The biannual congresses of Russian Orientalists bring together leading Asian and African researchers from Russia and the CIS countries. The theme of the current congress, held in Kazan on September 25-28, 2012, is "Multi-factor analysis of the history, culture and religions of the East". It was organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU), the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations of the KFU, the Scientific Council for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Society of Orientalists of Russia, the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. The forum was attended by over 250 scientists from various institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities and institutes of Russia and CIS countries. The congress was held with the support of the RGNF grant No. 12-01-14034.
The congress was opened by the President of the Society of Oriental Studies of Russia, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. V. Naumkin. Greetings of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R. N. Minikhanov, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I. Sh. Khalshov, the rector of KFU I. R. Gafurov were heard. Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Special Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for Cooperation with the Alliance of Civilizations Konstantin Shuvalov read out a greeting on behalf of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The Congress received greetings from Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation signed by Deputy Chairman I. M.-S. Umakhanov, acad. E. M. Primakov, Russian Academy of Sciences, signed by the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences AD. Nekipelov, Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, signed by the Academician-Secretary of the Academy of Sciences. RAS A. P. Derevyanko, Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin. Vladimir Naumkin announced the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences to award the Ignatius Krachkovsky Gold Medal to M. Shaimiev, State Adviser of the Republic of Tatarstan, "for outstanding services in the development and support of Russian Oriental studies". V. V. Naumkin presented the medal and certificate of honor in Russian and Tatar languages to the Prime Minister of Tatarstan I. S. Khalikov.
President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan A. M. Mazgarov and Director of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences ACAD delivered welcoming speeches. A. B. Kudelin, Director of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, acad. A. M. Vasiliev, Deputy Chairman of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences M. S. Gadzhiev, Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. F. Popova, Adviser to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Russia Zhao Gocheng, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan M. Kh. Abuseitova, Director of the Center for Oriental Studies of Vilnius University A. Beinorius, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Vostok magazine (Oriens) " A. O. Zakharov.
At the opening ceremony, V. V. Naumkin made a presentation on "The state and prospects of Russian Oriental Studies". Noting the traditionally high level of Russian Oriental studies, the speaker stressed that it is necessary to achieve a balance between various scientific areas, attract new personnel and ensure full access to sources and information, including in digital form, for conducting competitive research. Achieving these goals is hindered by the limited resources available. In a number of areas, the high qualification inherent in the national school of Oriental studies has been lost, and links with foreign schools have been lost. A positive trend in recent years can be considered an increase in interest in the East in other centers along with Moscow and St. Petersburg.
V. V. Naumkin stressed that despite the obvious decline in interest in generalizations and general theories, including formational and civilizational approaches, it is necessary to work out
a holistic concept of the East. This is especially important in the light of the publication of many non-professional works written by amateurs, and sometimes ignoramuses, which contribute to falsifying ideas about the subject of Oriental studies. It is necessary to mobilize resources to support Oriental studies and combine the efforts of the center and the regions in creating a holistic and reliable image of the East.
V. V. Naumkin highlighted some achievements of the institute he headed, in particular the preparation of the 6-volume encyclopedia "Spiritual Culture of China" edited by M. L. Titarenko, A. I. Kobzev and A. E. Lukyanov, the translation of Simia Qian's "Historical Notes" into Russian by R. V. and A. R. Vyatkin, the work of the Soviet-Yemeni (since 1983) and the Russian-Yemeni (since 1991) integrated expedition of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of P. A. Gryaznevich, M. B. Piotrovsky, A.V. Sedov (at present); research of socio-natural history; publication of the monograph "The Life of the Prophet Muhammad" by T. K. Ibragim and N. V. Efremova (2010); study of the phenomenon of the Prophet Muhammad The "Arab Spring" of 2011
V. V. Naumkin elaborated on the analysis of the phenomenon of the "Arab Spring" by Russian Orientalists. He cited D. Moisei's statement that the XXI century can become a century of identity. Among the reasons for the events in Arab countries, he singled out the lack of civil liberties and "social elevators", corruption. Some Orientalists also have an opinion about the important role of the external factor, up to the"conspiracy theory". However, if you look closely, the events in the Arab countries do not seem unexpected, you can recall the "bread riots" in a number of Arab countries. Traditional media, such as mosques, television, especially Al - Jazeera, mobile telephony, and only last of all the Internet and social networks, played an important role in mass mobilization. V. V. Naumkin noted that today we can talk about the emergence of a new pan-Arabism with new features.
