Libmonster ID: TJ-652
Автор(ы) публикации: O. T. TUMANOVA

Recently, in floriculture and horticulture, there has been a displacement of native Russian names and their replacement with transliterations from Latin. So, the Russian name" clematis "has long been out of use, and instead of it, flower growers, including amateurs, use the Latin"clematis". In the Caucasian subtropics, "ligustrum" appears instead of "privet". In 1999, the Russian name of the tavolga shrub was changed to the Latin name "spirea" in a radio advertisement of the Mir Zavedeniy company. In principle, among botanists, it is legitimate to use both Russian and Latin names in speech, including oral speech. However, among non-professionals, including homegrown flower growers, there is a spontaneous factor, and they do not care about the culture of Russian speech, like electronic media, which intensively introduce political and economic vocabulary from Western European languages, mainly from English.

In the newspaper Moskovsky Sadovod (1999 N 4), in the advertisement "Assortment of planting material for ornamental crops for sale", instead of Russian names or long-standing borrowings, only Latin ones are transliterated; arabis (Rus. rezukha), solidago (Rus, golden rod), colchicum (Rus. bezvremennik), sedum (Rus. ochitok), crocus (Rus. saffron), muscari (Rus. viper onion-although it is not consonant, it is a Russian name), spirea (Rus. meadowsweet). The reason for this interference on the part of the Latin language is the publication of names through the media, bypassing scientific editing.

Herbal medicine currently uses not only popular medicinal plants, but also exotic ones that are unknown to our consumers. And here, unfortunately, there is a complete inability of pharmacists and doctors to translate them into Russian. As a curious case of such translation activity, which is recorded in all editions of the reference book "Medicinal Products" by M. D. Mashkovsky, is the publication in it of the composition of the Ayurvedic drug "Liv-52", where the list of plants used completes the Sanskrit mandur bhasma, meaning subjected to roasting

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powdered iron, not the juice or decoction of the plant, as reported before this list. In general, these publications, which also include the all-encompassing reference book "Vidal", "Register of Medicinal Products of Russia" and other smaller ones, as a rule, do not provide translations of the names of exotic plants and not only exotic, but sometimes native ones described in "Flora of the USSR". Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to increase the information content and literacy of prescription prescriptions submitted by pharmaceutical publications.

At one time, the work "Trees and Shrubs of the USSR" was published, which reported on the species of both wild-growing local and foreign ones cultivated in botanical gardens. The largest number of errors were made when passing names of foreign plants. This circumstance prompted Professor of Botany A. K. Skvortsov to write a critical review in the Botanical Journal (1977. Vol. 56. N 7). However, the article by A. K. Skvortsov had no effect due to the limited circulation of the publication, and previous mistakes were invariably repeated in other publications: Sargent's juniper-the name mentioned in the newspaper Pravda of August 4, 1989 in the article "Small da Udal". This is the name of a juniper species, given in honor of the American botanist and forester Sargent, (not Sargent).

The spelling of Russian names that are not included in the Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language also suffers. In the newspaper "Metro" (1999. N 239) in the article "Flowers of the new century" mistakes were made: calicarpa (correctly-callicarpa "red fruit"), asmanthus (correctly-osmanthus - "fragrant flower"). The use of the generic name in the plural in the phrase: "... some species of camellias bloom... " is wrong from a botanical point of view, since camellia is the name of a genus that includes several species. Hence, it should be "camellia species".

Russian equivalents of scientific plant names are represented by two groups of lexemes: 1) original Russian names and loanwords from various languages included in the vocabulary of the Russian language, and 2) late loanwords also from various languages, carried out in the last period of the formation of the Russian botanical nomenclature. Names belonging to the second group have as signifiers species that do not grow on the territory of the former USSR.

Meanwhile, the species presented in the multi-volume Flora of the USSR have Russian equivalents of foreign names recognized and approved by this publication. They can be considered de facto standardized, many of which are native Russian lexemes or borrowings introduced into the common Russian language. They are used both in the household sphere and in other special areas related to plants - in floriculture, horticulture, forestry, medicine,

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pharmacology and in popular publications aimed at the plant consumer.

Despite the fact that the names of many plants represent a peripheral area of the language and currently the frequency of their use is low, the situation may change in the future. In this case, the lack of basic knowledge in this area will lead to a variety of names with undesirable consequences in practice.


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Do not forget the Russian names of plants

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