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April 4, 2012 marks the 75th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Viktorovich Graivoronsky , one of the leading Russian Mongolian scholars, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Mongolia Sector of the Korea and Mongolia Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir Viktorovich himself admits that he was incredibly lucky in life. He graduated from high school in Kharkov in 1954 with a silver medal, and the representative of MGIMO for the selection of candidates for applicants who came from Moscow that year suggested that he go to study in Moscow, at MGIMO. Everything turned out well - he was accepted to MGIMO at the Mongolian Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

V. V. Graivoronsky never regretted that he became a Mongolian scholar, he loved Mongolia and its people forever. Good feelings and enthusiasm were born at the Institute during classes with teachers of the Mongolian language G. D. Sanzheev (old-written), A. R. Rinchine, M. F. Kozyrev (modern, based on the Cyrillic alphabet) and others, as they got acquainted with the ancient and modern history of Mongolia, its economy, and culture. Interest in the country and everything connected with it increased at the Central Komsomol School, where Vladimir Viktorovich worked as a translator of the Mongolian language in 1960 - 1966 after graduating from the institute. His work at the Central School gave him a lot, and first of all, he mastered the spoken and modern literary language perfectly (a significant addition to the institute's knowledge), and among the Mongolian students of the school he made many close acquaintances and friends.

But as the years passed, the decision was gradually made to improve their skills and get a deeper understanding of the country, its history and modern development. And for this, a reliable compass is science. In 1966. Vladimir Viktorovich became an employee of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences (at that time - the Institute of Asian Countries). In the Mongolian sector, which was then headed by S. D. Dylykov, such a new addition was welcomed: a young, but already experienced, certified specialist with a brilliant knowledge of the Mongolian language. I was impressed by his discipline, efficiency, modesty, and most importantly-a genuine desire for knowledge. His potential as a promising researcher was revealed quite quickly. From the very beginning, his research interests were diverse: actual problems of Mongolia's history, its socio-economic development, Soviet (Russian)-Mongolian relations, and much more. But priority for many years was given to studying the economy and life of the main class of Mongolian society-aratstvo (nomadic livestock breeders), the profound changes that took place in the Mongolian steppe. Vladimir Viktorovich showed particular interest in the problem of nomadism, the possibilities and ways of transition to sedentarism and semi-sedentarism. His PhD thesis, which he defended in 1974, was entitled " Some problems of nomadic settlement (The experience of the MNR. 1921-early 1970's)". In 1979 It was published under the title " From a nomadic lifestyle to a settled One (based on the experience of the MNR)". The book provides a scientific analysis of the main trends, forms and features of the objective process of nomadic settlement in Mongolia, which accelerated sharply in the 20th century as a result of significant changes in the economy and in the entire social life. The monograph received positive reviews in Russia, Mongolia, and the United States. In particular, it is reliably known that the then head of Mongolia, Yu. Tsedenbal-the topic clearly interested him. His notes in the margins have been preserved: "Conduct a comparative study with Buryatia", " Are there any books about it in Buryatia? In Kyrgyzstan and Kalmykia?" etc.

The ideas and generalizations presented in this first major work were further developed in the monograph " Cooperative aratstvo MNR: changes in the standard of living. 1960-1980 " (Moscow, 1982). In it, the author, true to the spirit of that time, emphasized the positive aspects of industrial cooperation of aratstvo, but at the same time stated that "the living and working conditions of livestock breeders are still not easy."

In the paper "Mongolia: changes in the structure of family budgets of the rural population during the transition from a socialist model of development to a market one" (Moscow, 1996), published already at the time of the formation of a new social structure in the country, the author analyzes the situation that developed in Arat farms during the dissolution of cooperatives and the transition to a market economy.

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In a detailed form, these and other issues were analyzed in the doctoral dissertation of V. V. Graivoronsky " Modern Aratstvo of Mongolia: social problems of the transition period (1980-1995) "(Moscow, 1997). This is a comprehensive study of the main changes that occurred in the socio-political and socio-economic situation of Aratstvo at the final stage of the existence of the socialist system and at the initial phase of the forced transition from the old model of development to a new one based on market relations. A detailed classification of current social problems is given, and changes in the level and quality of life of the rural population are analyzed. A separate chapter is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of nomadism and sedentarization (transition to sedentarism) in the conditions of modern Mongolia. The author has identified and briefly described a new phenomenon of renomadization in Mongolia in the first half of the 1990s.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, a new period can be traced in the subject of V. V. Graivoronsky's scientific research. If earlier it was a priority for him to analyze the processes taking place in agriculture and in the life of aratstvo, now he pays more and more attention to the study of socio-economic and political processes taking place in the country and abroad.