As President of the Society of Oriental Studies of Russia in 2010-2012, V. V. Naumkin briefly described its activities and the official status of a non-profit partnership of Oriental studies institutions in the country. He suggested that the Congress of Orientalists, which meets every two years, should be considered a General Meeting of the society; the Council of Coordinators of the society will be formed from the heads of Oriental studies institutions that are part of it. The proposals were adopted by a general vote.
The plenary session on September 25 opened with a speech by the Director of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences acad. RAS A. M. Vasilyeva "The role of Oriental studies in the context of the "Afroasiatization" of the world". The term "Afroasiatization" was proposed by acad. Russian Academy of Sciences by A. B. Davidson to indicate the cultural and economic impact of Asian and African countries on the development of mankind. Along with the" Asian tigers " today, we can also talk about the "African lions". In the future, eight to nine African countries will have a larger population than Russia. According to A. M. Vasiliev, the extinction of the Caucasian race, along with the aging of the Chinese population in the future, will create a labor vacuum in twenty to forty years, which will be filled by the inhabitants of Africa; they will become the main producers of material and spiritual goods in the future.
M. H. Abuseitova (Kazakhstan) made a report "Oriental studies in the field of history, culture and religion in Kazakhstan". P. M. Valeev (Kazan) in the report "Studying the history of Russian Oriental studies: results and prospects (X1X-beginning of XXI century)" noted the insufficient study of the social context of the life of Russian Orientalists, the history of Oriental thought He stressed the importance of the history of political ideas for reconstructing the life and work of scientists and the need to study the history of the Oriental centers of the post-Soviet space.
M. S. Meyer, Director of the ISAA of Moscow State University, in his report "Ottomanophilism in history and modernity" introduced the history of perception of the Ottoman Empire within it, in Turkey and in Europe. He stressed that the experience of the Ottoman Empire was often met with a positive assessment. He, in particular, was inspired by the great utopian T. Campanella. The positive side of this experience was the existence of "social elevators" built into the system, which is very important for the modern world.
Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences I. F. Popova in her report "Classical Oriental Studies at the present stage" spoke about the preservation of the traditions of classical Oriental studies - the study of written sources, textual studies of the East, in particular Tangut, Uyghur manuscripts and documents of the Dunhuang Foundation in St. Petersburg. Today, the Institute's collection includes 115,000 documents in 65 languages.
E. I. Zelenev (St. Petersburg) in his report "The struggle for influence in the proto-global world" emphasized that the economy and politics of the modern world are being drawn into a state of controlled chaos. He gave information that among the 100 leading economies of the world, 49 TNCs and 51 countries with opposite interests can be named. TNCs are trying to undermine interstate borders, while states are struggling to preserve them. To date, all States have given up their sovereignty in one form or another, transferring some of their functions to interstate organizations. The era of communications dominance is coming. Chaos can be countered by traditional social structures and especially traditional culture. The speaker proposed the concept of "chronoculture "to denote the dominance of time in culture while" removing " the role of space; it was this type of culture that dominated when changing the social system in Iraq. Today, the three-world model looks different than it did in the mid-twentieth century: the first world is formed by the United States, China, and the European Union; their dominance is recognized by the third world countries, while the second world: Brazil, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Russia and some others are in the selection state. In order to preserve independence, according to E.I. Zelenev, it is necessary to develop horizontal ties between states in contrast to the already existing vertical ones.
A.V. Malashenko (Moscow) in his report "Conflict of Civilizations: myth or reality" emphasized that the words about the dialogue of cultures and calls for intercultural dialogue hide its absence - it is necessary to recognize the presence of conflicts, the "fencing" of civilizations, which V. V. Naumkin spoke about. S. Huntington's widely known and highly criticized monograph "Clash of Civilizations" reflects the fact that there are conflicts in the modern world and that its development is not going as many would like. The speaker identified two processes: the politicization of religion and the religization of politics, which exist and will continue to exist, in his opinion, forever. A.V. Malashenko believes that conflict is generated, among other things, by the competition of religions with each other. The "Arab Spring" is another brick in the wall between the worlds, and the unity of the world of Islam is recognized at the highest level: by the Presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama.
