Anatoly Mikhailovich was born on May 1, 1932 in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region, in the family of an employee. Soon his family moved to Yaroslavl.
The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark on Anatoly Mikhailovich's memory. All the hardships of the war years fell to his lot, he remembers well the German bombing of Yaroslavl. One of the German bombs fell near the house where he lived, and his mother died of a broken heart. The mother's sister, who had previously worked for many years as a freelance doctor in the Kolyma GULAG camps, took on the burden of raising three children. From her, Anatoly Mikhailovich heard stories about the horrors of Stalin's GULAG and from then on and forever became an implacable opponent of despotic regimes.
Anatoly Mikhailovich recalls that the family had a lot of books, and often arranged reading aloud. The first serious book that a 10-year-old boy read on his own was Giovagnoli's Spartacus, and this book made such a strong impression on him that he decided to definitely become a historian.
In 1950, A. M. Khazanov graduated from high school in Yaroslavl and, having passed all the exams for "excellent", entered the History Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
He was lucky - his student years fell on the" golden age " of the Moscow State University Faculty of History. He attended lectures by famous professors-B. A. Rybakov, V. I. Avdiev, K. K. Zelin, A. G. Bokshchanin, A. V. Artsikhovsky, M. O. Obliquen, S. D. Skazkin, S. P. Tolstov, Z. V. Udaltsova, N. E. Zastenker, A. A. Huber, I. M. Reisner, V. B. Lutsky, V. M., Khvostov, and A. S. Yerusalimsky.
After a successful defense in 1955, written under the guidance of the future akad. RAS G. N. Sevostyanova thesis on the topic: "US Far Eastern Policy in 1941-1943" A.M. Khazanov was enrolled in the graduate school of Moscow State University at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History. His scientific adviser was an outstanding orientalist, then Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician A. A. Guber. In 1958, A. M. Khazanov defended his PhD thesis "Liberation movements in Brazil in the colonial period of 1661-1792". A. A. Huber helped him publish the first scientific article "On the question of the Negro state of Palmares" in the journal "New and Modern History" (1958, No. 2), of which he was the editor-in-chief.
A. M. Khazanov retained the warmest feelings of gratitude and appreciation for his teacher and mentor, Alexander Andreevich Guber, for the rest of his life.
On December 31, 1958, A. M. Khazanov was hired as a junior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the Department of International Affairs, which at that time was headed by the brilliant polymath and original thinker Grigory Lvovich Bondarevsky. Later, A.M. Khazanov wrote: "We, students of Grigory Lvovich Bondarevsky, are proud to continue his work, and we want to repeat the words of Sir Isaac Newton:" We were lucky. We see further than others because we stand on the shoulders of giants."
For 53 years, A. M. Khazanov's life and work have been continuously connected with the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 1961, the first monograph of A. M. Khazanov "The Somali Republic. Historical essay", in 1962 - the second book "The liberation struggle of the peoples of East Africa after the Second World War". Since that time, A. M. Khazanov's research interests have always been connected with the history of colonialism and national liberation movements. Later, A. M. Khazanov wrote in his memoirs "50 years in the temple of Oriental studies":"It gives me great joy to realize that I am making my small contribution to the holy, noble and just cause - the struggle for freedom and state sovereignty of oppressed and disenfranchised peoples."
In 1972, A. M. Khazanov defended his doctoral dissertation " The formation of Portuguese colonialism (Portuguese politics and resistance of African peoples in the XVI-XVIII centuries)". This defense was preceded by many years of hard work of the researcher in archives and libraries, studying collections of documents (most often in the Old Portuguese language). The history of Portuguese colonialism has become the main and favorite topic of A. M. Khazanov's research for the rest of his life. Subsequently, he devoted a series of monographs to her.
A. M. Khazanov's research is characterized by academic fundamentality, scrupulous study of sources, depth of analysis, and independent scientific conclusions. His research-
The research is based on the study of materials that the author found in the archives and libraries of Portugal, Mozambique, Great Britain, Germany, and Russia. They provide a broad panorama of Portugal's colonial expansion in Africa and Asia, as well as the history of the struggle of the peoples of the Portuguese colonies for independence. A. M. Khazanov for the first time in scientific literature raised the question: how to explain that the colonialists-the British, Germans, Afrikaners-were racists, while the French and Portuguese colonialists were characterized by known racial tolerance. The differences in the degree of racism of the colonialists themselves are obvious and indisputable. But prior to A. M. Khazanov, none of the researchers made serious attempts to explain these differences. The essence of A. M. Khazanov's hypothesis is that differences in the degree of racism of European colonialists were most associated with the influence of the religious and confessional factor. Protestant colonizers were generally more racist than Catholic colonizers. (For the most complete statement of this hypothesis by A.M. Khazanov, see Obozrevatel-Observer. 2007. № 4, 2007.)
In a number of his works ("The Secret of Vasco da Gama", Moscow, 2000; articles in the journal "New and Modern History", 1999, № 1; 2005, № 1 and in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 21.03.2001) A.M. Khazanov put forward a hypothesis according to which Brazil was discovered not by P. A. Cabral, but Vasco da Gama. During one of his "secret voyages," he made a long arc westward to Brazil, but this was kept secret so that the Spaniards would not know. The researcher gave geographical, cartographic and documentary arguments in favor of this assumption. For this hypothesis, A. M. Khazanov was elected a full member of the Geographical Society of Lisbon in 2006. Even earlier, in 1994, he was elected a full member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and then academician-Secretary of the Regional Security Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Recognition of the public significance of his work was his election as an academician of the International Academy of Informatization.
