The toponymy of the Middle Pooch region is closely related to the toponymy of other regions. The areal connections of some Central Oka toponyms, primarily hydronyms of the Early Slavic type, lead to the territories of the primary settlement of the Slavs, which gives researchers reason to believe that it was from there that they came to the Middle Oka.
The Early Slavic toponymic layer includes, in particular, names that go back to the *Brus-toponym base. This topography is quite active in the toponymic space of the Middle Pooch region. Numerous and variously formed examples of names are recorded by G. P. Smolitskaya in the "Hydronymy of the Oka basin" (Moscow, 1976): Brusna, Brusena, Brusenka, Brusyanka, Brusovka, Brusenok, Brusenskoe, etc.
Most of them are classified as hydronyms. Oikonyms are also known. Structurally, they are usually identical to hydronyms, but most likely they are secondary formations. In some cases, a nest of secondary names is formed around hydronyms. For example, three places with the same name are located next to Brusena.
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Microtoponyms: Brusenskaya/aya (2 openings and vershina; Smolitskaya. Edict. op.).
On the pages of written documents, the first names of the group under consideration appear only in the XVI century: the Brusenka River is mentioned in one of the Ryazan refusal certificates (Monuments of Russian writing of the XV-XVI centuries: Ryazan Region. / Edited by S. I. Kotkov, Moscow, 1978). As a rule, the forms of toponyms have not changed over the centuries, or they have changed slightly (for example, Brusena-Brusenka; Smolitskaya. Edict. op.).
The picture of the location of place-based carriers in the toponymic space of the Pooch region is quite fully presented in the work of Yu. P. Chumakova "Settlement of Slavs in the Middle (Ryazan) Pooch region, according to linguistic and historical data" (Ufa, 1992). According to Y. P. Chumakova, the concentration of names is especially high in the upper part of the Oka Right Bank, in the Middle Left Bank-up to the mouth of the Moskva River, in the lower reaches of the Oka. We will only add that representatives of this group can be found in the territories transitioning from the Oka basin to the upper reaches of the Don, in the south of the present-day Ryazan region, where they most likely got "up" on the right tributary of the Oka - Prone, and then on the tributaries of the Proni-Ranove and Verde.
Analyzing the areal relationships of the Central Oka toponyms, Y. P. Chumakova comes to the conclusion that they "lead to the territory of earlier settlement of the Slavs - to the basins of the Dnieper, Vistula, and Danube rivers", where a whole group of hydronyms with the same basis is known; and the geography of distribution of single-root names indicates the Proto-Slavic source of the toponym *Brus-, as well as its adjective-related variant *Vgisn-. The early nature of the base is also supported by the variety of structural variants of names and the presence of nests of secondary names.
The etymology of names is associated with the appellatives of the *brus-group. Such nouns are known in many Slavic languages with the meaning of "stone", "grindstone", "bar", "hewn wood, log" (Etymological Dictionary of Slavic languages. Proto-Slavic Lexical Fund, Moscow, 1974-1997; further-ESSA).
With the semantics of geographical terms, the lexemes from *brus - have not been preserved, in any case, such examples are not recorded in the ESA and the Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects (L., 1965-1992, Issues 1-27; hereinafter referred to as SRNG). But, in all probability, they existed: this is indicated by toponymic materials and the supposed primary semantics of appellatives - "a rocky, rocky place", "a river with a rocky bottom or rocky banks" (Chumakova. Edict. op.).
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However, the long history and wide geography of toponyms from *Brus-does not exclude the possibility of shifts in their appellative values. In the local geographical terminology, nouns could acquire other semantic shades, which was provoked, first of all, by the new extralinguistic conditions faced by Slavic colonists in the process of developing other territories. Traditional geographical terms of the Slavs, reflecting the natural features of the area of their primary settlement, in areas with flat terrain gradually changed," smoothed "their meaning, and" adapted " thereby to denote other, albeit close, geographical realities. This process was successful due to the inherent semantic potential and flexibility of lexical units.
As a result of this semantic "adaptation", the noun brusna, which served in the Dnieper region to denote rivers with a rocky bottom or rocky banks, was also actively used in the toponymy of territories with a flat landscape (in this case, in the Oka region). Here it could be used for the nomination of water bodies, in particular, with limestone deposits, or simply with high, steep and steep (rather than rocky) banks.
In one of the guides to the Ryazan region, we find a description of the Brusna River, which flows near Ryazan. Among the most characteristic features of this tourist site, it is indicated that the river banks are steep (On the Land of Ryazan, Moscow, 1979). It is possible that this feature served as the main motive for the nomination of the river, and the use of the noun brusna became possible due to the presence in the arsenal of its meanings of the desired image.
Toponymic doublets of names such as Brusna or Brusena can be considered names that go back to the *Kamen-toponym base. This basis is also considered quite ancient. It is attributed to the Proto-Slavic *kamy, which has Indo-European roots (ESYA).
Nouns and the toponyms Kamen, Kamenets, Kamenitsa, Kamenishche, Kamenny, Kamenka (ESYA) formed from them are widely known throughout the Slavic world. Toposnova is also active in the toponymy of the Middle Pooch region. Already in the Ryazan scribal books of the XVI century, it is recorded in the names: Kamenka, Kamenets, Kamennoe, Kamenitsa (Scribal books of the Ryazan region of the XVI century) / Ed. by V. N. Storozhev. Ryazan [Reprint], 1990. Vol. I. Issue 1).
The meaning of nouns with stone-is somehow connected with the designation of a rocky place or, if we are talking about hydronyms, rivers with a rocky bottom. In this respect, the names of this group may be similar to those of *Brus-. But, unlike the latter, the motivation of names from * Kamen-is preserved and it finds a direct result.-
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This is confirmed by the actual geographical characteristics of the name data carriers. As an example, the Kamenka roll, on the Oka River, is so named because the river in this place flows over a stone slab and its flow here becomes stormy and rapid.
Interestingly, due to the loss of motivation for names from *Brus - and the preservation of transparency of names from *Kamen - synonymous toponyms are often localized side by side. So, in the nearest toponymic environment of Brusna, namely among its right tributaries, we find: Kamenny ravine, rzhavets (swamp, stream, spring with rusty water) Kamenitsa, otvershek Kamenishchevsky (Smolitskaya. Edict. op.).
The proximity of two roots-doublets is also found in the onomastic combination Brusyansky stone-so in the XIX century called talc shale, mined near the village of Brusyany in the Sverdlovsk region. Oil shale was exported from there to many cities of Russia (SRNG). Most likely, the origin of the oikonym (and possibly the once-existing hydronym) is connected with the deposits of this rock, which, after obscuring the appellative semantics, itself began to be used in naming the extracted stone.
It should be noted that names with a transparent toponym base - - form a larger group in the modern toponymy of the region under study. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the formation of the main array of toponymy of the area under consideration occurred at a time when the appellatives from kamen - were still active in the local geographical vocabulary, and the appellatives from brus-were already out of active use. In this regard, names like Brusna and Brusena in the toponymy of the Ryazan region can be assigned to a specific time stratum. Most likely, their appearance in the Middle Pooch region is associated with the beginning of Slavic colonization of this region and the formation of the Slavic toponymic space here. The points where the *Brus-group names are located in this space can serve as indicators of the direction of movement of Slavic flows, and therefore of Slavic linguistic and onomastic culture along the Oka arteries.
Names like Kamenka, Kamenets, and Kamenitsa, despite the antiquity of the original basis, cannot be assigned to any particular chronological layer, since this toponymic basis is still active in the means of toponymic word formation, unlike the toponymic basis *Brus -, which has long been its archaic foundation.
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