The capital work " Reforms in the social sphere of modern Mongolia "(Moscow, 2007) is the most characteristic in this regard. For the first time in Russian Mongolian studies, the monograph comprehensively examines the features, main directions and first results of state policy in the field of social sphere reform in the period after 1990 and until the mid-2000s in the context of political confrontation between the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) and the bloc of liberal-democratic parties. The current state and prospects of solving the most acute social problems are considered. The volumes and main directions of assistance from the international community are shown. I must say that this book, like the previous ones, met with a positive response from specialists in Russia, Mongolia and other countries.

Of great interest is the work "Changes in the standard of living of the population of Buryatia (Russia), Inner Mongolia (China) and Mongolia in the late XX - early XXI centuries", which is currently in production. In it, the author went beyond the borders of Mongolia proper and made an attempt to systematize and analyze comparative data on the development of both Mongolia and neighboring regions of Russia and China, which are historically closely connected with it.

Major monographic studies of V. V. Graivoronsky are mentioned above. In general, he is the author of more than 100 scientific publications. Their range is very wide: relations between our countries at different stages of history, the contribution of Mongolian-speaking peoples to world civilization, the peculiarities of relations between Russian and Mongolian civilizations, the concept of national security of Mongolia, the history and historiography of the military conflict on Khalkhin-Gol (1939), the current stage of modernization of railway transport in Mongolia, etc.

Vladimir Viktorovich is one of the main authors and editors of recent collective works. Let us note the recent publications: "Russia and Mongolia: a New Look at the history of mutual relations in the XX century "(Moscow, 2001), " History of Mongolia. XX century" (Moscow, 2007), "Russia and Mongolia on the path of strategic partnership" (Moscow, 2011).

Special mention should be made of the long - term fruitful work of V. V. Graivoronsky as the head of the sector of Mongolia (1992-1996, from 2004 to the present). Its efforts are aimed at organizing research by employees of the sector of actual problems of Mongolian studies, preparing and editing collective monographs and collections, holding scientific conferences, symposiums, etc.

Vladimir Viktorovich pays special attention to strengthening cooperation with Mongolian scientists. Our traditional ties with them have always been close and multifaceted, and it is very important that they remain so even in our difficult times. Despite all the difficulties, meetings with Mongolian scientists, joint scientific conferences in Moscow and Ulaanbaatar are still being held, and joint scientific publications are being prepared. We emphasize that the above-mentioned major works on a new perspective on the history of mutual relations and on strategic partnership were prepared jointly by Russian and Mongolian authors.

Vladimir Viktorovich takes an active part in the work of the international congresses of Mongol studies, which are periodically convened in Ulaanbaatar. At the meeting held in November 2011 in

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In Moscow, at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the constituent meeting of the Russian Society of Mongolian Studies (ROM), he was elected deputy chairman of this public organization.

V. V. Graivoronsky's works are well known not only in Russian centers of Oriental studies, but also outside of Russia, primarily in Mongolia, as well as in China, Japan, the USA, France, Germany and other countries. It is no exaggeration to say that he himself is very popular among Mongolian scientists, and not only scientists. Excellent knowledge of the language, customs, national peculiarities, sociability, friendliness open the doors of any yurt in the steppe and a familiar apartment in the city. When he was preparing his papers on agriculture after his trips to Mongolia, the department joked that Graivoronsky probably knew almost every Arat.

I have often had to observe with what mood and pleasure he communicates in Mongolian. In his native Russian, he usually speaks a little slowly, as if restraining himself, but in Mongolian, his speech flows freely, without a hitch... It's worth a lot... He sincerely and wholeheartedly respects his friends from Mongolia, and it is mutual.

Our story will be incomplete if we do not say that he devoted a considerable part of his life - from 1982 to 1988 and from 1996 to 2000 - to working at our embassy in Ulaanbaatar. With his knowledge of the language and country, and general training, he was certainly a useful and necessary employee. And for him, his long-term work in Mongolia gave him a great opportunity to serve in a new capacity in the noble cause of strengthening cooperation between our countries, and to further expand the circle of friends and colleagues. So it turned out 10 years. Quite a lot.

