Libmonster ID: TJ-715

January 22, 2012 marked the 80th anniversary of the chief researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. N. Moskalenko, our good friend and colleague. Vladimir Nikolaevich was born in the village. Strelnya Leningrad region in the family of a career officer of the Soviet Army, a participant in the Finnish campaign and the Great Patriotic War.

After graduating from the Eastern Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Pakistani studies in 1955, Moskalenko joined the Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences as an editor. In 1956, he was accepted to the Department of India (Pakistan sector) of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Being a representative of the first generation of domestic Pakistani studies, he remains faithful to this branch of Oriental science to this day. Starting work as a junior researcher, V. N. Moskalenko became a senior researcher in 1970, and in 1978 he became head of the Pakistan Sector of the Department of Near and Middle East Countries, which he led for more than 25 years.

In 1967 V. N. Moskalenko was awarded the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences, in 1986-the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. He received the title of professor in 1990, and even earlier, in 1988, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

The main direction of Vladimir Nikolaevich's scientific activity in the first years of his work at the Institute was the study of political and state construction in Pakistan. Special attention was paid to the formation of the first military regime in 1958 and its further evolution into a civil-military one. The results of this work are reflected in the book "The Political Situation in Pakistan" (1960), written jointly with one of the founders of the study of Pakistan in our country, Yu.V. Gankovsky, as well as in a series of articles and an individual monograph "Problems of Modern Pakistan" (Moscow, 1970). In 1975, the same publishing house published the book "Three Constitutions of Pakistan", written in collaboration with Yu.V. Gankovsky. In three years, this book will be reprinted in Pakistan in English. In addition to political and legal issues, V. N. Moskalenko's works dealt with the problems of socio-economic development and the strengthening of regional imbalances and contradictions. After the separation of East Pakistan from its western part and the creation of Bangladesh, V. N. Moskalenko paid attention to the problems of the formation of a new independent state, writing sections of the first reference books on this country.

The foreign policy of Pakistan has become the second main area of scientific activity of V. N. Moskalenko. In 1984, his fundamental monograph " Foreign Policy of Pakistan. Formation and main stages of evolution", which was highly favorably received by the scientific community, as evidenced by the published reviews. The book analyzes the reasons for the country's entry into the SEATO and SENTO blocs, the establishment of broad military-political cooperation with the United States, and at a later stage rapprochement with China, the departure from the bloc policy and joining the Non-Aligned Movement, Islamabad's participation in the Afghan conflict and the various consequences of this for the fate of Pakistan and the entire South Asian region.

In the future, V. N. Moskalenko focused on issues related to the rise of Islamic radicalism and extremism in Pakistan, the particularly important role of the army in the state administration system, and the emergence of nuclear weapons, in addition to the domestic and foreign policy of Pakistan.

Throughout his academic career, V. N. Moskalenko dealt with complex problems of relations between Pakistan and India, as well as the complex of relations between Pakistan and India.-

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nom, on the one hand, the USSR and Russia - on the other. Together with his long-time colleagues-V. Ya. Belokrenitsky and T. L. Shaumyan-he published two monographs " South Asia in the modern political World "(New York, Edwin Mellen, 2001) and "South Asia in World Politics" (International Relations, 2003). Many years of work on the main problems of Pakistan made it possible for V. N. Moskalenko to create, in collaboration with V. Ya. Belokrenitsky, a comprehensive study of the historical evolution of the country. Their book is titled " A History of Pakistan. XX century" was published in 2008 in a series of monographs of the Institute on the history of Eastern countries in the XX century. A revised and updated edition of this book was published in 2012 by the leading Pakistani publishing house Oxford University Press, Karachi under the title "A Political History of Pakistan, 1947-2007".

V. N. Moskalenko has traditionally combined his scientific work (and he has written more than 300 publications) with scientific and pedagogical activities. Under his leadership, many employees of the Institute and other organizations defended their PhD theses. For more than two decades and up to the present, V. N. Moskalenko has been teaching at the ISAA of Moscow State University.

Throughout his work at the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Nikolaevich was engaged in active public activities and was always at the center of the institute's public life. Vladimir Nikolaevich always enjoys great authority and love of his colleagues, who treat him with sincere and deep sympathy.

In connection with the anniversary, we sincerely wish Vladimir Nikolaevich good health, new creative success, happiness and well-being to his family.



Results of development and prospects of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan / / Muslim countries at the borders of the CIS (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey-current state, history and prospects). Moscow, 2001, pp. 29-45.

Pakistanskaya atomnaya bomba [The Pakistani atomic bomb] / / The Middle East and Modernity, Moscow, 2001. 12. p. 89-100.

