Libmonster ID: TJ-688

Elvira A. Grunina, Professor of the Department of Turkic Philology at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Philology, was born on November 26, 1926 in Moscow. This was the generation for which adolescence ended on June 22, 1941. The time when it was easy and joyful to study, it was possible to attend a circle of young naturalists, choir classes ended. In January 1942, Training courses were opened for senior classes, including at the Timiryazev Academy, where Elvira Alexandrovna passed the program of the tenth grade. The factor of the "school of naturalists" played a role: E. A. Grunina's student life began in Timiryazevka, at the Department of breeding. But gradually there were doubts: whether the choice was made correctly. And even an A in math was more likely to confirm that the choice was wrong.

After passing the exams for the first year and even passing the "tractor" practice, she is still a student-went again to take the entrance exams to the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. The conditions were tough: it was necessary to score 25 points out of 25 possible. According to Elvira Aleksandrovna, she was just lucky: her hand passed the tickets with questions on subjects that were not taught in Training courses. To be fair, the choice of the Eastern Department at the Faculty of Philology was not made seriously: the inspiration came at the symphony concert, Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade was performed.

But the choice of specialization-already at the Eastern Department-was meaningful. In his memory were recollections of the Turkologist T. N. Grunin about his teachers and fellow Orientalists, his stories about Turkmenistan, where he worked in the Committee of the new Alphabet, as well as about the decoding of Armenian-language Polovtsian documents in the group of Academician A. E. Krymsky in Ukraine (almost twenty years later, E. A. Grunina will take part in the preparation for the publication this work).

The Turkic group at the Eastern Branch consisted of only girls (still during the war) who were eager to study. E. V. Sevortyan played a crucial role in understanding that a language can be an object of scientific study (Elvira Alexandrovna will write about her teacher in the article "At the Origins". Questions of Turkic philology. 1993). It was he who created the scientific student circle at the Department of Turkic Philology. At its first meeting, a 3rd-year student Elvira Alexandrovna made her first "scientific" report: it was a naive interpretation of functionality based on the material of the Turkish source case.

The principles on which training at the Department of Turkic Philology was based: the study of several Turkic languages, familiarity with the general theory of linguistics, the traditions of Russian Turkology (knowledge of the basics of Arabic and Persian) all this formed the basis of the fundamental nature of the Moscow university school of Turkology, founded in the 40s of the last century by N. K. Dmitriev (1898-1954).

Until 1956, the year of the university's Oriental studies reform, a significant part of the department's graduates continued their postgraduate studies and had the opportunity to realize themselves in various fields of the humanitarian sphere.

In 1952, E. A. Grunina defended her PhD thesis ("Complex sentences in the modern Uzbek literary language") and in February 1953 was enrolled in the faculty of the department. N. K. Dmitriev asked her where she would like to work. N. K. Dmitriev, at that time one of the leaders of domestic science in the Academy of Sciences system, left Elvira Alexandrovna at the Moscow State University, at the Department of Turkic Philology, thereby defining for her pedagogical work as the main component of her professional life. For almost 60 years now, it has been coming to the same walls of the old MSU building. As she herself says, her life was spent in a triangle: the old building of the Moscow State University - the Lenin Library-Conservatory.

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The main thing in the future scientific career of E. A. Grunina was cooperation with the Turkic languages sector of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences (currently the Department of Ural - Altaic Languages). She took part in the sector's collective works: "Studies on the comparative grammar of the Turkic languages: Part 3. Syntax "(1961); " Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages. Regional reconstructions "(2002); " Fundamentals of Turkic linguistics. Dialects of the Turkic languages "(2005); " Languages of the world. Turkic Languages" (1997). She is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Soviet Turkology" (now - "Russian Turkology"). E. A. Grunina was a member of specialized councils, including the Institute of Linguistics. She took part in international Turkological conferences, which were regularly held by the Soviet Committee of Turkologists; for more than ten years she was a member of the expert group of the Higher Attestation Commission, and opposed numerous candidate and doctoral theses.

Elvira Alexandrovna's research interests gradually focused on the comparative and comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages and the history of the Turkish language. The focus was on verb categories and their functioning (mood, tense, voice). The use of modern ideas of grammatical theory allowed us to reveal their structure and functional interaction. From the analysis of the current state of the object of study, it was logical to move to the study of its historical development, and then possible reconstruction. A series of articles is devoted to the problems of verbal morphonology and the system organization of verbal categories, including those that formed the basis of her doctoral dissertation " Indicative in the Turkish language in a comparative historical light "(1975), "On syntactic time" (1999), " On the history of the Turkic pre-temporal system "(1999) and others. etc.