F. A. Asadullin (Moscow) in his report "The formation of Russian statehood in the context of historical ties between Kazan and Moscow" emphasized that over the past five centuries, a Christian-Muslim and Turkic-Slavic symbiosis has developed on the territory of Russia, and the world of the East today is a part of our common existence.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. M. Prozorov (St. Petersburg) in his report "The current state of Russian Islamic Studies" spoke about the international project "Islam in the territory of the former Russian Empire".
Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Ya. Belokrenitsky (Moscow) in his report "Multi-factor analysis of the geopolitical space to the south of modern Russia (along the southern borders of the Caucasus and Central Asia)" spoke about the activities of the Center for the Study of Near and Middle East Countries of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He elaborated on the problems of multi-factor analysis of the development of the region under study. Although there has been a convergence of Western and Eastern civilizations in terms of material success and lifestyle, the region is increasingly influenced by internal factors, primarily Islamic ideology, demography, and ecology. The dynamics of demographic growth is striking; in the context of a huge increase in the population, the problem of resources, primarily fresh water, is becoming more acute. V. Ya.Belokrenitsky described the specifics of the current situation in Iran and Pakistan. In Iran, the common population suffers from international sanctions. However, external pressure can also serve as a factor of consolidation of society. Iran offers a unique combination of authoritarianism and democracy, theocracy and republicanism. With regard to Pakistan, we can talk about half a century of economic and political stagnation, lagging behind India. Environmental and demographic problems in Pakistan can lead to a crisis, strengthening the role of Pakistan as the central hub of Islamic radicalism.
Vice-rector of Kazan Federal University, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations of KFU L. N. Latypov in his report "The existential significance of conscious faith in Islam" emphasized that faith in Islam under the Jadid ("new") approach is a clearly realized qualitative state of a person, and true faith consists in realizing one's true place in life.
Further work of the congress was held on September 26-27 in the sections "Oriental studies education", "History and Archeology", "Cultures and Religions of the peoples of the East", "Linguistics", "Political Science", "Ethnology and Philology", "Cultures and Religions of the peoples of Tatarstan", "Economic Relations".
The section " History and Archeology "was opened by N. N. Kradin's report (Vladivostok)"Results of Russian-Mongolian studies of the cities of the Liao Empire". In the course of recent years, archaeological maps of the Kerulen and Tola River valleys were compiled, and the ancient settlements of Chintolgoibalgas, Emgentiin-hare and Hare-denj were excavated, apparently representing fortresses that protected the northwestern borders of the Khitan Liao Empire (907-1125). The findings are undoubtedly interesting, since it was previously believed that the construction of (capital) cities in the steppes was practiced only by Uyghurs and Mongols. A large amount of data was found on the population of Bohai people living in or around cities. This completely coincides with the reports of written sources about the relocation of several hundred Bohai families to this area to provide food for the Khitan garrisons. Message from Yu. S. The event was dedicated to the experience gained by the staff of the Department of Archeology and Ethnography of Novosibirsk State University in the field of training specialists in the archeology of Central Asia, as well as international cooperation, in which dozens of scientists from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan were trained and defended their dissertations. features of historiography of Russian-Mongolian scientific cooperation".
In the report of E. A. Tumakhani (Ulan-Ude) "Medieval written sources on cross-cultural relations of the Mongols", it was suggested that the written Mongolian language was formed much earlier than the XII-XIII centuries, as indicated by linguistic studies of the main written monuments of the Mongol Empire era. The question of when the Mongols actually mastered writing remains open, and it may also have happened somewhat earlier than is generally believed. S. V. Dmitriev (Moscow) in his report "The legendary history of the Uyghurs in the Stele on the Merits of the Iduk-kut Gaochanvans". Some Reflections " presented an interesting version of the miraculous birth of the first Uyghur ruler from a tree growth, carved on a bilingual stele dating back to 1334. Apparently, this legend was developed by the Uyghurs already in Turfan, where they fled after the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate in the middle of the 9th century. It is also possible that it influenced the so-called Oirat Khanate (Union of Four Oirats), which in the first half of the 15th century, led by the Choros Taish, successfully fought for dominance in the steppes: the legend recorded in Oirat folklore about the birth of the first ancestor of the Choros is very close to the one discussed. Perhaps this suggests that the Oirats created their first state under some influence of the Turfan Uyghurs.
