military - political and military-economic tasks are waiting to be studied.

All this, taken together, will help to study the history of the Soviet home front even more deeply and comprehensively, to show the advantages of the socialist system that predetermined the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

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Постоянная ссылка для научных работ (для цитирования):

A. F. VASILIEV, THE LATEST RESEARCH ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY AND THE WORKING CLASS OF THE USSR DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR // Душанбе: Цифровая библиотека Таджикистана (LIBRARY.TJ). Дата обновления: 20.01.2025. URL: (дата обращения: 31.03.2025).

Найденный поисковым роботом источник:

Автор(ы) публикации - A. F. VASILIEV:

A. F. VASILIEV → другие работы, поиск: Либмонстр - ТаджикистанЛибмонстр - мирGoogleYandex


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