Another important topic was the category of the Turkic pledge. Her efforts to apply the principles of a system-structural approach to the historical development of verbal categories can be considered innovative. The main provisions of this approach were included in the "Historical Grammar of the Turkish Language" (1991), the first of its kind in Russian Turkology. A step was taken towards the complex problem of the formation of the Turkish literary language ("On the question of the written tradition in Anatolian monuments", 1971), etc. The ability to work with written Arabic monuments of Central Asia, which was acquired as a student in the special seminar of E. N. Najip, allowed Elvira Alexandrovna to get involved in the problem of the "mixing" of medieval written languages.

The problems of studying the history of the Turkish language inevitably required turning to dialect materials. The analysis of individual dialects and ethno-linguistic groups ("Dialect zone of Urfa "(2009)," Dialects of Terekeme "(2007), etc.) allowed E. A. Grunina to offer domestic Turkologists a fairly extensive overview of the dialect space of Anatolian Turkey and the principles of its survey and study ("Dialects of the Turkish Language", 2005).

Teaching work at the Department of Turkic Philology immediately revealed the need to create new courses, programs and textbooks for them, to ensure the teaching of several Turkic languages. And here the preferences laid down in her student years were revealed, when Elvira Alexandrovna began to study independently the Ottoman-Turkish language (the written language of the Ottoman Empire), having found in the catalogues of the Historical Library the old manual of Yeglichka 1916. Years later, this student curiosity was realized in the creation of the "Textbook on the Ottoman-Turkish Language" (1988). Special calligraphy classes during practice trips to Uzbekistan helped her make this manual literally "author's" from the first to the last letter, including self-editing. This tutorial is still in demand today. It was the basis on which Ottoman studies became one of the scientific specializations of the department. E. A. Grunina's work in this field resulted in a creative collaboration with the Department of History of the Middle East.

In an effort to solve the pragmatic problems in the study of the Eastern language set by the reform of Oriental studies education, Elvira Alexandrovna worked for many years on a textbook on translation from Russian into Turkish. To do this, she not only studied numerous manuals of this kind for students of Western languages, but also completed a two-year training course for specialists at the M. Torez Institute of Foreign Languages. Only the second version of the textbook to some extent satisfied the author, passed the test with native speakers, but it was not possible to publish the work. Now, with the author's consent, the work is used by colleagues of some educational institutions where the Turkish language is taught.

E. A. Grunina's entire professional life was connected with the Department of Turkic Philology at Moscow State University. Here she passed successively all the steps from teacher to professor.

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During the years of the head of the department (1983-1995), during this period, there was a hard struggle for the preservation of the department, which they tried to merge with any other or close altogether. Active development of comprehensive relations with Turkey contributed to the revival of traditional Turkology at Moscow State University, where several Turkic languages (including Azerbaijani, Turkmen, and Uzbek) were taught.

Over the years of teaching at Moscow State University, Elvira Alexandrova has created almost all courses in Turkic linguistics. In the first years, these were courses related to the Uzbek language: theoretical grammar, history of the Uzbek language, Uzbek dialectology, comparative grammar of Russian and Uzbek languages. Later, she taught courses on introduction to Turkology, and for the first time, courses on the history of the Turkish language, lexicology, special courses on comparative grammar of Oghuz languages, and monuments of the Turkish language were delivered.

The introduction of a second Turkic language to the curriculum was faced with a lack of textbooks on these languages. The problem of the second Turkic language in the university course, the principles of its introduction in the educational process were described in the work of E. A. Grunina "Turkmen language" (2005). This work was then included as the first volume in the " Textbook of the Turkmen Language "(in the series of languages of the CIS countries (2010). E. A. Grunina co-authored the second volume of the Textbook (2011).

High human qualities of Elvira Alexandrovna largely served to unite the department, create a creative atmosphere. On her initiative, the Dmitriev Readings were created, which have been held regularly for the second decade and resulted in the publication of collections. The readings served to unite Turkologists not only in Moscow, but also in the Volga region and Siberia.

In 1998. Elvira Alexandrovna was awarded the title of Honored Professor of Moscow State University. In 2000. she was elected a corresponding member of the Turkish Linguistic Society.

In 2006, E. A. Grunina moved to the position of professor-consultant of the Department, but continues to take part in its activities, helping master's students to work on Ottoman monuments, working closely with colleagues of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Colleagues of Elvira Alexandrovna thank her for her faithful service to the national Turkology, wish her health and creative success.



A complex sentence in the modern Uzbek literary language / Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philology, Moscow, 1952.