M. S. Gadzhiev (Makhachkala) in his report "Dagh-bars of the Great Caucasian Wall of the Sasanian era" summarized the results of the archaeological study of the Mountain Steng fortification system (Turk.- Persian: Dag bars)- an integral part of the Derbent defense complex, built in the late 560s-early 570s by the Sassanids to protect the northern borders of the empire and block the Derbent corridor, the only convenient way to cross the Caucasus Ridge. In addition to the famous citadel of Derbent, the defensive armament includes 42 km of walls reinforced with 61 forts. The mountain wall was used for its intended purpose until the 13th century. R. U. Karimova (Almaty) made a report "From the history of ancient and medieval cities of East Turkestan".
A. O. Zakharov (Moscow) in his report "Early Tsarist epigraphy of Southeast Asia in the V-VIII centuries", based on the types of texts of early Sanskrit inscriptions in the region: poetic, prose and mixed, as well as the use of different poetic dimensions in different regions of Southeast Asia, suggested that Indian poetics were borrowed from different sources. (St. Petersburg) in his report "Champa State as a crossroads of civilizations" told about the history of the penetration of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam into the territory of Central Vietnam.
Yu. A. Averyanov (Moscow) in his report "Medieval written sources on the worldview of the Alevis of Turkey" emphasized the specifics of the works of the Alevite tradition belonging to the Shiite communities of "Kyzylbash" or "Alevites" in Turkish literature. K. G. Muratshina (Yekaterinburg) in her report "On some features of the Chinese interpretation of the history of relations with Russia" attracted attention A.V. Antoshin (Yekaterinburg) in his report "Formation and development of ideas about the countries of the Near and Middle East among the population of the Southern Urals in the mid-1940s - early 1950s (based on the materials of the Documentation Center of the Modern History of the Orenburg region)" investigated the ways of dissemination of the Russian and Chinese official versions of a number of historical events. information about events in the Middle East through the local press, course programs, and reports from party lecturers.
V. M. Krasin (Kaluga) showed "The prospects of using documents of the authorities of the Russian Empire devoted to exile from the Caucasus in the study of the naqshbandiyya, Qadiriyya and shaziliyya tariqas". K. T. Aksonov (Kazan) in his report "The First Balkan War of 1912-1913 and the Volga-Ural Tatars (on the centenary of the First Balkan War)" reconstructed the perception and forms of participation of Tatars in the prelude of the First World War. L. A. Chereshneea (Lipetsk) in his report "On the 70th anniversary of the "August Revolution" of 1942 in India: new documents and discussion problems "concluded that it was a mass anti-British movement under the slogan" Leave India!", combining non-violent and armed methods of struggle against the colonial regime. I. Y. Morozova (Berlin) in the report "Perestroika in Soviet Central Asia and Socialist Mongolia: the formation of a new inequality through disputes within the Soviet Union". elites " described the perestroika processes as a change of power (expressed by the political elite) discourses through the deconstruction of old speech patterns. Kirichenko (Moscow) in his report "The Comintern and the concept of Greater East Asia as the leading Ideological trends in the politics of the USSR and Japan before World War II" recalled the main milestones of Japan's foreign policy in the first half of the XX century.
The first session of the section "Cultures and Religions of the peoples of the East" was opened by the report of Tawfiq Ibrahim (Moscow) "Prospects of reformism in Islam". T. Ibrahim stated that the reformation of Islam requires the desacralization of sacred texts. The sacred text allows for various interpretations, reformism is one of its interpretations.
G. G. Zainullin (Kazan) in his report "Islam in Korea" spoke about the history of the emergence and development of Islam in South Korea, where currently there are more than 20 mosques, 4 Islamic centers and about 50 prayer houses. After 1917, a number of Tatars emigrated to Korea. Now there is a Tatar national community in the Republic of Korea. There is a Korean association of Islamic communities, a mosque, a madrasah, and a Muslim cemetery are open in Seoul. The Quran has been translated into Korean. Since the 1950s, a new trend has emerged - there are Koreans who accept Islam.
Dmitry Frolov (Moscow) in his report "Qur'an Studies: Research prospects" emphasized that Russia has become a multi-confessional country (as it was before). Islam for Russia has always been "home", Eurocentrism has always been milder than in the West. Domestic Qur'anic studies are being developed, and both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars are involved in this process, and a dialogue is being conducted between them. The main thing is that the polemic should be constructive. The importance of Islamic studies in Oriental education has increased.
