Libmonster ID: TJ-801

March 18, 2015 marked the 80th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Mikhailovich Nasilov, a Russian philologist-orientalist, turkologist and specialist in the languages of indigenous peoples of Russia, Head of the Department of Turkic Philology at the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philology, Professor.

D. M. Nasilov's scientific, organizational, educational, methodical and pedagogical activities are connected with work in leading Russian linguistic centers: at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), where he rose from researcher to head of the Department of Altaic Languages (1963-1993), at the Institute of Languages of the Peoples of Russia under the Ministry of Nationalities Russian Federation, where he held the position of Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational work (Moscow, 1993-1996), in the ISAA of the Moscow State University (from 1996 to the present). D. M. Nasilov worked at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics of the Samarkand (Uzbek) State University named after A. A. Shishkin. Alisher Navoi (1958-1960), at the Department of Literary Translation Theory of the A. M. Gorky Moscow Literary Institute (1960-1963), taught linguistic and Oriental studies courses at the Department of Turkic Philology of St. Petersburg State University (1965-1992), at the Moscow Institute of Practical Oriental Studies, at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity at the RSUH, for a number of years He went to give lectures at the Oriental studies departments of Kazan, Makhachkala, Tashkent, Bishkek and other universities. Since 1994, Dmitry Nasilov has been a part-time chief researcher at the Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, paying attention to the preparation and implementation of educational programs in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the languages of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

Scientific works of D. M. Nasilov on Turkology and Altaic linguistics (more than 200 works) they are widely known not only in our country, but also abroad.

In 1964, D. M. Nasilov defended his PhD thesis on verb tenses in the Old Uighur language. D. M. Nasilov is the author and one of the editors of the "Old Turkic Dictionary" (1969), which still remains a reference book for domestic and foreign Turkologists. He took an active part in the compilation of the Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages.

D. M. Nasilov proposed a new view on the plural category in the Turkic languages, clarified the concept of grammatical category, the null form of the noun, the types of isafet in these languages, etc.

A special place in the academic activity of D. M. Nasilov is occupied by the study of the Turkic verb, which the scientist considers based on the ideas of functional grammar. In his works, the topic of verbal categories arose in connection with the category of time in monuments, and not only in the morphological aspect (which was typical for descriptive grammars), but also in terms of their functioning in texts of a certain historical era. In the article by D. M. Nasilov "On ways of expressing specific meanings in Altaic languages", the specific meanings of verbs and their typology were first considered. Based on the material of the Turkic languages, D. M. Nasilov implemented the concept of the semantic field of aspectuality, the interaction of different-level means within the boundaries of the field, and the specifics of their formal expression (affix and analytical). In addition, the actual specific values (limits and phases) and actional values (modes of verbal action) were distinguished.

In 1989, D. M. Nasilov defended his doctoral dissertation " Problems of Turkic aspectology. Actionality", which was preceded by the publication of the monograph, which remains at present the most significant theoretical work on the problem of species in the Turkic languages.

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Another area of D. M. Nasilov's work is general problems of Altaism - a series of studies on the history of the Altaist concept, issues of the Altai language community (articles in the "Turkological collection" 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978) and "Voice in the Altai languages". Equally significant are the works of D. M. Nasilov of the typological direction: "Language in the Uzbek language", "Typology of iterative constructions", "Towards the typology of concessional constructions in the Uzbek language", "Evidentiality in the Turkic languages", "Taxis in the Turkic languages", etc.

A significant place in the scientific interests of D. M. Nasilov is occupied by the problems of comparative-historical linguistics, reconstructions made on the material of research of certain categories, as well as entire layers of language: he participates in the six-volume work "Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages", together with Turkologists of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On the initiative and under the editorship of D. M. Nasilov, encyclopedic collections devoted to the current state of the Altaic languages of Siberia and the Far East were published, including the Red Book of Languages of the Russian Federation. It is impossible not to mention the active participation of Dmitry Mikhailovich in organizing and improving the education of young and non-literate peoples of Russia, creating textbooks and dictionaries intended for secondary schools and professional educational institutions.

Another area of academic activity of D. M. Nasilov over the last ten years is the creation of textbooks of Turkic languages for the CIS countries. First of all, these are textbooks on Azerbaijani and Uzbek languages that have become book rarities.

The jubilee's teaching career is equally fruitful, in particular as the head of the Department of Turkic Philology at the ISAA of Moscow State University, where teachers and students dote on him. Here, at his Alma Mater, Dmitry Mikhailovich has developed and conducts unique special courses in Turkology, general theoretical linguistic courses, and teaches his favorite Uzbek language. Eight dissertations were defended under his supervision. D. M. Nasilov's students and followers work in various educational and academic centers of Russia, post-Soviet countries, Turkey, Germany, etc. In addition, D. M. Nasilov supports and advises many graduate and doctoral students of educational institutions around the world, acts as an opponent in the defense of their dissertations (in total, D. M. Nasilov opposed 50 dissertations).