Nekotorye voprosy sintaksa slozhnopodchinennogo predlozheniya v sovremennom literaturnom uzbekskom yazyke [Some questions of the syntax of a complex sentence in the modern literary Uzbek language]. Issledovaniya po sravnitel'noi grammatike tyurkskikh yazykov, Part 3. Syntaxis, Moscow, 1961, pp. 135-163.

Correlation of forms of the present and future tense according to the monuments of the Turkish language of the XIII-XVI centuries / / Voprosy tyurkskoy filologii, Moscow, 1966, pp. 74-106.

Time form in -a/-e for monuments of the Turkish language // Turkological collection, Moscow, 1966, pp. 28-36.

The question of the norm in studying the history of the Turkish language // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. Oriental studies. 1970, No. 1. pp. 60-66.

K voprosu o pis'moy traditsii v anatoliyskikh pamyatnikakh XIII-XIV vvakh [On the written tradition in Anatolian monuments of the XIII-XIV centuries]. 1971, No. 4. pp. 98-104.

Demonstrative pronouns in the history of the Turkish language / / Structure and history of the Turkic languages, Moscow, 1971, pp. 223-237.

Perfect forms in the Turkic languages of the Southwestern group / / Vestnik MSU. Ser. Oriental studies. 1974, No. 2. pp. 58-67.

Indicative in the Turkish language (in comparative historical coverage) / Dis. for the degree of Doctor of Science. Philol. nauk, Moscow, 1975.

On the form of present-future-r in the Turkic languages // Turkologicheskie issledovaniya [Turkological research], Moscow, 1976, pp. 94-111.

K istorii semanticheskogo razvitiya perfecta-miš [On the history of semantic development of the perfect language]. 1976, No. 1. pp. 12-26.

Srednevekovy Vostok: istoriya, kul'tura, istochnikovedenie [Medieval East: History, Culture, Source Studies], Moscow, 1980, pp. 112-119.

Sovershenstvovanie prepodavaniya obshchetyurkologicheskikh dlinin v vuze [Improving the teaching of general Turkological disciplines in higher education]. Cheboksary, 1986, pp. 17-26.

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On syntactic time / / Turcologica. To the 80th anniversary of Academician A. N. Kononov, L., 1986, pp. 85-95.

K teorii tyurkskogo zaloga [On the theory of the Turkic pledge]. 1987, No. 2. pp. 3-15.

Textbook on the Ottoman-Turkish language, Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 1988, 174 p.

Historical Grammar of the Turkish language, Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 1991, 283 p.

In: Voprosy tyurkskoy filologii [Issues of Turkic Philology]. Issue 2. Bulletin of the Silk Road, Moscow, 1993. Author: U istokov, pp. 47-51; On the history of the Turkic pledge: reflexive, passive, pp. 16-37.

On the history of the Turkic pre-temporal system / / Symbolae Turcologicae. Festschrift in Honour of Lars Johanson. Vol. 6. Stockholm, 1996. S. 109-117.

K voprosu o posessivnoy paradigme conjugatsii [On the question of the possessive conjugation paradigm]. 90 let N. A. Baskakov: N. A. Baskakov from colleagues and students, Moscow, 1996, pp. 68-72.

On the "mixed" character of the language of written monuments, or the olga-bolga problem / / Voprosy tyurkskoy filologii. Issue 3. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Moscow, 1997, pp. 12-21.

Oguz language of the X-XI centuries // Languages of the world: Turkic languages, Moscow, 1997, pp. 81-89.

About an archaic form of the Turkish verb system // Questions of Turkic philology. Issue 4. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Moscow, 2000, pp. 35-46.

Oguz group: glagol // Comparative historical grammar of the Turkic languages: regional reconstructions, Moscow, 2002, pp. 157-215.

Alexander Petrovich Potseluyevsky (1894-1948) / / Vostok (Oriens). 2004. No. 5. pp. 122-135.

Turkmen Language, Moscow: Eastern Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005.

K voprosu o dialektnoy kartine sovremennoi Turkii (govory terekeme) [On the dialect picture of modern Turkey (dialects of terekeme)]. Issue 8. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Moscow, 2009, pp. 86-123.

Turkish language / / Dialects of the Turkic languages, Moscow, 2010, pp. 385-489.

Uchebnik turkmenskogo yazyka dlya stran CIS [Textbook of the Turkmen language for the CIS countries]. Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010, 287 p.

Textbook of the Turkmen language for the CIS countries. Texts. Comments. Moscow: Publishing House of the East. Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. 182 p. (together with M. P. Penzhiev).

The manual on translation from Russian into Turkish has not been published).

Anadolu Aĝiz Tipleri üzerine // Turkish Studies: International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic. 2010. 5(3). P. 1350-1361.

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