V. V. Ivanov (Kazan) in his report "Tatarization"of the missionary activity of new Neoprotestant religious movements in the Ural-Volga region spoke about the intensification of activities in the region of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Protestant sects that conduct missionary activities in the Tatar and Bashkir languages.
F. Sh. Nuriyeva (Kazan) in her report "Islamic sources in the 14th - century monument "Nahzhel-Faradis" noted that the source analyzed by her reflects all aspects of the spiritual culture of the Tatars and that it shows the spread of Islam in the Volga region. P. P. Elsabruti (Kazan) ' Arabic manuscript "Pearls of Curiosities and Wonders "' was also devoted to the medieval source. Minnegulov (Kazan) - "Ancient literature and its elements in the Turkic-Tatar literature". Many works of ancient Greek literature have come down to us in translations from Arabic. Tatars converted to Islam in the VII-VIII centuries and were well acquainted with the Arabic-Persian literature. F. S. Sibagatov (Ufa) in his report "The syrah genre in the works of R. Fakhretdinov" spoke about this type of folk novel of biography in Bashkir literature.
Along with medieval manuscripts, the latest means of communication were also discussed. E. I. Grishaeva (Yekaterinburg) made a report "Positioning Islamic values in Runet" based on the analysis of three sites (;; She noted that issues of family relations, relations between parents and children, and problems of education occupy an important place on these sites.
E. S. Lvova (Moscow) in her report "Traditional beliefs of African peoples today" identified three periods: the complete domination of traditional beliefs, the arrival of the world religions of Christianity and Islam in Africa, and the modern period. Christianity was adopted in Ethiopia in the fourth century, in the Congo in the fifteenth century; Islam came to Africa in the seventh century. Today, 30% of the population of Tropical Africa professes Islam. The modern period is characterized in Africa by a combination of
islam and Christianity with traditional beliefs( for example, the cult of fertility), religious syncretism. In general, Africa provides an example of religious tolerance.
M. N. Suvorov (St. Petersburg) in his report "Problems and prospects of studying modern Arabic literature in Russia" noted a deep decline in the study of modern Arabic literature in Russia, pointing out the acute shortage of specialists in Arabic literature. In the 1990s, young Arabists did not go into science, and only a small number of enthusiasts are engaged in Arabic literature. Few translations of Arabic literary works into Russian are published. Meanwhile, in the context of globalization, new features are emerging in Arabic literature: first of all, it is the removal of taboos, which can be seen in such authors as Al-Aswani and Zeidan. D. R. Khairutdinov (Kazan) in his report "Science Fiction in modern Arabic literature" noted that Arab culture is characterized by fatalism, unwillingness to look into the future. There are few works of fiction, mostly historical and romance novels. In the Arab East, science fiction is less popular than in South Korea, Japan, and China, as it can be suspected of atheism. However, in the Middle Ages, Arab authors were known for their fabulous and fantastic works and gained great recognition for them in Western Europe. Today, new works in the genre of science fiction are appearing in Egypt and Morocco.
A.M. Nigmatullina (Kazan) made a report "Creativity of women writers in the modern literary process of Turkey", in which she analyzed the novel "Street of Tranquility", as well as other novels of modern Turkish writers. E. F. Sukhova's speech (Nizhny Novgorod) "The progressive role of the first Arab women's magazines in changing the status of women in the Arab East (Stages of development of women's journalism in the Arab East)"was also devoted to gender issues. She divided the history of the development of these magazines into several periods, described the features of each of them. The first women's magazine appeared in Alexandria, its editor was Salima Sarkisa.
At the congress, it was repeatedly mentioned (for example, by P. M. Valeev at the first plenary session) that an important aspect of Oriental studies is the history of Russian Oriental studies and Orientalists. N. G. Romanova (Moscow) spoke about the results of the scientific project of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences " Memory and War. Memoirs of Orientalists about the Second World War". The project participants conducted a survey of Orientalists of war veterans, home front workers, war children, and blockade runners.
In the section's presentations, much attention was paid to the problems of modernization of the Eastern countries and the impact of globalization on them. The clash of Western values and traditional values of Arab society was discussed in the report of A. I. Yakovlev (Moikva) "Development of culture in the modernized society of the East: the experience of Saudi Arabia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries." He noted the complexity and ambiguity of the processes taking place in Saudi society. Education becomes a value that increases social status.