And yet, first of all, Vladimir Viktorovich Graivoronsky is a prominent Mongolian scholar of a broad profile. Not without reason, both times after working at the embassy, he did not hesitate to return to the native walls of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The merits of V. V. Graivoronsky in his versatile activities are marked by high government and public awards of Mongolia-medals "Friendship", "50 Years of the Mongolian People's Revolution", etc. He was awarded the Order of the Polar Star in August 2011, during the X International Congress of Mongolian Scholars. The award was presented by the President of Mongolia Ts. Элбэгдорж. In 2006, he was elected an honorary member of the International Association of Mongolian Studies.

We have already mentioned the good human qualities of V. V. Graivoronsky, and we will add here that he is a very reliable, hardworking, executive, and proactive person who can be trusted in both large and small matters.

I would like to sincerely congratulate Vladimir Viktorovich and his wife Alla Andreevna (she was also born on April 4, 1937 - a rare, happy coincidence) on their anniversary, and wish them and the whole friendly family good health, prosperity, new successes, and all the best.


FOR 2008-2011*

Nomadism and social sphere development in modern Mongolia / / Bulletin "The IAMS News Information on Mongol Studies". 2007. N 2; 2008. N 1. Ulaanbaatar. 2008. pp. 65-71.

Problems of traditional Mongolian Culture in the Era of Globalization (Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Mongolian scientist, academician Sh. Exchanges) // East (Oriens). 2008. N 2. pp. 211-214.

Russia and Mongolia on the way to strategic partnership / / Vostok (Oriens). 2008. N 3. pp. 92-106.

About events in Mongolia: an attempt at another "color" revolution? // Asia and Africa today. 2008. N 12. pp. 209-213.

Changes in the standard of living of the population of Buryatia (Russia), Inner Mongolia (China) and Mongolia (late XX - early XXI centuries). IV RAS. 2009, 11 a.l. (Manuscript).

Trade and economic cooperation between Russia, Mongolia and China: main directions and prospects / / Mongol, Oros, Hyatad: XXI zuund heglijn telee hamt-

* For a list of works from 1969 to 2007, see: Oriens. 2007. N 4. pp. 209-211.

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daa (Mongolia, Russia, China: together to development in the XXI century). Ulaanbaatar, 2009. pp. 92-106.

"And the samurai flew to the ground..." / / Asia and Africa today. 2009. No. 8. pp. 67-71 (together with N. I. Ganin).

On meeting with B. Z. Shumyatsky's grandson // Studia Historica Instituti Historiae Academiae Scientiarum Mongoli. Tuuhiin sudlal (Historical Studies). T. XXXIX. Fas. 18. 2009. pp. 224-231.

O razvitii mongolovedeniya v IV RAN (2000 - 2009 gg.) [On the development of Mongolian studies in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2000-2009)]. The IAMS News Information on Mongol Studies Bulletin. Ulaanbaatar, 2009. N 2 (44); 2010. N 1(45). Pp. 43-57.

War on the shores of Khalkhyn Gol - a significant event on the eve of the Second World War / / 70 Years Since Nomnhan Incident (Battle of Khalkhyn Gol): Collection of Treatises in the 2009 International Symposium in Ulaanbaatar. Fukyosha, 2010. P. 271-288 (together with N. I. Ganin).

Voina na Khalkhin-Gol: mesto v mirovoi istorii [The War on Khalkhin-Gol: a Place in World History]. 2010. N 1. pp. 157-164 (together with S. G. Luzyanin).

Kalmyks: 400 years as part of Russia / / Vostok (Oriens). 2010. N2. pp. 159-163 (together with G. Ts. Pyurbeev, E. U. Omakaeva).

Mongolia: Khalkhin-Gol and the Second World War (Views of modern Mongolian historians) / / Score of the Second World War. Groza na Vostoke [Thunderstorm in the East], Moscow: Veche Publ., 2010, pp. 158-182.

A new stage of modernization of Mongolia's railway transport and the role of Russian-Mongolian cooperation // Eastern analytics. 2011. 1 a. l. (in print).

Towards the X International Congress of Mongol Studies. (On Mongolian studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) / / Mongolia Today. 2011. N31 - 32.

Russia and Mongolia on the path of Strategic Partnership, Moscow: IV RAS; Institute of International Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, 2011. Author: Introduction, pp. 8-15; Section II. Ch. 1. Trade and Economic Cooperation, pp. 84-113.

Modern Mongolian historiography on the Khalkhingol War, World War II, and recognition of the international status of the Mongolian People's Republic. 2011. N5. pp. 174-183.

Mongolian Modern Nomadic Herders: Renovation and Challenges // The International Conference on "Cultural Diversity of Nomads". Ulaanbaatar, 2011. P. 107 - 109.

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