The range of scientific interests of A.M. Khazanov is very wide. He made a significant contribution to the development of a number of important problems of international relations in Asia and Africa. In recent years, Anatoly Mikhailovich has paid much attention to studying the processes taking place in the Muslim world and the history of Islamic extremist organizations.
Guided by Voltaire's aphorism: "All genres are good, except boring", A.M. Khazanov has written a number of books and articles related to the popular science genre. First of all, we should mention his books " The East through the Eyes of an Orientalist "(1995 and 2000), " In Thrall to the Romance of the East "(Moscow, 2011) and his memoirs "50 Years in the temple of Oriental Science" (Moscow, 2009).
A. M. Khazanov is the author of two dozen monographs, chapters in several dozen collective monographs, and a large number of scientific articles. He was responsible editor of several dozen monographs and collections of articles on the history and international relations of Asian and African countries. He has participated in many international conferences around the world.
A. M. Khazanov successfully combines his scientific work with scientific and organizational activities. From 1990 to 2009, he was Head of the Department of Complex Problems of International Relations at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, the department contributed to the formation and analytical understanding of Russia's foreign policy strategy in the eastern direction. The Department carried out scientific development of problems of international relations in the East in the following three areas:: 1) Russia's policy in the Asian "near" and " far " abroad; 2) security problems and conflicts in Asia and North Africa; 3) international relations in the East after the Cold War.
At the initiative of A. M. Khazanov, creative groups were created in the department, whose task is to prepare large-scale collective works on important problems of international relations in the East. The result of this work was the publication of more than 40 collective monographs, collections, individual monographs on this issue, as well as the preparation of a number of analytical notes and reference materials. The Department has held many institute, national and international conferences on international relations in Asia and North Africa.
Since the beginning of 2006, A. M. Khazanov has been Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Diplomatic Service" and a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "International Economics". He makes a great personal contribution as an author and head of the research team of Orientalists to the formation of these journals, trying to make them a "window" into the world of international politics and economics.
Another important facet of A. M. Khazanov's activity is teaching. She was given almost 40 years. He holds the academic title of professor. Under his scientific supervision, 35 Russian and foreign graduate students defended their dissertations. Over the years, A. M. Khazanov has delivered a series of lectures at the Moscow State Linguistic University, the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute, the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the State University of Management, the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University and other universities. His lectures are always very popular with students. He brought up a whole galaxy of talented students.
Anatoly Mikhailovich Khazanov is in the prime of his creative powers. It is full of new research ideas and projects. Friends, colleagues, students of A. M. Khazanov wish good health and creative longevity to this distinguished and respected scientist, organizer of science and teacher.
Somaliyskaya respublika (istoricheskiy ocherk) [The Somali Republic (historical essay)]. Moscow: IVL, 1961.147 p.
Liberation struggle of the peoples of East Africa after the Second World War, Moscow: Sotsekgiz, 1962, 327 p.
Portugal's Policy in Africa and Asia, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1967.268 p.
Portugal's expansion in Africa and the struggle of African peoples for independence. XVI-XVIII centuries. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1976, 320 p.
Angola, Moscow: Mysl Publ., 1979, 128 p. (in Russian) (co-authored with A.V. Pritvorov).
Agostinho Neto, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1985, 206 p.; The same: Moscow: ProgressPublishers Publ., 1986, 302 p. (in English)
Krushenie poslednoi kolonialnoi imperii [The Collapse of the Last Colonial Empire]. Moscow: Mysl', 1986, 224 p.
Non-Aligned Movement: Search for New Solutions (1960-1980s), Moscow: IV RAS, 1994, 228 p. (co-authored with V. S. Kotlyarov).
Vostok through the eyes of an Orientalist. Part 1. Moscow: IV RAS, 1995; 4.2. Moscow: IV RAS, 2000. 129 p.; 119s.
Politika SSSR v "tretikh mire" (Aziya i Afrika) v gody "kholodnoy voyny" [The policy of the USSR in the "third world" (Asia and Africa) during the "Cold War"]. (sovm. with Gomaa Hamdi).
Istoriya Angoly v novoe i sovremennoe vremya [History of Angola in the new and modern times]. Moscow: IV RAS, 1999.390 p.
Portugal and the Muslim world (XV-XVI centuries). Moscow: IV RAS, 2003. 319 p.
Istoriya Mozambique v novoe i sovremennoe vremya [History of Mozambique in the new and modern times]. Moscow: IV RAS, 2006, 188 p.
The Greatness and Fall of the Portuguese Colonial Empire, Moscow: IV RAS, 2007, 188 p.
Heroes of the Struggle for Independence of East Africa, Moscow: IV RAS, 2008, 80 p.
Christian and Islamic Civilizations: Dialogue of Cultures, Moscow, 2009, 129 p.
History of international relations in the XX-XXI centuries. Textbook, Moscow: MGLU Publ., 2009, 264 p. (co-authored with A. A. Sagomonyan and I. S. Kremer).
Heroes of the struggle for Freedom of the Portuguese Colonies, Moscow: 2010, 124 p.
The Secret of Vasco da Gama, Moscow: IV RAS, 2010, 158 p.
Essays on the history of the Indian Ocean, Moscow: IV RAS, 2010, 104 p.
In captivity of the romance of the East, Moscow: IV RAS, 2011, 216 p.
* A. M. Khazanov has written more than 200 scientific articles. For the main scientific works of A.M. Khazanov, see: "Vostok (Oriens)", 1993, No. 4, pp. 217-219.
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