N. N. Tsvetkova (Moscow) made a presentation "Eastern Countries and globalization: a multi-factor analysis". Globalization as an objective process of strengthening the interdependence of national economies covers not only economic, but also political and social processes, affects the culture of host societies, and culture understood as the essential beginning of civilization. A country's real involvement in globalization can be estimated on the basis of a number of parameters (the book value of FDI, including per capita, in relation to GDP; export volume, share in world exports; indicators of migration flows). Globalization and the ongoing information and communication revolution strengthen the desire to assert national, ethno-confessional identity, the desire to dissociate from the socio-cultural model aimed at unifying the world according to the Western model.
One of the sessions of the section "Cultures and Religions of Eastern countries" was entirely devoted to the problems of East Asia and the Russian Far East. Patrick Franke's report "The Sunni-Shiite conflict and the struggle for pluralism in Islam" (Germany) focused on the history of the struggle of different trends in Islam and the efforts of supporters of pluralism in this religion. Despite the fact that Islam has often managed to find ways to resolve conflicts, new challenges arise quite often; modernity is no exception. However, the desire for reconciliation and compromise does not seem to weaken either. L. B. Badmaeva (Ulan-Ude) in her report "Shamanistic terminology of the Buryats from chronicle sources" considered a number of little-known Buryat chronicle monuments, analyzed their structure and vocabulary, paying special attention to the description of shamanistic rituals, shamanic vocabulary. (Moscow) in the report
"Siberian-Mongolian relations in the field of shamanic mythology" presented the results of its research on identifying links between the mythological plots of legends about shamans among the peoples of Siberia and Mongolia. He processed about 600 texts of 34 oral traditions (primarily of the peoples of Siberia), identified 120 motifs. It is noted that the legends of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of the region are very similar, although the closest neighbors of many of them (for example, the Yakuts) are the peoples of other language families. Many Buryat legends based on Buddhist themes turn out to be derived from legends about shamans. In the future, it is planned to add material from Mongolia and North America to the study database.
The topic of the section was musicology. The reports focused on the socio-cultural functions of traditional music.
L. D. Dashieva (Ulan-Ude) in her report "Semantics of ritual lingering songs of the Mongolian peoples" emphasized the importance of studying the musical heritage of the Mongolian peoples and complained that musicological topics usually fall out of the field of view of orientalists. She also examined a number of legends about the origin of Mongolian lingering songs. In her opinion, many of their features can be explained by the steppe landscape, and imitation of the sounds of nature plays an important role. V. Y. Suzukey (Kyzyl) spoke about the musical heritage of nomadic peoples.
K. V. Orlova (Moscow) in her report "Mongolian manuscript collections in Ulaanbaatar" revealed the peculiarities of collections of manuscripts and woodcuts from Mongolian collections. G. T. Telebaev (Almaty) in his report "Islam in modern Kazakhstan" described the current state of Islam in the republic based on the data of a 2010 sociological survey. The report of Zh. D. Dorzhieva (Ulan-Ude) focused on the education of Genghis Khan and his positive role in the history of the Mongolian people and humanity as a whole. According to the speaker, the principles of personality formation, known from the descriptions of Genghis Khan's upbringing contained in the" Secret Legend of the Mongols", can still be used today, since they allow you to teach a person to live in harmony with nature and others.
At the section"Oriental Studies education" G. K. Prozorova (Moscow) made a report "Development of Oriental Studies in the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry". She noted that the Academy is an open educational institution that trains and retrains diplomatic personnel and international specialists. G. K. Prozorova spoke about one of the oldest departments of Oriental languages, where the methodology of intensive training in Oriental languages was developed, and about the scientific division of the Academy-the Institute of Topical International Problems, which actively develops Asian, Middle Eastern and Middle Eastern research areas and pays increasing attention to the problems of the Eurasian space.
A. A. Khamatova (Vladivostok) made a report "On the training of Orientalists at the Far Eastern Federal University in the new conditions". In the context of globalization and internationalization of education, opportunities for internships for students in the country of the language being studied have expanded, which improves the quality of language training. However, after the introduction of the Unified State Exam in schools, there is a decline in the general cultural level and the level of native language proficiency, which makes it difficult to train translators. A. A. Khamatova suggested raising the issue of returning to the payment of allowances and providing additional benefits to Oriental teachers, as it was in the 1960s, in order to attract young cadres to teaching.