Pakistan and India: Two countries, one conflict // Asia and Africa today. 2001. N 1. pp. 47-53.

Problemy obespecheniya bezopasnosti Rossii i geopoliticheskaya situatsiya v Yuzhnoy Azii [Problems of ensuring the security of Russia and the geopolitical situation in South Asia].

Kashmir hotbed of Islamic extremism / / Asia and Africa Today. 2002. N 1. pp. 9-14.

South Asia in World Politics / RAS. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Mezhdunar. relations, 2003. 366 p. (co-authored with V. Ya. Belokrenitsky and T. L. Shaumyan). 2003. N 11. p. 2-8.

Pakistan and Afghanistan: past and present / / Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries, Moscow, 2003, pp. 24-50 (together with N. V. Rubina).

Osnovnye cherty i osobennosti politicheskogo razvitiya Pakistana [Main features and peculiarities of political development of Pakistan]. 2003.Vol. 17. pp. 298-317.

Politicheskiy islam v Pakistane [Political Islam in Pakistan]. 2003. Issue 18, pp. 24-34.

Pakistan: Islamic Radicalism is Gaining Strength / / Asia and Africa Today. 2003. N 6. pp. 24-27.

On the technology leak from Pakistan / / Middle East and Modernity. 2004.Vol. 23. Pp. 225-235 (together with N. V. Melekhina).

Pakistan and Afghanistan: changing the course / / Afghanistan at the beginning of the XXI century. Moscow, 2004. pp. 125-141.

Pakistan and Western countries // Sovremennyy islamskiy Vostok i strany Zapada [Modern Islamic East and Countries of the West], Moscow, 2004, pp. 117-131 (co-authored with N. V. Melekhina).

Political situation in Pakistan during the reign of Pervez Musharraf / / Middle East and Modernity. 2004. Issue 21, pp. 239-253 (co-authored with N. V. Melekhina).

Elections of local self-government bodies in Pakistan in 2005: results and significance for the future political development of the country / / Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan: time of elections and changes. Moscow, 2006. pp. 151-169 (together with P. V. Topychkanov).

Pakistan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization / / Shanghai Cooperation Organization-

* Comp. by O. A. Tutushin. For the main scientific works up to 2001, see: Orient (Oriens). 2002. N 1.

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Trudnichestvo: vzaimodeystvie vo name razvitiya [Cooperation in the name of Development], Moscow, 2006, pp. 210-228.

South Asia / / Nuclear weapons after the "Cold War", Moscow, 2006. pp. 369-406 (together with G. I. Chufrin, V. Ya. Belokrenitsky, T. L. Shaumyan).

Islam v Pakistane [Islam in Pakistan]. Politiya, Moscow, 2007, N4, pp. 147-163.

Pakistan on the eve of elections / / Asia and Africa today. 2007. N 6. pp. 19-22 (together with P. V. Topychkanov).

Pakistano-afganskie otnosheniya na sovremennom etape [Pakistani-Afghan relations at the present stage]. 2007. Issue 30, pp. 198-209.

History of Pakistan. XX century / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow: Kraft+, 2008, 569 p. (History of the countries of the East. XX century) (together with V. Ya. Belokrenitsky).

Pakistan: a test of strength / / World Economy and International Relations. 2008. N 6. pp. 75-85 (together with V. Ya. Belokrenitsky).

Pakistan: Presidential elections in 2007 and the current political situation / / Middle East and Modernity. 2008. Issue 35, pp. 160-190 (co-authored with P. V. Topychkanov).

Parliamentary elections in Pakistan / / Asia and Africa Today. 2008. No. 5. P. 54-59 (together with P. V. Topychkanov).

Problemy bezopasnosti: SHOS i Pakistanii [Security issues: the SCO and Pakistan], in Shanshaiskaya organizatsiya sotrudnichestva: k novykh rubezham razvitiya, Moscow, 2008, pp. 351-368.

Pakistan and the SCO / / The SCO and the countries of the Near and Middle East: (To the 10th anniversary of the formation of the SCO). Moscow, 2011. pp. 47-70 (together with P. V. Topychkanov).

Pakistan-Afghanistan relations // Sovremennyj Afganj i sopredel'nye strany [Modern Afghanistan and Neighboring countries], IV RAS; Institute of the Middle East, Moscow, 2011, pp. 92-115 (together with P. V. Topychkanov).

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East. Afro-Asian societies: History and Modernity, No. 2,30 April 2012 Pages 214-216, TO THE 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH MOSKALENKO // Душанбе: Цифровая библиотека Таджикистана (LIBRARY.TJ). Дата обновления: 19.11.2024. URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2025).

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