D. M. Nasilov carries out a titanic work on editing and reviewing scientific and educational works in the field of Turkology.

Dmitry Mikhailovich conducts a lot of scientific and organizational work. He is Deputy Chairman of the Russian Committee of Turkologists at the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-chief of the journals "Russian Turkology" and "Issues of Turkic Philology", member of the Dissertation Councils of the ISAA and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Academic Council of the ISAA, member of the expert group on indigenous Languages of small-numbered peoples of the Russian Federation under the Committee on Nationalities of the State Duma of the Russian Federation RGNF expert, honorary member of the Turkish Linguistic Society (Türk Dili Kurumu).

D. M. Nasilov's achievements in the field of Turkology are also recognized abroad. So, June 11, 2014 Dmitry Mikhailovich was awarded the State Order of the Republic of Turkey "Liyakat".

All those who work and study under Dmitry Mikhailovich are extremely lucky: every contact with him brings great joy. Despite all the titles and regalia, Dmitry Mikhailovich remains a very modest person. He never refuses to help, no matter how busy he is, and treats the people around him carefully and carefully, regardless of their status. It combines true intelligence, benevolence, non-conflict, and a great sense of humor. Dmitry Mikhailovich's house in Pushkin, near Moscow, is filled with his warmth, illuminated by his smile, and is always open to numerous students and colleagues.

Being a follower of the Oriental tradition (his uncle, V. M. Nasilov, is one of the largest Soviet Orientalists and Turkologists), Dmitry Mikhailovich passed on his love for Turkology, science and his closest relatives: his son, grandson and granddaughter are graduates of the Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg University. In the large Nasilov family, two great-grandchildren are also growing up.

Colleagues and students of Dmitry Mikhailovich, as well as friends and like-minded people wholeheartedly congratulate him on the anniversary, which he meets in the prime of his life and creative plans.

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Drevnetyurkskiy slovar ' [Ancient Turkic Dictionary] / Ed. by V. M. Nadelyaev, D. M. Nasilov, E. R. Tenishev, A.M. Shcherbak. L., 1969.

Structure of indicative tenses in the Old Uighur language. Diss.cand. Philol. nauk, Moscow, 1964.

O sposobakh vyrazheniya vidovykh znacheniy v altaiskikh yazykakh [On ways of expressing specific meanings in Altaic languages]. Problemy obshchnosti altaiskikh yazykov, L., 1971, pp. 366-376.

Problemy altaistiki i mongolovedeniya [Problems of Altaistics and Mongolian Studies], Moscow, 1975.

To the concept of a grammatical category. Tashkent, 1980 (together with V. G. Guzev).

Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages. Phonetics, Moscow, 1984.

Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages. Syntax, Moscow, 1987.

Problems of Turkic aspectology. Actionality, L., 1989, 208 p.

Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages. Morphologiya, Moscow, 1989.

Red Book of Languages of the Peoples of Russia. Encyclopedia-reference book, Moscow, 1994.

Expression of situational plurality in Turkic languages // Typology of Iterative Constructions. Munich, 1997 [in English] (together with H. F. Iskhakov, V. I. Rassadin).

Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages. Leksika, Moscow, 2000.

Repressed Turkology, Moscow, 2002 (co-authored with V. M. Alpatov and F. D. Ashnin).

The concept of an ethnic school model for indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2001 (sovm. with others).

Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages: Regional Reconstructions, Moscow, 2002.

Karluk-Uyghur group. Phonetics. Glagol / / Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages: regional reconstructions, Moscow, 2002, pp. 339-418.

National School: directions for improving the structure and content of education // Federal programma razvitiya obrazovaniya, Moscow, 2003 (sovm. with others).

Comparative and historical grammar of the Turkic languages: The Proto-Turkic language is the basis. World picture of the Pratyurk ethnos according to the language data. Moscow, 2006.

Evidentinost ' v yazykakh Evropy i Azii [Evidentiality in the languages of Europe and Asia], St. Petersburg, 2007, pp. 469-518 (in Russian). Iskhakov, I. A. Nevskaya, I. V. Shentsova).

Essays on the history of Islamic civilization. ROSSPEN, 2008 (sovm. with I. G. Dobrodomov, A. I. Tchaikovsky).

Taxi in the Turkic languages / / Typology of taxi constructions, Moscow, 2009, pp. 750-802 (sovm. with others).

To reconstruct the derivational categories of the verb / / Comparative-historical grammar of the Turkic languages. The Proto-Turkic language is the basis. World picture of the Pratyurk ethnos according to the language data, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2006, pp. 268-325.

Textbook of the Azerbaijani language for the CIS countries, Moscow: East Lit., 2009 (co-authored with L. G. Ismayilov).

Concessive constructions in Turkie Languages // Typology of Concessive Constructions. LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 50. Lincom: Europe. Munich, 2012. P. 387-412 (in English) (sovm. with others).

Textbook of the Uzbek language / ISAA MSU. Moscow: Vostochny lit., 2012 (sovm. with Kh. S. Mukhitdinova).

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