A number of reports were devoted to the problems of training specialists of a certain profile: indologists, Arabists, and Sinologists. The problems of training indologists were discussed in the report of I. P. Glushkova (Moscow) " The loss of Indian regionalism as a research area and the project group "Under the sky of South Asia". While in the 1950s and 1970s there was a real boom in training specialists with knowledge of various languages of Hindustan, after perestroika such training stopped. The project - group "Under the sky of South Asia", created within the framework of the Center for Indian Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is designed to preserve the disappearing direction of studying the regions of South Asian countries. T. L. Shaumyan's speech "Indology: Yesterday, today - and tomorrow?" (Moscow) was also devoted to the problems of indological research.
A. I. Kobzev (Moscow) spoke about the problems of studying China. He stressed that Oriental studies has historically developed as a complex scientific discipline, since the object of its study is characterized by the interdependence of cultural forms, which is fundamentally greater than in the West. No serious phenomenon of Chinese culture can be understood without knowledge of the Chinese language and hieroglyphics. The Chinese are the carriers of the most ancient of living civilizations, which has
the longest and most detailed self-description. Sinology was initially formed as a combination of philology and history; later, economics (political economy) was added to this. Only recently, with a huge delay, a philosophy that is of key importance for China was included in the training of Sinologists.
In the section reports, the problems of training orientalists were considered using specific examples of a number of higher educational institutions (KFU, RSUH, RUDN University, Altai State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg State University) and regions (Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Tatarstan, the Far East). Much attention was paid to the problems of Turkology, the work of outstanding Turkologists-N. F. Katanov (the opening of the exhibition dedicated to his work took place on September 28) and V. V. Radlov.
B. M. Yagudin (Kazan), using the example of the Center for Eurasian and International Studies of Kazan University, spoke about the "Experience of research centers for studying the problems of Eurasia". He dedicated his speech "Historical Education and Oriental Studies in Russia" to the role and place of Oriental studies in Russian science and education.: historical experience and modern problems" V. G. Datsyshen (Krasnoyarsk). I. G. Galyautdinov, A.V. Psyanchin, Yu. V. Psyanchin, and F. G. Khisamitdinova (all - Ufa) presented their joint report "Oriental Studies in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2010-2012: Results and prospects". state university". Report by M. B. Rukodelnikova (Moscow) " On the 20th anniversary of Oriental Studies at RGTU. Results and prospects" was dedicated to the Department of Oriental Languages, which over the 20-year period of its existence has trained specialists who are in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.
At the "Political Science" section, O. V. Pushnikov (Perm) spoke about Eurasia in a historical context in his report "Transformation of the" Mongol Sphere "and post-Imperial processes in Eurasia".
V. V. Graivoronsky (Moscow) in his report "Mongolia's State policy in the field of supporting Mongolian studies in the world" noted that Mongolia has a low GDP per capita, but it allocates funds to support research in Mongolian studies. Ulaanbaatar hosts international summer schools for Mongolian studies. The International Association of Mongolian Scholars was established. The Russian Society of Mongolian Studies, headed by B. V. Bazarov, operates in Russia. The number of students studying Mongolian in Russia is decreasing. But there are new centers for Mongolian studies-in Tuva, Kyzyl.
E. A. Fomicheva (Moscow) made a presentation on "Political development of Thailand in the late XX-early XXI century". The political system of Thailand is a combination of East and West. The most important poles of influence are parties, the army, and royalty. The balance between different groups is maintained through two mechanisms-elections and coups. In the 20th century, there were 19 coups in Thailand. Governments changed, but the same political elite remained in power. In the 1980s, a new elite, the new Thais, emerged as a result of economic growth in the provinces. It skillfully applies mass mobilization technologies through mass media, the Internet, as well as simple slogans: "Down with the government!", "For fair elections". For general identification of supporters of a particular force, multi-colored shirts are used: red, yellow, and black. Such a situation can lead the country to a " manageable (whether?) chaos", change of elites, destabilization. Some of the world's elites seek to de-sovereignize states. A. B. Podtserob (Moscow) commented on the concept of "controlled chaos". He noted that the experience of the countries of the Middle East shows that chaos ceases to be manageable. The United States in its policy in the Middle East calculates its actions by a step, by one and a half, but no more.
The report "Islam and power in Indonesia in the period of reforms (1998-2012)" was made by A. Y. Another (Moscow), who noted that Indonesia is a multi-ethnic, multi-confessional state. The superimposition of ethno-confessional problems on social ones creates a critical mass. None of the faiths is officially given priority, but Islam turned out to be the ideological form of nationalism. Globalization is perceived by many Indonesians as an increase in the influence of the West. Islamic values are contrasted with Western values. However, the idea of creating a global caliphate is not supported by Indonesian Muslims. The entire population of the country can consolidate in the event of the threat of the collapse of national statehood.
E. M. Astafieva (Moscow) in the report " Mechanisms of regulation of interfaith and interethnic relations. Global Trends and Singapore's Experience " noted that Singapore
he has achieved considerable success in regulating inter-confessional relations. All citizens are obliged to show tolerance and restraint, religion should be separated from politics. Olga Siventseva (Perm) made a presentation on "Implantation of political institutions in China".
B. V. Dolgov (Moscow), in his report "The Arab Spring in North Africa: Causes and Prospects", emphasized that in Tunisia and Egypt, the main reasons for anti-government protests were internal factors - the socio-economic crisis, corruption and nepotism of the ruling elite, the lack of political leadership, and the lack of political leadership. In Libya, however, an external factor played a decisive role - military support for the opposition forces from the outside. The main preliminary outcome of the" Arab revolutions " is the strengthening of the role of Islam and the rise to power of "political Islam" movements in almost all countries affected by the"Arab Spring". Its prospects largely depend on how successfully the new regimes will be able to solve or at least mitigate the acute socio-economic problems that the protest potential of the Arab revolutions was directed against. A. B. Podtserob's reports (Moscow) " The Arab Spring. The role of Islamists "and E. E. Imamkuliyeva (Moscow)" Understanding the causes and consequences of the "Arab Spring" in historical perspective".
I. R. Tomberg (Moscow) and I. Yu.Avdakov (Moscow) presented a detailed report on the activities of the Center for Energy and Transport Research of the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the "Economic Relations" section. The main focus of the center is to study the economic, technological, and commercial aspects of the emerging Asian energy market, as well as the transport sector of the economies of Asia and the Russian Far East. R. I. Bekkin (Kazan) spoke about the teaching of Islamic economics as an academic discipline at the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations of Kazan University, about the importance of this discipline in the training of personnel of various organizations. N. I. Smirnova (Moscow) in her report "Problems of socio-economic development of the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan" considered the very difficult socio-economic situation that developed after the division of Sudan into two states, the problems that have arisen and the prospects for their solution. The distribution of oil export revenues, transportation of oil, infrastructure development, and the division of the Nile River are particularly acute. Ghukasyan (Moscow) presented the report "Strategy of economic modernization in the Arab oil-exporting countries of the Persian Gulf (on the example of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait)". The most difficult aspects of this issue are the following:: how to make the economy of these countries more open and at the same time strengthen local economic structures, how to expand the market sphere and maintain state control over it and the "social contract" between the population and the authorities in the face of a decrease in the share of the public sector in the economy and a possible reduction in the allocation of oil rents for social purposes.
During the congress, cooperation agreements were signed between the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, between the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences and KFU, between the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences and KFU, between the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations of KFU and the Yunus Emre Institute (Turkey).
At the plenary session, the Vice-president of the Society of Oriental Studies A. A. Stolyarov (Moscow) made a report " Creation of the electronic library "Scientific Heritage of Russia" (address Vice-President of the Society of Oriental Studies of Russia K. V. Babaev (Moscow) spoke about the prospects for the work of the Society of Oriental Studies of Russia. The Society has a website where conference materials will be posted. The Company intends to subscribe to the electronic newsletter of Russian Oriental studies, publish newsletters, support the creation of new divisions and subsidiaries, and conduct educational, educational and cultural activities. For financing, it is planned to attract sponsors, introduce the institute of corporate membership. Heads of research centers should be members of the Company's Management Board. Much attention will be paid to international cooperation, relations with ICANAS, and scientific centers abroad.
Director of the Yunus Institute Emre Ali Fuad Valhan (Turkey) also spoke at the plenary session and spoke about Turkey's cooperation with foreign specialists in Turkology.
At the final plenary session, on the proposal of V. V. Naumkin, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations of KFU, Vice-rector of KFU L. N. Latypov was elected President of the Society of Russian Orientalists for 2012-2014.
The next IX Congress of Russian Orientalists will be held in 2014.
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